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Re: [O] searching for csv utilities

From: Jude DaShiell
Subject: Re: [O] searching for csv utilities
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 11:46:12 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.11 (NEB 23 2013-08-11)


Your modified ecm in this case works.
Having applied the ecm to a larger file with seven additional calculation rows in it the averages are now displaying on the sums line. I tried @>-7 at the start of the #+TBLFM: line and that generated about as many errors as someone's first efforts at a Cobol program. I also put a printf format string into that TBLFM: line that rounds averages to two decimal places and also prints out right parens at the end of each result. Is that an emacs-orgmode convention? I think the 2>$2 piece of the #+TBLFM: line tells emacs-orgmode to put that calculation's results on the last line of the file and in column 2.

Are these calculations elisp format? If so, I didn't read the elisp section of the spreadsheet info for emacs-orgmode yet.

On Tue, 2 Jun 2015, Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:

Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 08:04:20
From: Jonathan Leech-Pepin <address@hidden>
To: Jude DaShiell <address@hidden>
Cc: Org Mode Mailing List <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [O] searching for csv utilities


On 2 June 2015 at 07:44, Jude DaShiell <address@hidden> wrote:

| Date             |               Sys | Dia | Pul | Sugar |
| [2014-04-27 Sun] |               125 |  88 |  78 |    92 |
| [2014-04-28 Mon] |               102 |  88 |  86 |    92 |
| Averages:        | =$2=vmean(@<..@>) |     |     |       |
#+TBLFM: $2=$2=vmean(@<..@>)

The formula in question is the culprit in this case (at least as stated

: $2=$2=vmean(@<..@>)

Second column is equal to the second column which is equal to the mean of
all the values in the second column (including the header "Sys").

If you change the table as follows:

| Date             |   Sys | Dia | Pul | Sugar |
| [2014-04-27 Sun] |   125 |  88 |  78 |    92 |
| [2014-04-28 Mon] |   102 |  88 |  86 |    92 |
| Averages:        | 113.5 |  88 |  82 |    92 |
#+TBLFM: @>$2..@>$>=vmean(@address@hidden)

All the values will properly compute.  If you want to avoid the second
HLINE above Averages: then change address@hidden to =@>>= (penultimate row)


This is a cut down version of my full record set.  Sometimes when I key
formulas in I get ?ERROR back for a result after keying in c-c+c-c once
I've completed the formula and hit tab.  If I do c-u+c-c+c-c that sometimes
generated ?ERROR.  Other times I key in a formula and the cursor gets
locked and I have to hit c-g to exit #+TBLFM: mode; I don't know what's
actually happening when that situation arises since other than suddenly
finding the cursor locked I can neither tell what state I'm in or if a few
more keystrokes are needed or if I've generated an error situation.



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