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Re: [O] fa5fd6351605912ec75e783cb62649 breaks org-babel-script-escape fo

From: Matthew MacLean
Subject: Re: [O] fa5fd6351605912ec75e783cb62649 breaks org-babel-script-escape for ob-ruby
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 14:05:16 -0600

In that case... Here is another patch with your suggestions.

Thanks for taking the time to point out all that..! I'll be sure to keep it all in mind if I submit something else later.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Kyle Meyer <address@hidden> wrote:
Matthew MacLean <address@hidden> writes:

> Alright, done. Is this acceptable? (Provided that tests don't count towards
> line count, of course)

Thanks.  A few minor comments on the commit message.

> Subject: [PATCH] ob-ruby: Fix double-escaping
> * lisp/ob-ruby.el: Remove second call to
>   `org-babel-ruby-table-or-string' in `org-babel-ruby-evaluate'.

Please add the name of the changed function in parentheses after the
file name rather than putting it in the description body.

> * testing/lisp/test-ob-ruby.el: Add test to verify
>   `org-babel-execute:ruby' can evaluate Ruby code. (What the
>   double-escape prevented)

Same here for the test name.  "Add test." for description would do.

> I removed the escaping from `org-babel-ruby-evaluate', because the only
> place `org-babel-ruby-evaluate' is ever called is in
> `org-babel-execute:ruby'.
> In this function, its result either escaped (Where the double escape
> previously occurred) or passed in as the "scalar-form" of
> `org-babel-result-cond', which handles the "pp" and "code" parameters.
> (A place that doesn't need escaping.)

I think the above two paragraphs could be replaced by a link to this ML

Thanks for working on this.


Attachment: 0001-ob-ruby-Fix-double-escaping.patch
Description: Text Data

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