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Re: [O] undefined symbol 'org-export-create-backend' when calling org-pl

From: Dave Marquardt
Subject: Re: [O] undefined symbol 'org-export-create-backend' when calling org-plot/gnuplot
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 08:06:44 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Dave Marquardt <address@hidden> writes:

> Dave Marquardt <address@hidden> writes:
>> Is this just a problem with the ELPA installation? I'm going to try
>> removing and reinstalling the ELPA package, then if that doesn't change
>> anything, try instaling from the Git tree.
> I reinstalled the ELPA package, same result. I removed the ELPA package,
> installed from the Git tree I cloned yesterday, same problem.
> Next steps are to temporarily remove my Org customizations, and if that
> fails, do some "git bisect" work to see if I can find out when this
> broke.

I did git bisect on a couple of x86_64 Linux systems:
- RHEL 6.7 with Emacs 24.3.2
- Fedora 22 with Emacs 24.5.1

The result was

# first bad commit: [6d2ab4071960f8a7f20138291424b468722ab522] org-table: Fix 
radio tables containing macros

The table I ran M=x org-plot/gnuplot on was from the Org Mode info page

     #+PLOT: title:"Citas" ind:1 deps:(3) type:2d with:histograms set:"yrange 
     | Sede      | Max cites | H-index |
     | Chile     |    257.72 |   21.39 |
     | Leeds     |    165.77 |   19.68 |
     | Sao Paolo |     71.00 |   11.50 |
     | Stockholm |    134.19 |   14.33 |
     | Morelia   |    257.56 |   17.67 |

Stack backtrace is as mentioned earlier:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-create-backend)
  org-export-create-backend(:parent org :transcoders ((table lambda
(table contents info) (concat nil contents nil)) (table-row lambda
(row contents info) (if (eq (org-element-property :type row) (quote
rule)) nil (let ((headerp (org-export-table-row-in-header-p row info))
(lastp (not (org-export-get-next-element row info))) (last-header-p
(org-export-table-row-ends-header-p row info))) (when contents (cond
nil nil nil (t (concat ...))))))) (table-cell lambda (cell contents
info) (let ((headerp (org-export-table-row-in-header-p
(org-export-get-parent-element cell) info)) (column (1+ (cdr
(org-export-table-cell-address cell info))))) nil (when contents nil
(cond nil (t (setq contents (funcall ... contents))))) (if (or nil
(plist-get info :orgtbl-ignore-sep) (not (org-export-get-next-element
  cell info))) contents (concat contents "      ")))) (macro lambda (m c i) 
(org-element-macro-interpreter m nil))))
  orgtbl-to-generic((("*Total time*" "*4:11*" "" "100.0") ("Time"
"4:11" "" "100.0") ("CMVC" "" "0:21" "8.4") ("Connections" "" "0:23"
"9.2") ("DAT" "" "0:02" "0.8") ("Defects" "" "1:24" "33.5")
("developerWorks" "" "0:02" "0.8") ("Mail" "" "0:39" "15.5") ("RDS" ""
"0:06" "2.4") ("SDB" "" "0:01" "0.4") ("SDN" "" "0:01" "0.4") ("SMC-R"
"" "0:01" "0.4") ("Startup" "" "0:27" "10.8") ("TCP" "" "0:02" "0.8")
("Team" "" "0:42" "16.7")) (:sep " " :fmt org-plot-quote-tsv-field
:plot-type 2d :with histograms :ind 1 :labels ("Headline" "Time" ""
"%") :set ("style fill solid") :deps (4)))
  org-plot/gnuplot-to-data((("*Total time*" "*4:11*" "" "100.0")
("Time" "4:11" "" "100.0") ("CMVC" "" "0:21" "8.4") ("Connections" ""
"0:23" "9.2") ("DAT" "" "0:02" "0.8") ("Defects" "" "1:24" "33.5")
("developerWorks" "" "0:02" "0.8") ("Mail" "" "0:39" "15.5") ("RDS" ""
"0:06" "2.4") ("SDB" "" "0:01" "0.4") ("SDN" "" "0:01" "0.4") ("SMC-R"
"" "0:01" "0.4") ("Startup" "" "0:27" "10.8") ("TCP" "" "0:02" "0.8")
("Team" "" "0:42" "16.7")) "/tmp/org-plot18132EYn" (:plot-type 2d
:with histograms :ind 1 :labels ("Headline" "Time" "" "%") :set
("style fill solid") :deps (4)))
  call-interactively(org-plot/gnuplot record nil)
  command-execute(org-plot/gnuplot record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "org-plot/gnuplot")
  call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)


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