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[O] [BUG] COMMENT-ed sections are tangled, if preceded by an org-todo ke

From: Martin Carlé
Subject: [O] [BUG] COMMENT-ed sections are tangled, if preceded by an org-todo keyword
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 14:30:36 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.13; emacs


sections or subtrees commented with org-comment-string in the headline
should not be tangled. This works fine.

However, if a tag defined in org-todo-keywords (other than TODO or DONE)
precedes the comment (as the official syntax has it), commenting is no
longer respected such that source-blocks in the section/subtree are tangled.

I think this cannot be intentional and is probably a bug.

Best regards,

For example:

* TODO COMMENT this headline should not be tangled
#+begin_src emacs-lisp 
  (message "I am COMMENT-ed and thus I am not tangled - OK")

* WATCH COMMENT this headline should not be tangled
#+begin_src emacs-lisp 
  (message "I am COMMENT-ed but a I still tangled - FALSE")

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