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Re: [O] Org-agenda-leaders

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Org-agenda-leaders
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 23:12:18 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Uwe Jochum <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Matt and all,
> here is (probably) the solution to this problem:
> As I said, I have this in my .emacs:
> '(org-agenda-deadline-leaders (quote ("FRIST:  " "In %3d d.: ")))
> '(org-agenda-scheduled-leaders (quote ("TERMIN: " "TERMIN.%2dx: ")))
> Up to orgmode 8.2.something this worked globally in orgmode, i.e. I
> could use an entry like this in my org-files:
> * TODO Do Something
> TERMIN: <2015-10-10 Sa>
> This was parsed and produced an output in the agenda list like so:
> Samstag 10 October 2015
> TERMIN.1x: Do Something
> But now in orgmode 8.3.2 the leaders are no longer globally working,
> but only for producing the agenda list. Therefore it is necessary to
> use the English words SCHEDULED and DEADLINE in the org-files, like
> so:
> * TODO Do Something
> SCHEDULED: <2015-10-10 Sa>
> And this gives (the .emacs file beeing unchanged)
> Samstag 10 Oktober 2015
> TERMIN.1x: Do Something
> So obviously the parser was changed or in the earlier orgmode-versions
> I used a feature that was not intended (I mean the agenda-leader-text
> as a text for the org-file-entries).
> I hope this clears the point a little bit.
> I switched to the English words SCHEDULED and DEADLINE in the
> org-files. So, as for me, that's o.k.
> Thanks a lot,

| (defconst org-clock-string "CLOCK:"
|   "String used as prefix for timestamps clocking work hours on an item.")
| (defvar org-closed-string "CLOSED:"
|   "String used as the prefix for timestamps logging closing a TODO entry.")
| (defvar org-deadline-string "DEADLINE:"
|   "String to mark deadline entries.
| A deadline is this string, followed by a time stamp.  Should be a word,
| terminated by a colon.  You can insert a schedule keyword and
| a timestamp with \\[org-deadline].")
| (defvar org-scheduled-string "SCHEDULED:"
|   "String to mark scheduled TODO entries.
| A schedule is this string, followed by a time stamp.  Should be a word,
| terminated by a colon.  You can insert a schedule keyword and
| a timestamp with \\[org-schedule].")

Try redefining some or all of these strings.


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