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Re: [O] tables, comment in one line, export to html

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: [O] tables, comment in one line, export to html
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 13:42:18 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.130016 (Ma Gnus v0.16) Emacs/25.1.50 (gnu/linux)

   > Hello,
   > Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:

   > one way to achieve that would be:

   > * Table example

   > ** Exported table

   > <!-- BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL table_name -->
   > #+END_HTML

   > <!-- END RECEIVE ORGTBL table_name -->
   > #+END_HTML

   > ** Internal table                                             :noexport:

   > #+ORGTBL: SEND table_name orgtbl-to-html :skipcols (3)
   > | 3 | 3 | void |

   > | 4 | 4 | foo  |
   > | 5 | 5 | bar  |

   > Sort of, at least. I hope there are better ways.

Correction to my reply: it works, but it generates html code which I
have then to insert into a HTML file. I prefer directly to import the
whole org file. Can that be achieved?

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