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Re: [O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [O] [bug] timed repeater shows up in wrong place
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2016 14:52:33 -0700

On 11/9/16, address@hidden <address@hidden> wrote:
>> SCHEDULED: <2016-11-07 Mon 17:00>

> this example does not have a repeater though. without a repeater, you
> are right, it does not show in the time grid.


please put .+1d on that
now try it
for me it only shows a 3x.  it does not show in time grid.
  this is the bug
in my version of org 8 -- it only shows in the time grid
  this is the behavior i expect, am used to, and need

>> interestingly, if i run org-agenda a, which shows a whole week
>>   then the same, single task shows in TWO places
>>     time grid
>>     scheduled section
> i rather like this behaviour. if a timed non-repeating task was not
> marked done, i just want to see that is is late; unless i dig deeper.

i think i agree.  but that's not the bug i am reporting.

> best!


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