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Re: [O] [OT] buffer or frame locale color-theme settings?

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] [OT] buffer or frame locale color-theme settings?
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 17:03:10 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Matt Price <address@hidden> writes:

> Shoot, I've just updated my emacs and and I guess I can no longer set
> frame-local color themes, a it says in NEWS:
> ** Some obsolete functions, variables, and faces have been removed:
> *** make-variable-frame-local.  Variables cannot be frame-local any more.

This works in a recent version of Emacs-git,

     (set-frame-parameter nil 'background-color "white")

> Does anyone else rely on multiple color themes for visually distinguishing
> frames or buffers? Do you have suggestions for how to do that now that this
> deprecated function has been removed (sniff)?

I use different daemons for Gnus and text editing.  I start Gnus with
something like this,

    emacsclient -s gnus -ca '' -F '((title . "Gnus") (icon-type . "gnus") 
(background-color . "light yellow"))'


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