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[O] exclude_tags stoppped working at 9.0.5 release?

From: Leslie Watter
Subject: [O] exclude_tags stoppped working at 9.0.5 release?
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 16:57:55 -0200

Hi Folks,

Sorry if it is a duplicate, I've sent this a few days ago and didn't see it appear on the list.

I've been dealing with an issue here. Does the '#+EXCLUDE_TAGS' still works on release 9.0.5 ?

I used the following org-mode file to test the export to latex, only the subtree. 

* exclude tags test
:EXPORT_OPTIONS: toc:nil tags:nil <:nil ^:nil

#+TAGS: alunos professor
#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: professor

** First Section

At 1st 

***                                                               :professor:
This should not appear on t.pdf

And it's not working: (

I've searched logs, changelog but no mention to removal of these feature.

What I've done? Point cursor on the :PROPERTIES: line and export only the subtree to latex and open it  =>  C-c C-e C-s lo

Any hint? Any help is welcome.



Leslie H. Watter

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