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Re: [O] Clock setup stopped working after update

From: Markus Heller
Subject: Re: [O] Clock setup stopped working after update
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 11:50:52 -0800

So, I did some more digging into this.  First, I installed an older version of org:

M-x org -version: Org-mode version 8.2.10 (8.2.10-41-g42228a-elpa @ c:/Users/mheller/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20150601/)

With this, the clocking-related issues went away.  I know this version is probably ancient, but my setup seems to work, and that's all that matters to me.

But now I get a different error related to agenda functions (backtrace below).

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "‘recenter’ing a window that does not display current-buffer.")
  byte-code(" \206) \203( \n\203 ;\203 \306\307\n #\202% \n\203$ \306\310\n\"\202% \311\206) \f \312\313!\210
\2064 @\211 ;\203B \314\315\316\317
#! \320\321!\210\322\321!\210\323 A\206W B\206W C! A\324 D
\206d D E\325 A E\"\211 F\326=\204{ F\327=\205} G G\330\316\331\"\211 H I G\203\224 F\326W\203\231 E\202\277 \332\333 E!! J G K J KZ L E L\334W\203\271 \326\202\272 \334 L\\Z+\211 MC N\334 O P? Q R S\316\211 T U\316\211 V W\316\211 X Y\316\211 L Z\316\211 [ \\\316\211 ] ^\316 _\335\336 `D
\336 AD a\257 b FS\334 c d c dW\203* address@hidden NB N cT\211 c\202 * N\237\211 N@ ] N e\337 e!@)\206B \334T ^\340 N@ f g\341 g! fL*\210\342 ` f g\341 g! fL*\210\343\323 A! f g\341 g! fL*\210 h\204\362 N@ i N e\337 e!@) j\344 i! k\344 j! l` T m\203\262 \345\346 m!\316\347\350$\351\261 \210\202\340 \352 A!\353 j iZ\354W\203\333 k lU\203\321 \306\355 k\"\202\334 \306\356 k l#\202\334 \357\360\261 \210,\361 T`S\347\350\362\317F#\210\363 T!\210 N\211A address@hidden L\203\374 \333 L! Y` T L DU\211 \\\204 Z\204& L EU\203& ` Z\2023 Z\2033 [\2043 ` [ H I\316 W I\211A address@hidden X\203N \364\365\215\210\202: n\203i \317 o\366\367!\210\370 Y! V\371 W V\" W) W\204s p\203\362 OT O q;\203\211 \372 q\373 Y!\"\202\216 q Y!\351\261 \210\374 T`S\347\375 Y!$\210\374 T`S\362\317$\210\374 T`S\376\317$\210\374 T`S\377 O$\210 \\\203\310 \374 T`S\324\317$\210\201y W F \\#\211 W\203\343 \201z W\321\"\351\261 \210\374 T`S\201{ L$\210\374 T`S\377 O$\210\202\362 r\203U ]\203U \330\316\331\"\346 s!\316 t u \201| u\201} \" u\201~ u\201 ]# u\201~ u\201\200 ^# u\201~ u\201\201 \321# u\201\202 \201\203 u\"\211 tc\210+eb\210 v\204b \201\204  \210\201\205 e!\203r \201\205 d!\204\237 dSb\210\201\206 \201\207 !\210\201\205 Z\206\211 \201\210 !\204\237 Z\206\225 \201\210 b\210\201\206 \201\210 !\210 Z\206\247 \201\210 b\210\361ed\201\211 \321\201\212 `
AE\201\213 b\201\214 w\257 #\210 S\201\215 =\203\325 \201\216  \210\201\217  \210\317 x\201\220 \357!. \207" [org-agenda-buffer-tmp-name org-agenda-sticky org-keys org-match org-agenda-buffer-name start-day format "*Org Agenda(%s:%s)*" "*Org Agenda(%s)*" "*Org Agenda(a)*" org-agenda-prepare "Day/Week" time-to-days org-read-date nil t org-compile-prefix-format agenda org-set-sorting-strategy org-agenda-ndays-to-span org-today org-agenda-span-to-ndays 7 14 org-agenda-files ifmode calendar-day-of-week calendar-gregorian-from-absolute 0 org-agenda-list quote last org-starting-day make-local-variable org-arg-loc org-agenda-current-span org-days-to-iso-week org-add-props copy-sequence face org-agenda-structure "\n" org-agenda-span-name "-agenda" 350 " (W%02d)" " (W%02d-W%02d)" "" ":\n" add-text-properties ...] 12)
  funcall-interactively(org-agenda-list nil)
  byte-code("\306 \307 \232\203 \310\202 \n \311\306\312\313 \"\" \314
\" p @\315\316 ! A\306\211 B C\306\211 D E\306\211 F G H\204` \317\320!\203K \204Q \321\322\323\306#\210\306 I J\306\211\223\210 K\306\211\223\210\321\324\325\306#\210\321\324\326\306#\210p L M\204\202 \327 !\211 G@ M GA N O\203\215 \330\331 M\" H\204\330 N\203\330 \321\322\323 AC#\210 N\332=\203\272 p I J\333 \306\223\210 K\334 \306\223\210\202\330 N\335=\203\330 \212p I\336\337!\210 J`\306\223\210 K\340\337!\306\223\210)\341 M \"\211 B\203 \342 B89\204\364 \343\342 B8!\203 \342 B8 D\344\345 B8! E\346 B8 F O\203# E;\203 \330\347 M E#\206\" \330\331 M\" \321\324\325 F#\210 D\350=\2039 \351 F\352\"\202\240 D\353=\203H \351 F\354\"\202\240 D\355=\203W \351 F\356\"\202\240 D\357=\203f \351 F\360\"\202\240 D\361=\203u \351 F\362\"\202\240 D\363=\203\204 \351 F\364\"\202\240 D\365=\203\223 \351 F\366\"\202\240 D\367=\203\242 \351 F\370\"\202\240 D\371=\203\264 \372 \210\351 F\373\"\202\240 D\374=\203\306 \372 \210\351 F\375\"\202\240 D\376=\203\330 \372 \210\351 F\377\"\202\240 \343 D!\203\351 \351 F\201T \"\202\240 \201U D!\203\374 \351 F\201V \"\202\240 \201W \201X D\"\202\240 \201Y BA@ B\211 PAA)\"\202\240 M\201Z \232\203. \f \201[ \303!\202\240 M\201\\ \232\203A \201] \201^ !\202\240 M\201_ \232\203T \201] \201` !\202\240 M\201a \232\203z \201` Q\206h \201b Q R Q S\201] R!+\202\240 M\201c \232\203\215 \201] \201d !\202\240 M\201e \232\203\263 \201d Q\206\241 \201f Q R Q S\201] R!+\202\240 M\201g \232\203\306 \201] \201h !\202\240 M\201i \232\203\354 \201h Q\206\332 \201j Q R Q S\201] R!+\202\240 M\201k \232\203\377 \201] \201l !\202\240 M\201m \232\203 \201h \306\201n \"\210\201o \201p \201q \337\211$\202\240 M\201r \232\203` \201s \201t !\204; \201W \201u !\210 N?\205\240 \321\322\323 AC#\210\201v Q Q R Q S\201] R!+\202\240 M\201w \232\203s \201] \201x !\202\240 M\201y \232\203\206 \201] \201z !\202\240 M\201{ \232\203\231 \201[ \201| !\202\240 \201W \201} !. \207" [prefix-descriptions org-agenda-buffer-name org-agenda-window-setup org-agenda-custom-commands org-agenda-custom-commands-orig org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts nil buffer-name current-window delq mapcar #[(x) " A;\203\f B \302\207 A@;\203 \207 address@hidden' @\303 \211 AA)BB\207 @\303 ABB\207" [x prefix-descriptions nil ""] 4] org-contextualize-keys buffer-file-name buffer-base-buffer boundp org-agenda-keep-restricted-file-list put org-agenda-files org-restrict org-agenda-redo-command org-lprops last-args org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command format "*Org Agenda(%s)*" region region-beginning region-end subtree org-back-to-heading t org-end-of-subtree assoc 2 functionp eval 3 4 "*Org Agenda(%s:%s)*" agenda org-let (org-agenda-list current-prefix-arg) agenda* (org-agenda-list current-prefix-arg nil nil t) alltodo (org-todo-list current-prefix-arg) search (org-search-view current-prefix-arg org-match nil) stuck ...] 6)
  funcall-interactively(org-agenda nil)
  call-interactively(org-agenda nil nil)

#+STARTUP: content
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+STARTUP: indent

* NEXT Organization
CLOCK: [2017-03-06 Mon 11:48]

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Markus Heller <address@hidden> wrote:
Yes, it does.  Copy mistake error and my mistake.

This lead me to think that the issue is a headline where the * or copies thereof have been deleted by accident.  So I cycled through my agenda files 

;; Org-Agenda Files
(setq org-agenda-files (quote("h:/org/general.org")))
;;      "h:/org/projects.org"
;;      "h:/org/strategic.org"
;;      "h:/org/ffs.org"
;;      "h:/org/refile.org")))

but the error occurs in every single one, and as best I could tell, there are no lines that should be headlines.

If somebody who speaks elisp could help me with a way to shrink the code from Bernt's set up, that would be great!

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 2:01 PM, Nick Dokos <address@hidden> wrote:
Markus Heller <address@hidden> writes:

> This used to work though, before the update.  Here is an "ECM" consisting
> of test.org, a minimal agenda file, and a .emacs, which I have strip off
> everything except org-mode related code including Bernt's clock set up.
> It's not minimal by any means, but I don't have the skills to decide what
> else can be removed without introducing missing functions.
> <test.org>
> #+STARTUP: content
> #+STARTUP: hidestars
> #+STARTUP: indent
> Organization

Does it work if you add a '*' and make this a headline?

> :ID:       kth92m81qwe0
> :END:
> </test.org>


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