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Re: [O] [RFC] Shrink columns dynamically

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: [O] [RFC] Shrink columns dynamically
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 06:27:26 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

    > Hello,
    > Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:

    > There is much overlapping between the two features. I'd rather implement
    > so sort of narrowing using shrunk columns than have the two features in
    > the code base.

Well all I am saying is there is the need for two features:

Shrinking (hiding) of many columns
shrinking of one particular wide column by n-char.

If you want to implement the second feature differently, because of
maintain reasons that sound reasonable, but please don't simple remove
the second feature.

    > Regards,

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