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[O] org-babel-trangle, proble when loop is interrupted by documentation

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [O] org-babel-trangle, proble when loop is interrupted by documentation
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 10:32:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Please consider the following test org file
* A test example
| #+BEGIN_SRC matlab :tangle test.m 
| function [ll x]=mitest(A0,x0)
| % initialization 
| format long
| epsi=1.e-3;
| nit=0;
| nmaxit=200;
| Delta=10;
| A=A0;
| while Delta>epsi & nit<nmaxit
|     nit=nit+1; % counter
| Some explanation...
| #+BEGIN_SRC matlab :tangle test.m 
|     y=A*x0;
| end
| The basic idea is.

I have interrupted the while loop by some text, when I now toggle, the
indentation  is broken as you can see.

| function [ll x]=mitest(A0,x0)
| % initialization 
| format long
| epsi=1.e-3;
| nit=0;
| nmaxit=200;
| Delta=10;
| A=A0;
| while Delta>epsi & nit<nmaxit
|     nit=nit+1; % counter
| y=A*x0;
| end

There is an empty line and
y=A*x0 is not indented.

How can this behavior be avoided?


Uwe Brauer 

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