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Re: [O] [PATCH] Add support for Babel with Eshell, (updated PATCH)

From: stardiviner
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] Add support for Babel with Eshell, (updated PATCH)
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 10:39:09 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 27.0.50

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Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> writes:

> stardiviner <address@hidden> writes:
>> Hi, Nicolas, thank you always review my Org-mode patches. Yesterday, I
>> ask Bastein about Worg ox-org question. He mentioned I should at least
>> say "Hi" in message. I'm not good at English culture of something else.
>> But I just want to say, I'm glad you reviewed my patches. Really. Thanks
>> and that means a lot to me.
> You're welcome.
>> Aha, I found it, is there a way to auto sort this table automatically?
>> (Maybe format it into two columns instead of four columns even though it
>> looks short and better.) Adding one language into this table, then move
>> following languages in table one by one is awful.
> True. I usually define a quick Emacs macro when I need to shift
> a substantial part of this table. I'm not sure it is faster in the end,
> but it sure is more interesting.

After some thinking, I think the following table sort might better,
because Org Table support insert a field below is easy when has new
entry need to add. No need to move a lot of fields.


|  | Language   | Identifier | Language       | Identifier |
|  |------------+------------+----------------+------------|
| -| Asymptote  | asymptote  | Awk            | awk        |
| -| C          | C          | C++            | C++        |
| -| Clojure    | clojure    | CSS            | css        |
| -| D          | d          | ditaa          | ditaa      |
| -| Graphviz   | dot        | Emacs Calc     | calc       |
| -| Emacs Lisp | emacs-lisp | Fortran        | fortran    |
| -| Shell      | sh         | Eshell         | eshell     |
| -| Gnuplot    | gnuplot    | Haskell        | haskell    |
| -| Java       | java       | Javascript     | js         |
| -| LaTeX      | latex      | Ledger         | ledger     |
| -| Lisp       | lisp       | Lilypond       | lilypond   |
| -| Lua        | lua        | MATLAB         | matlab     |
| -| Mscgen     | mscgen     | Objective Caml | ocaml      |
| -| Octave     | octave     | Org mode       | org        |
| -| Oz         | oz         | Perl           | perl       |
| -| Plantuml   | plantuml   | Processing.js  | processing |
| -| Python     | python     | R              | R          |
| -| Ruby       | ruby       | Sass           | sass       |
| -| Scheme     | scheme     | GNU Screen     | screen     |
| -| Sed        | sed        | shell          | sh         |
| -| SQL        | sql        | SQLite         | sqlite     |
| -| Vala       | vala       |                |            |
| +| Asymptote  | asymptote  | Lisp           | lisp       |
| +| Awk        | awk        | Lua            | lua        |
| +| C          | C          | MATLAB         | matlab     |
| +| C++        | C++        | Mscgen         | mscgen     |
| +| Clojure    | clojure    | Objective Caml | ocaml      |
| +| CSS        | css        | Octave         | octave     |
| +| D          | d          | Org mode       | org        |
| +| ditaa      | ditaa      | Oz             | oz         |
| +| Emacs Calc | calc       | Perl           | perl       |
| +| Emacs Lisp | emacs-lisp | Plantuml       | plantuml   |
| +| Eshell     | eshell     | Processing.js  | processing |
| +| Fortran    | fortran    | Python         | python     |
| +| Gnuplot    | gnuplot    | R              | R          |
| +| GNU Screen | screen     | Ruby           | ruby       |
| +| Graphviz   | dot        | Sass           | sass       |
| +| Haskell    | haskell    | Scheme         | scheme     |
| +| Java       | java       | Sed            | sed        |
| +| Javascript | js         | shell          | sh         |
| +| LaTeX      | latex      | SQL            | sql        |
| +| Ledger     | ledger     | SQLite         | sqlite     |
| +| Lilypond   | lilypond   | Vala           | vala       |
| +

- --
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
       Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/
       IRC(freenode): stardiviner
       GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


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