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Re: [O] Orgalist notes

From: Alan Schmitt
Subject: Re: [O] Orgalist notes
Date: Fri, 04 May 2018 10:14:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.1 (darwin)


          I'm having the same indentation, as can be seen here. For some
              strange reason, as soon as I get to the next line (using
              return) I get extra space. I just refilled this paragraph
              and it looks like this.

                  - this is a list
                  - another list, and let's make is super long, even
                  - longer, and I have the same problem.

Here is the list of minor modes that I have:

Abbrev Anzu Async-Bytecomp-Package Auto-Composition Auto-Compression
Auto-Encryption Auto-Fill Beacon Clean-Aindent Column-Number
Company-Childframe Counsel Diff-Auto-Refine Diredp-Highlight-Autofiles
Editorconfig Electric-Indent Eval-Sexp-Fu-Flash Evil Evil-Escape
Evil-Lion Evil-Local Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist Evil-Surround
Eyebrowse File-Name-Shadow Flx-Ido Flyspell Font-Lock Global-Anzu
Global-Auto-Revert Global-Eldoc Global-Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist
Global-Evil-Surround Global-Font-Lock Global-Git-Commit
Global-Git-Gutter+ Global-Page-Break-Lines
Global-Spacemacs-Leader-Override Global-Undo-Tree Global-Vi-Tilde-Fringe
Global-Xah-Math-Input Gnus-Message-Citation Hl-Todo Ido-Vertical
Info-Breadcrumbs-In-Mode-Line Ivy Line-Number Mac-Mouse-Wheel Menu-Bar
Mixed-Pitch Mml Orgalist Override-Global Persp Projectile Pupo Purpose
Recentf Save-Place Savehist Shell-Dirtrack Show-Smartparens
Show-Smartparens-Global Spaceline-Helm Spaceline-Info
Spacemacs-Leader-Override Transient-Mark Undo-Tree Vi-Tilde-Fringe
Volatile-Highlights Which-Key Winner Winum Xah-Math-Input Xterm-Mouse
Yas Yas-Global



OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7
Monthly Athmospheric CO₂, Mauna Loa Obs. 2018-03: 409.46, 2017-03: 407.18

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