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Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables

From: Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Subject: Re: [O] export to odt with LaTeX math formulae and tables
Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 10:35:12 +0200

Hello Edgar, Nicolas, Eric, and everybody of the emacs-orgmode list,

I give news of my export tentatives from my .org file to odt , in a word: it fails.
I suspect that the problem is my setup, but I am unable to be more precise (if it was not the case, I could probably fix it).

Anyway, pandoc alone was useful and with

pandoc -f latex -t odt -o output.odt input.tex  


pandoc my-document.tex -o my-document.docx

(I got help here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/82634/how-to-convert-tex-into-odt 
and here: https://jabranham.com/blog/2016/11/using-pandoc-export-to-word/ )

I have succeeded to get odt and docx files . But in these files:
  1. tables from tabular with multicolumn are not correctly exported,
  2. the bibliography is not exported
  3. figures of natural deduction proofs produced with proof.sty cannot be read, because only the latex code is given (I suppose that I need png images, but because my org export to odt fails, the export of all natural deductions proof schema also fails.).  
 Comment: It is a terrible waste of time for a result that even if with a lot of efforts the odt or docx export will finally succeed, the final result will be far to be as nice as the pdf produced by the latex file.

Anyway, your help is still welcome.

Best wishes,


2018-05-17 18:31 GMT+02:00 Joseph Vidal-Rosset <address@hidden>:
Many thanks Edgar,

I  did not  pay attention  to  the list  because  I had  to finish  this
paper. It is finished, now, but still not exported in odt format. I hope
that I  will succeed to do  it. Thanks to you  and to all for  your kind

Best wishes,

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