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[O] Bug: Capturing an entry without final endline modifies heading struc

From: Christoph Groth
Subject: [O] Bug: Capturing an entry without final endline modifies heading structure [9.1.14 (9.1.14-dist @ /usr/share/emacs/25.2/site-lisp/elpa/org-9.1.11/)]
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2018 13:14:50 +0200


I'm using org's capture functionality to file new entries for my agenda.
I noticed a problem when capturing entries to be placed in the middle of
a file (for example, I have a subtree for "notes" that comes before
"miscellaneous"): when the captured text ends without a trailing endline
character, it will be inserted as such into the org file and thus modify
the overall heading structure.  For example, inserting a note may lead
to the following situation:

** Note without trailing endline
[2018-09-02 Sun 13:10]
example text* miscellaneous

IMHO this qualifies as a bug, because it's easy to accidentally corrupt
the heading structure of a file.


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.30)
 of 2018-07-11, modified by Debian
Package: Org mode version 9.1.14 (9.1.14-dist @ 

current state (relevant excerpt):
 org-capture-templates '(("u" "unscheduled" entry
                          (file+headline "" "miscellaneous") "* TODO %?\n%U")
                         ("U" "" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO %?\n%a\n%U")
                         ("s" "scheduled" entry
                          (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n%U")
                         ("S" "" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n%a\n%U")
                         ("m" "maybe" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* MAYBE %?\n%U")
                         ("M" "" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* MAYBE %?\n%a\n%U")
                         ("d" "deadline" entry
                          (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\n%U")
                         ("D" "" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\n%a\n%U")
                         ("a" "appointment" entry
                          (file+headline "" "miscellaneous") "* %?\n%^t\n%U")
                         ("A" "" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* %?\n%^t\n%a\n%U")
                         ("r" "reply" entry (file+headline "" "miscellaneous")
                          "* TODO Reply to %:fromname%?\nSCHEDULED: 
                         ("n" "note" entry (file+headline "" "notes")
                          "* %?\n%U")
                         ("i" "interruption" entry
                          (file+headline "" "interruptions") "* %? :work:\n%U"
                          :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

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