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[O] Difference between documentation and effective syntax for anchored i

From: Laurent Geneste
Subject: [O] Difference between documentation and effective syntax for anchored images in odt export
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:09:41 +0200
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I tried to use the following code (as documented in https://orgmode.org/org.html#Images-in-ODT-export) to change the anchor of an image exported with ox-odt:
#+ATTR_ODT: :anchor "as-char"

However this does not work in org-mode (9.1.14) and after asking the question to the community (
https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/44787/9245), it seems that the quotes should not be present. The following code works as expected;

#+ATTR_ODT: :anchor as-char

May be the documentation should be updated on this point ?


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