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[O] org-ref format in html (odt)

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [O] org-ref format in html (odt)
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 18:28:21 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)


I am using the following function (I think provided generously by John

org-ref-get-bibtex-entry-html (key)

(defun org-ref-get-bibtex-entry-html (key)
  "Return an html string for the bibliography entry corresponding to KEY."
  (let ((output))
    (setq output (org-ref-get-bibtex-entry-citation key))
    ;; unescape the &
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\&" "&" output))
    ;; hack to replace {} around text
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string "{" "" output))
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string "}" "" output))
    ;; get rid of empty parens
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string "()" "" output))
    ;; get rid of empty link and doi
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string " <a href=\"\">link</a>\\." "" 
    ;; change double dash to single dash
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string "--" "-" output))
    (setq output (replace-regexp-in-string " <a 
href=\"http://dx\\.doi\\.org/\";>doi</a>\\." "" output))
    (format "<li><a id=\"%s\">%s</a></li>"
            key output)))

I also use ox-clip-formatted-copy to copy for example: the following
lines into a libreoffice document or 

The first who achieved a result by regularizing the equations was
Makino, see cite:makino86:_local_exist_theor_evolut_equat_gaseous_stars. 

But I obtain (HTML removed)

The first who achieved a result by regularizing the equations was
Makino, see makino86:_local_exist_theor_evolut_equat_gaseous_stars.


1. Makino, On a Local Existence Theorem for the Evolution Equation of
       Gaseous Stars, 459-479, in in: Patterns and Waves, edited by
       Nishida, Mimura & Fujii, North-Holland (1986)

And I would like to see 

The first who achieved a result by regularizing the equations was
Makino, see [1]


[1.] Makino, On a Local Existence Theorem for the Evolution Equation of
       Gaseous Stars, 459-479, in in: Patterns and Waves, edited by
       Nishida, Mimura & Fujii, North-Holland (1986)

I looked for appropriate variables but could not find anything.

Any help would be strongly appreciated.

Uwe Brauer 

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