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Re: [O] orgalist and refill a paragraph

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [O] orgalist and refill a paragraph
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 17:11:44 -0700

filladapt.el usually fills much better for org lists, and everything
else, but i don't think it would be better for this case.

(setq filladapt-token-table
    ;; this must be first
    ("^" beginning-of-line)
    ;; Included text in news or mail replies
    (">+" citation->)
    ;; Included text generated by SUPERCITE.  We can't hope to match all
    ;; the possible variations, your mileage may vary.
    ("\\(\\w\\|[0-9]\\)[^'`\"< \t\n]*>[ \t]*" supercite-citation)
    ;; Lisp comments
    ;; alpha -- this needs to treat ";;  (lisp)" as not a comment
    (";+" lisp-comment)
    ;; UNIX shell comments
    ;; alpha might or might not need to fix org comments.
    ;; cf. comment-start.
    ;;("\\(# ?\\)+" sh-comment)
    ("#+" sh-comment)
    ;; Postscript comments
    ("%+" postscript-comment)
    ;; C++ comments
    ("///*" c++-comment)
    ;; Texinfo comments
    ("@c[ \t]" texinfo-comment)
    ("@comment[ \t]" texinfo-comment)
    ;; Bullet types.
    ;; LaTex \item
    ("\\\\item[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; 1. xxxxx
    ;;    xxxxx
    ;;alpha also org checkbox
    ("^[        ]+[0-9]+\\.[ \t]\\[[ X]?\\] " bullet)
    ("^[        ]+[0-9]+\\.[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; 2.1.3  xxxxx xx x xx x
    ;;        xxx
    ("^[        ]+[0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)+[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; a. xxxxxx xx
    ;;    xxx xxx
    ;;alpha also org checkbox -- why a ? here?  fixme.
    ("^[        ]+[A-Za-z]\\.[ \t]\\[[ X]?\\] " bullet)
    ("^[        ]+[A-Za-z]\\.[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; 1) xxxx x xx x xx   or   (1) xx xx x x xx xx
    ;;    xx xx xxxx                xxx xx x x xx x
    ;;alpha also org checkbox
    ("^[        ]+(?[0-9]+)[ \t]\\[[ X]?\\] " bullet)
    ("^[        ]+(?[0-9]+)[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; a) xxxx x xx x xx   or   (a) xx xx x x xx xx
    ;;    xx xx xxxx                xxx xx x x xx x
    ;;alpha also org checkbox
    ("^[        ]+(?[A-Za-z])[ \t]\\[[ X]?\\] " bullet)
    ("^[        ]+(?[A-Za-z])[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; 2a. xx x xxx x x xxx
    ;;     xxx xx x xx x
    ("^[        ]+[0-9]+[A-Za-z]\\.[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; 1a) xxxx x xx x xx   or   (1a) xx xx x x xx xx
    ;;     xx xx xxxx                 xxx xx x x xx x
    ("^[        ]+(?[0-9]+[A-Za-z])[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; -  xx xxx xxxx   or   *  xx xx x xxx xxx
    ;;    xxx xx xx             x xxx x xx x x x
    ;;alpha also org checkbox
    ("^[        ]+[-~*+]+[ \t]\\[[ X]?\\] " bullet)
    ("^[        ]+[-~*+]+[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; o  xx xxx xxxx xx x xx xxx x xxx xx x xxx
    ;;    xxx xx xx
    ("^[        ]+o[ \t]" bullet)
    ;; don't touch
    ("[ \t]+" space)
    ("$" end-of-line)

On 4/23/19, Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> wrote:
>    > Hello,
>    > Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:
>    > Use TAB on the second line. In any case, I don't think orgalist should
>    > do it. The second line doesn't belong to the list, by definition.
> Well the question is, if you already typed some text and want to make a
> list out of it, ogalist cannot deal it. The point is this scenario to
> transform some paragraph to a list, occurs to me frequently and that is
> why I would like to have some function which would do the job.
> I tried out to unfill the region, that is to make a very long line, then
> insert a list item and then refill, with adaptive fill, that somehow
> works, but is not error free.

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