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Re: tags-todo org-agenda-custom-command weirdness

From: Stig Brautaset
Subject: Re: tags-todo org-agenda-custom-command weirdness
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:52:48 +0100

Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com> writes:

> Stig Brautaset writes:
>> I'm seeing some weirdness with tags-todo vs tags custom agenda commands.
>> Below is the smallest case I've managed to narrow it down to. I would
>> *expect* that all the a1-4 commands return the same results, and that
>> the b1-4 return the same results. That is not what I'm seeing, however.
>> (setq-default org-agenda-custom-commands
>>             '(("a1" "A1" tags-todo "-PROJ/TODO")
>>               ("a2" "A2" tags "-PROJ/TODO")
>>               ("a3" "A3" ((tags-todo "-PROJ/TODO")))
>>               ("a4" "A4" ((tags "-PROJ/TODO")))
>>               ("b1" "B1" tags-todo "-PROJ/DONE")
>>               ("b2" "B2" tags "-PROJ/DONE")
>>               ("b3" "B3" ((tags-todo "-PROJ/DONE")))
>>               ("b4" "B4" ((tags "-PROJ/DONE")))))
> I agree with your expectation that a1-4 should be the same.  Why do you
> expect that b1-4 would be?  Shouldn't tags-todo consider only none-DONE
> todo items, in the same spirit as m versus M?  In other words, I'd
> expect b1 and b3 to be empty by definition.

I expected b1-4 to all yield the same result because I expect
`tags-todo` to search all TODO-items, not just TODO items where the
state is "TODO".

>> The effect of a1 & a2 appears identical to eachother, and a3 & a4 too,
>> but a1-2 and a3-4 differ (in that the former seems to include scheduled
>> items, but the latter does not.)
> It's helpful if you provide a minimal test file.  I've tried to come up
> with one that I think should capture what you're describing.

Mea culpa, I should have done this. 

> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> * TODO h1                                                               :PROJ:
> * TODO h2
> * DONE h3                                                               :PROJ:
> * DONE h4
> * TODO h5                                                               :PROJ:
> SCHEDULED: <2020-06-14 Sun>
> * TODO h6
> SCHEDULED: <2020-06-14 Sun>
> * DONE h7                                                               :PROJ:
> SCHEDULED: <2020-06-14 Sun>
> * DONE h8
> SCHEDULED: <2020-06-14 Sun>
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> With that, a1-4 all show:
>     scratch:    TODO h2
>     scratch:    TODO h6
> That doesn't match what you're seeing.  I'm testing with 706970 checked
> out, the commit you reported in your follow-up message.

For me a2 and a4 returns the same, but a1 and a3 just returns TODO h2.
However, I can reproduce what you're seeing by setting this:

(setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled nil)

>> What I'm seeing for b1-4 is even weirder. Here I observe b1, b2 and b4
>> have identical behaviour[*], but b3 is the odd one out: while the other
>> three return a list of DONE non-project tasks, b3 doesn't find anything.
>> [*] I suspect the reason b2 and b4 are identical is that I have no
>> scheduled DONE tasks.
> For b2 and b4, I see
>     scratch:    DONE h4
>     scratch:    DONE h8
> b1 and b3 are empty, which I think is expected given the tags-todo type.

Well, I disagree :-)

This behaviour of `tags-todo` seems inconsistent to me. If `todo` can
find DONE items, why shouldn't `tags-todo` do the same?


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