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Re: setting up 'imenu'

From: Sharon Kimble
Subject: Re: setting up 'imenu'
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 10:02:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.1.50 (gnu/linux)

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to gmane.emacs.orgmode as well.

Hash: SHA512

Jeremie Juste <jeremiejuste@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello Sharon,

Hi Jeremie.
> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your issue. I created a list of 56 sub 
> heading and I
> can view the heading Still a sample 0 until Still a sample 56.
> ** TODO * etc and onwards
> ** TODO * and another one
> ** Still a sample 0
> ** Still a sample 1
> ** Still a sample 2
> ** Still a sample 3
> ** Still a sample 4
> It might be because I am using [1] this  modification from  emacswiki
> https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ImenuMode.

This is my imenu setup from my config file -

- --8<---------------clip one---------------start------------->8---
** Imenu

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'imenu+)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x 2") 'imenu-add-to-menubar)
[2020-09-10 Thu 18:29]

Make sure auto automatically rescan for imenu changes

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(set-default 'imenu-auto-rescan t)
[2015-12-19 Sat 04:55]
[2017-01-16 Mon 23:39]

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Jump to a definition in the current file. (This is awesome.)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-i") 'prelude-ido-goto-symbol)
;; (require 'imenu)
;; (set-default 'imenu-auto-rescan t)
;; (defun prelude-ido-goto-symbol (&optional symbol-list)
;;   "Refresh imenu and jump to a place in the buffer using Ido."
;;    (interactive)
;;    (unless (featurep 'imenu)
;;      (require 'imenu nil t))
;;   (cond
;;     ((not symbol-list)
;;      (let ((ido-mode ido-mode)
    ;;        (ido-enable-flex-matching
    ;;         (if (boundp 'ido-enable-flex-matching)
    ;;             ido-enable-flex-matching t))
    ;;        name-and-pos symbol-names position)
    ;;    (unless ido-mode
    ;;      (ido-mode 1)
    ;;      (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t))
    ;;    (while (progn
    ;;             (imenu--cleanup)
    ;;            (setq imenu--index-alist nil)
    ;;             (prelude-ido-goto-symbol (imenu--make-index-alist))
    ;;             (setq selected-symbol
    ;;                   (ido-completing-read "Symbol " symbol-names))
    ;;             (string= (car imenu--rescan-item) selected-symbol)))
    ;;    (unless (and (boundp 'mark-active) mark-active)
    ;;      (push-mark nil t nil))
    ;;    (setq position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos)))
    ;;    (cond
    ;;     ((overlayp position)
    ;;       (goto-char (overlay-start position)))
    ;;     (t
    ;;      (goto-char position)))))
    ;; ((listp symbol-list)
    ;;  (dolist (symbol symbol-list)
    ;;    (let (name position)
    ;;      (cond
    ;;       ((and (listp symbol) (imenu--subalist-p symbol))
    ;;        (prelude-ido-goto-symbol symbol))
    ;;       ((listp symbol)
    ;;        (setq name (car symbol))
    ;;        (setq position (cdr symbol)))
    ;;       ((stringp symbol)
    ;;        (setq name symbol)
    ;;        (setq position
    ;;              (get-text-property 1 'org-imenu-marker symbol))))
    ;;     (unless (or (null position) (null name)
    ;;                 (string= (car imenu--rescan-item) name))
    ;;       (add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
    ;;       (add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))
[2014-11-16 Sun 16:09]
[2017-01-16 Mon 23:49]
[2020-09-10 Thu 18:35]

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'popup-imenu)
[2015-12-29 Tue 13:37]
[2017-01-17 Tue 10:39]

**** imenu

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; setting up 'imenu'
;; (local-set-key "\C-x\C-a" 'show-all)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu")))
(setq org-imenu-depth 6)

(add-hook 'rst-mode-hook
(lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu")))
(setq adoc-imenu-depth 6)

(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
(lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu")))
(setq adoc-imenu-depth 6)

(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu")))
(setq latex-imenu-depth 6)
[2015-04-08 Wed 23:54]
[2017-01-17 Tue 11:04]

**** FIXIT imenu-anywhere

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'imenu-anywhere)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-+") 'imenu-anywhere)
[2014-11-14 Fri 11:15]
[2015-05-23 Sat 02:34]
[2017-01-17 Tue 11:05]
fails with - helm-build-sync-source is void
[2020-09-10 Thu 18:37]

**** dired-imenu

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;;(require 'dired-imenu)
[2015-05-04 Mon 13:54]
[2017-01-17 Tue 13:24]
[2020-09-10 Thu 18:38]

**** FIXIT imenu-list

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'imenu-list)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-g 1") #'imenu-list-smart-toggle)
(setq imenu-list-focus-after-activation t)
(setq imenu-list-auto-resize t)
[2017-08-10 Thu 12:07]

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun ido-goto-symbol (&optional symbol-list)
      "Refresh imenu and jump to a place in the buffer using Ido."
      (unless (featurep 'imenu)
        (require 'imenu nil t))
       ((not symbol-list)
        (let ((ido-mode ido-mode)
               (if (boundp 'ido-enable-flex-matching)
                   ido-enable-flex-matching t))
              name-and-pos symbol-names position)
          (unless ido-mode
            (ido-mode 1)
            (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t))
          (while (progn
                   (setq imenu--index-alist nil)
                   (ido-goto-symbol (imenu--make-index-alist))
                   (setq selected-symbol
                         (ido-completing-read "Symbol? " symbol-names))
                   (string= (car imenu--rescan-item) selected-symbol)))
          (unless (and (boundp 'mark-active) mark-active)
            (push-mark nil t nil))
          (setq position (cdr (assoc selected-symbol name-and-pos)))
           ((overlayp position)
            (goto-char (overlay-start position)))
            (goto-char position)))))
       ((listp symbol-list)
        (dolist (symbol symbol-list)
          (let (name position)
             ((and (listp symbol) (imenu--subalist-p symbol))
              (ido-goto-symbol symbol))
             ((listp symbol)
              (setq name (car symbol))
              (setq position (cdr symbol)))
             ((stringp symbol)
              (setq name symbol)
              (setq position
                    (get-text-property 1 'org-imenu-marker symbol))))
            (unless (or (null position) (null name)
                        (string= (car imenu--rescan-item) name))
              (add-to-list 'symbol-names name)
              (add-to-list 'name-and-pos (cons name position))))))))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c i") 'ido-goto-symbol) ; or any key you see fit
[2020-09-10 Thu 18:27]
- --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And this is whats showing for imenu in my 'custom.el' -

- --8<---------------custom.el---------------start------------->8---
 '(imenu-auto-rescan t)
 '(imenu-auto-rescan-maxout 600000000)
 '(imenu-list-auto-resize t)
 '(imenu-list-focus-after-activation t)
 '(imenu-list-position 'left)
 '(imenu-list-size 35)
 '(imenu-max-item-length nil)
 '(imenu-max-items 15)
 '(imenu-sort-function 'imenu--sort-by-name)
- --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And with that setup my imenu is still failing, but I can't work out why
or where its wrong!

And I've discovered that the 'level 2 headings' extend to the bottom of
the screen and to the screen top as well, minus the status bar! But its
just not folding, which is what I'm trying to achieve.
> I another workflow comes to my mind when reading yours.
> Instead of using "TODO * ..." I would use the TODO keywords and tell org-mode 
> to
> list all the todos.

The reason why I use 'TODO * foo ...' is because when I look at the
relevant section in the imenu the articles that have a TODO item
outstanding show up with a '* ' before the heading proper. When the
article is written and exported into latex and then a pdf, I remove the
TODO item and its relevant '* '.
> For instance with the command M-x org-show-todo-tree.
> A another way of working might be the following.
> --- file - writings.org
> #+TODO: TODO(t) TOWRITE(w) | DONE(d)
> * TOWRITE This is article 1
> * TOWRITE This is article 2
> * DONE This is  article 2
> #+begin_src elisp
>    (org-agenda-file-to-front)
> #+end_src
> --- EOF
> Add the file to the agenda ( by default C-[ ), or execute the lisp chunk
> in the file writings.org. Then you can M-x org-todo-list. To view all
> your todo|towrite|done articles.

Sorry, but I just feel that your system is over-complicated as compared
to my simplistic way!
> Hope this help,
> Jeremie

- -- 
Debian 10.5, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 27.1.50, org 9.3.7


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