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Links in complete org-todo-keyword-face not highlighted

From: Bob Wilson
Subject: Links in complete org-todo-keyword-face not highlighted
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:00:14 -0700

Hi folks,
   I often put links in TODOs, but it would appear that in org 9.4, marking a task complete changes the font of the entire text (link and non-link) to be the same color, so the link is no longer highlighted.

Minimal org file:
* TODO This is a [[https://www.gnu.org][test]]

When I open this in emacs, it looks like:
* TODO This is a test
with “test" being highlighted blue and underlined. When I mark it complete, it looks like:
* DONE This is a test
with “test” being brown, the same as the rest of the test. Notably, if I position point over test and hit “C-c C-o” the link still opens, so the link is definitely still there, it just looks the same as the rest of the header. That leads me to believe it is an incompatibility between the org-link face and org-todo-keyword-face, but I’m not 100% sure.

- Using emacs 26.3 on my personal laptop and 27.1 on my work laptop (problem occurs in both versions).
- Using Mac OSX Catalina everywhere.
- Using org version 9.4. I’m not 100% sure, but the problem doesn’t seem to have been present in 9.3.6, which is what I was using before upgrading to 9.4. I’ve been using 9.4 on my work laptop for a week or so, but was using 9.3.6 on my personal laptop. When I noticed the problem on my work laptop, I checked if it was also present on my personal laptop, but the behavior was as expected (link remains highlighted, font did not change colors at all actually when marking as complete). When I upgraded my personal laptop to 9.4, the problem appeared there too.
- No init.el (or .emacs) file. For some reason the problem does *not* occur when I run `emacs -nw -q`, but it does occur when I run `emacs -nw` after renaming my init.el file. I thought -q was equivalent to ignoring the init.el file, but I guess not!

I tried searching the mailing list to see if this has been discussed previously but didn’t see anything. Any help would be appreciated!

Kind regards,
Bob Wilson

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