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Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?

From: Greg Minshall
Subject: Re: Changed list indentation behavior: how to revert?
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2020 07:03:31 +0300

hi, Tim, et al.

i started feeling guilty yesterday, partly for being party to prolonging
this discussion (though i do think it may be important?).  but also for
realizing i had *not* explored the alternatives Tim, Gustavo, and others
have suggested.

the following is *clearly* the department of irreproducible results.
but, i've tried to document the effects of 'electric-indent-mode' and
'org-adapt-indentation' on a number of scenarios.  i present the results
with some explanation, but without much analysis.

the irreproducibility is just (afaict) a function of my not being able
to type the same thing over and over again, and/or transcribe the
results correctly.  the results here are, for the most part, the result
of several runs, trying to eliminate disparities, and add new forms of
results (such as, "two <RET>, then third returns to column one").  but,
if anyone wants to try on their own, or automate further (the
possibilities are endless! :), please, lütfen!

there's an e-lisp function, and the shell double for loop towards the
end of this e-mail.

first, here's the *transposed* table, as i think it is more readable.
(the word "transpose" should show up in the info pages!).  at the end of
the e-mail, though, i'll put the non-transposed -- maybe one sees
some things there easier.

|           | t,t     | t,headline-data |   t,nil | nil,t     | 
nil,headline-data |   nil,nil |
| head      | n       |         n,nbl,1 |       1 | 1         |                 
1 |         1 |
| head<C-j> | 1       |               1 |       1 | n         |           
n,nbl,1 |         1 |
| src{      | n       |             n+2 |     n+2 | 1         |                 
1 |         1 |
| src{<C-j> | 1       |               1 |       1 | n+2 [t-2] |         n+2 
[t-2] | n+2 [t-2] |
| src;      | n-4     |             n-2 |     n-2 | 1         |                 
1 |         1 |
| src;<C-j> | 1       |               1 |       1 | n-2 [t+2] |         n-2 
[t+2] | n-2 [t+2] |
| list<RET> | n+2*2,1 |               1 | n+2*2,1 | 1         |                 
1 |         1 |
| list<C-j> | 1       |               1 |       1 | n+2*2,1   |                 
1 |   n+2*2,1 |
| line      | n       |               1 |       n | 1         |                 
1 |         1 |
| line<C-j> | 1       |               1 |       1 | n         |                 
1 |         n |

the columns are (electric-indent,org-adapt-indentation) pairs.

here are the cases (rows) and results (contents of cells).  the
"<C-j>"-suffixed cases use C-j rather than <RET>.

- head :: <RET> from a headline
  - n :: stays indented for "infinite" blank <RET>
  - n,nbl,1 :: n, then after first non-blank line, <RET> goes
    to 1
  - 1 :: goes
- src{ :: <RET> from, e.g., 'if (x) {'
  - n-2 :: undents by 2
  - n+2 :: indents
  - n+2 [t-2] :: goes to n+2 (but, <TAB> of non-blank line goes to
  - n-2 [t+2] :: goes to n-2 (but, that 2 past the previous <TAB>
    indentation level)
- src; :: <RET> from a regular program statement
- list<RET> :: <RET> from item in list
  - n+2 :: indents once
  - n+2*2,1 :: indents once, stays on next <RET>, then 1 on next <RET>
    (three <RET> total)
  - 1 :: column 1
- line :: <RET> from an indented line
  - n :: never goes to 1
  - 1 :: goes to 1

brute force lisp code
#+begin_src elisp
(defun feorge (el oai fname)
    (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (electric-indent-mode (if el 1 0)))
    (find-file fname)
    (setq org-adapt-indentation oai)
        ((header "| |head | head<C-j> | src{ | src{<C-j> | src; | src;<C-j> | 
list<RET> | list<C-j> | line | line<C-j>|")
         (hline "|-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-|")
         (results (format "| %s,%s | ||||||||||" electric-indent-mode 
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert (format "el %s; oai %s" el oai))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert (version))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert (org-version))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert header)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert hline)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (insert results)
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (goto-char (point-max))

and, the shell loop-de-loop
#+begin_src sh
  for el in t nil; do
      for oai in t \'headline-data nil; do
          rm -f *x.org*;
          emacs -l ~/tmp/feorge.el --eval "(feorge ${el} ${oai} \"x.org\")";    

untransposed table:

|                   |    head | head<C-j> | src{ | src{<C-j> | src; | src;<C-j> 
| list<RET> | list<C-j> | line | line<C-j> |
| t,t               |       n |         1 | n    | 1         | n-4  | 1         
|   n+2*2,1 |         1 |    n |         1 |
| t,headline-data   | n,nbl,1 |         1 | n+2  | 1         | n-2  | 1         
|         1 |         1 |    1 |         1 |
| t,nil             |       1 |         1 | n+2  | 1         | n-2  | 1         
|   n+2*2,1 |         1 |    n |         1 |
| nil,t             |       1 |         n | 1    | n+2 [t-2] | 1    | n-2 [t+2] 
|         1 |   n+2*2,1 |    1 |         n |
| nil,headline-data |       1 |   n,nbl,1 | 1    | n+2 [t-2] | 1    | n-2 [t+2] 
|         1 |         1 |    1 |         1 |
| nil,nil           |       1 |         1 | 1    | n+2 [t-2] | 1    | n-2 [t+2] 
|         1 |   n+2*2,1 |    1 |         n |

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