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Re: One vs many directories

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: One vs many directories
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 13:45:35 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Texas Cyberthal <texas.cyberthal@gmail.com> [2020-11-27 12:01]:
> Hi Jean,
> > does using the 10 Bins and Textmind system gives you personal
> > satisfaction of being well organized?
> For what it does, yes, amazingly so.

Thank you. I was expecting something like that as we are in similar
position of having somewhat personally better or could we say
idiosyncratically better organizing system for ourselves.

> I still need Dbmind, which I haven't developed yet.

What should it be or do?

> > did you develop having functions similar to store link that
> > quickly obtain the hyperlink in memory to be easier inserted in
> > Org files? That is similar to org-capture. I think every system of
> > organization and storing objects into X should have automated
> > quick hyperlink generation.

> I find Emacs Org's native facilities adequate.  However, I did a bit
> of streamlining:
> > C-c l runs the command treefactor-org-store-link-fold-drawer
> > (found in global-map), which is in ‘treefactor.el’.

As you have specific thought order in directory names then maybe such
could be parsed, maybe slashes / removed to show a full path to the
file. This becomes long but could be useful in some lists.

> > how does 10 Bins and Textmind enhance what you do with Org files?
> It mind-syncs a natural language thought algorithm, which would
> otherwise be impossible.
> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-to-algorithms/
> It is clear and unambiguous, has well-defined inputs and outputs, and
> is finite and feasible.

Alright and I find that it is the case on my side, and previous work
of Engelbart, then also within some other information management
systems, like Semantic Synchrony.

Would you consider that the system I am using would be or could be
said to have natural thought algorithm by considering following:

That there are many nodes, they have their names, some properties, and
tags and other meta data and searchable lines could look like this as
one variety of accessing methods:

People / Jean / Computer / Free Software / GNU Emacs / Real-time incremental 
narrowing completion / Helm

now imagine 20,000 or 100,000 such lines but not visible to user, just
few would be visible as incremental narrowing search such as helm or
ivy or filtering functions could quickly locate particular lines.

If I think of "GNU" I would get maybe subset of lines related to that
thought, if I think of Emacs, I would get references related to GNU
and Emacs. If I think of "completion" I would get references to ivy,
selectrym, helm, and so on and by watching the dynamical filter in
front of me I get new references displayed in real time which I can
then add to the query until I find the matching few or matching tree
or matching node.

Sounds to me it is also one type of natural thought algorithm.

> Unlike Getting Things Done by David Allen, it captures the whole
> thought-stream, or at least everything worth typing.

I have no idea and by reading basic descriptions I do not find myself
there. It seems that systems are pretty much idiosyncratic unless
training and well written instructions help in making it applicable
for a group.

There is one "algorithm" that I am using so that every task CAN BE
DONE, and that is that tactical plans are divided into projects only
when one step of the plan is too complex to be executed without
dividing it or chunking it down. Projects fullfil one step of a larger
plan and consists of steps. When one step cannot be fullfiled by its
own, it probably means it was not written well chunked, so that step
is chunked into tasks or orders. Principle of the algorithm would be
to never write tasks that are too complex to be executed and finalized
and to have each task in itself doabl so that each step becomes simple
step of one bigger complex action.

We do projects in real life such as purchasing, construction of
machinery, negotiations, and so on, and projects are written on the
paper and executed and again reused and executed on other places. By
following the above principle our staff members in various countries
could get things done just by reading instructions as each step has
been simplified down to the atomic doable task.

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