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Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

From: Tim Cross
Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020 11:21:21 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.7; emacs 27.1.50

Jeremie Juste <jeremiejuste@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
>>> If you have *both* a settings in your emacs init file for
>>> org-agenda-files using (setq org-agenda-files...) and you have a line in
>>> your (custom ...) section, you should remove one of them to avoid
>>> confusion. In general, what is in the custom section will take
>>> preference as it is usually loaded last. If your going to remove the one
>>> in the custom section, run M-x customize-variable <ret> org-agenda-files
>>> <ret> and then select the options under the 'state' button to 'Erase
>>> Customisation', don't just erase the values in the 'Value Menu' box.
>> Emacs automatically introduced the custom, did not write it myself.
> I fear I might have been the source of the confusion by suggesting
> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front), which has triggered another
> definition of org-agenda-file in the custom-set-variables section.  I
> hadn't realized fully the consequences.
> I apologize for this and I hope that it won't turn any user
> against each other. I must confess that among the mailing-lists I have
> subscribed to, this mailing list is the most cordial.
> Yes using both the `custom-set-variables` section and setting variable
> can introduce confusion. I am sure many of us have fallen prey to
> (counting me many times).
> At the same time it is convenient for some people to be able to
> customize easily some variable and some users might use
> custom-set-variables exclusively.
> We just need to understand the consequences of it and I guess many
> users of emacs eventually come to do with these two options and even use
> the best of both world modifying directly variables in the init files
> and using the custom-set-variables section.
> It is a bug? I wouldn't say so. Can we explain to (new) users better
> about it? Probably.

I think your right. In addition, based on more info which has come out
on the list, I agree with what Kyle has pointed out re: variable to tell
org to ignore missing files. This needs to be referenced in the manual
and the documentation for org-agenda-files.

If nobody else has done it by the time I have finished my current
priorities, I will put a patch together to add such references. This
won't be for a couple of weeks.

Tim Cross

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