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How do you name your code blocks?

From: Rodrigo Morales
Subject: How do you name your code blocks?
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 14:18:17 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.14; emacs 27.1

I think this question is aimed to people which have Org Mode files
with a lot of source code blocks and those code blocks are usually
assigned a name.

I am asking this question because I just noticed that it is not
possible to have multiple source code blocks with the same name. If
that occurs, then

1. The first code block found with the given name is only taken into
2. =M-x org-lint= warns about that.

So, taking into consideration that that is not allowed, I have the
following questions for you

1. Do you use long names? That is, instead of using =generate-table=,
   which is ambiguous, you would use
   =generate-table-grocery-shopping-2020-may=. Another example:
   instead of using =create-venv= you would use

2. If not, how do you name your code blocks to avoid name conflicts?

Rodrigo Morales.

IRC: rdrg109 (freenode)

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