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[PATCH] Possibility of using alternative separators in macros

From: Juan Manuel Macías
Subject: [PATCH] Possibility of using alternative separators in macros
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:26:31 +0000

Hi all,

I would like to propose (patch attached) the possibility of using an
alternate character for separate arguments in replacement macros,
following a suggestion from Nicolas Goaziou in this (closed) thread:

The idea would be to explicitly indicate the separator just before the
parentheses. The allowed characters are any character other than a
letter, a number, a space, a dash, a low line or a parenthesis.

A new property `:sep' is added to `org-element-macro-parser', whose
default value is a comma.

Example of use. Suppose we define this macro:

#+MACRO: foo (eval (format "%s and %s" $1 $2))

Under normal conditions, the expected separator will be the comma:

{{{foo(x,z\, y)}}}

=> x and z, y

But we can also do this:

{{{foo@(x@z, y \@)}}}

=> x and z, y @

I think sometimes it may be preferable to separate the arguments by an
alternative character. For example, let's imagine we define a macro
(named 'lg') for LaTeX export, which admits two arguments, exactly the
same args as the Babel (LaTeX) macro \foreignlanguage{lang}{short-text}:

It would be much more comfortable something like:

{{{lg|(latin|trado, tradidi, traditur)}}}

instead of having to escape commas in:

{{{lg(latin,trado\, tradidi\, traditur)}}}

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Attachment: 0001-Alternative-args-separator-for-replacement-macros.patch
Description: Text Data

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