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Re: Bug: Reclocking errors out if org-log-note-clock-out is t [9.4.6 (9.

From: Jorge P . de Morais Neto
Subject: Re: Bug: Reclocking errors out if org-log-note-clock-out is t [9.4.6 (9.4.6-gab9f2a @ /gnu/store/2pny4z6mbi2aybgzzxz0yrzkds7hbpmq-emacs-org-9.4.6/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.4.6/)]
Date: Sat, 29 May 2021 22:39:06 -0300

Hi.  I continue below:

Em [2021-05-29 sáb 21:53:47-0300], Jorge P. de Morais Neto escreveu:

> I stepped through the code and verified the error is triggered at line
> 1726 on file org-clock.el.  This is the form
>     (org-back-to-heading t)
> on function `org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer'.  That function runs
> as a hook because of line 1717 on file `org-clock.el':
>     (run-hooks 'org-clock-out-hook)
> on function `org-clock-out'.

For the record: I don't remember why I couldn't get a clear backtrace
and resorted to stepping through the code until I found the error; but I
am indeed aware the stepping is unnecessary in a case like this.


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