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Re: [BUG] after update to 9.5, starting org mode results in cache error

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [BUG] after update to 9.5, starting org mode results in cache error messages [9.5 (9.5-gd4e192 @ c:/Users/scott/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2021 20:42:01 +0800

Greg Coladonato <gcoladon@gmail.com> writes:

> I get a similar error to Scott's every time I save an org-mode file. I
> turned on backtrace and got this output:

Thanks for reporting and providing the detailed backtrace!
Backtrace is really strange because cache is clearly updated upon
changing the file, but somehow somewhere a stale element is still

Given that you are using org-roam, the only suspect that may create
stale copies of cached elements is org-element-parse-buffer. The
attached patch is making sure that org-element-parse-buffer never tries
to reuse cache. Can you try the patch and see if it helps?


>From cc2b4081796ed3caeb193b45588bfb9fd3d77625 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 20:38:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] org-element--current-element: Do not use cache

 lisp/org-element.el | 342 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-element.el b/lisp/org-element.el
index 9fa6fd5e2..caa714f34 100644
--- a/lisp/org-element.el
+++ b/lisp/org-element.el
@@ -4106,7 +4106,7 @@ ;;; Parsing Element Starting At Point
 ;; point.
 (defvar org-element--cache-sync-requests); Declared later
-(defun org-element--current-element (limit &optional granularity mode 
structure add-to-cache)
+(defun org-element--current-element (limit &optional granularity mode 
   "Parse the element starting at point.
 Return value is a list like (TYPE PROPS) where TYPE is the type
@@ -4138,190 +4138,162 @@ (defun org-element--current-element (limit &optional 
granularity mode structure
 This function assumes point is always at the beginning of the
 element it has to parse."
-  (let* ((element (and (not (buffer-narrowed-p))
-                       (org-element--cache-active-p)
-                       (not org-element--cache-sync-requests)
-                       (org-element--cache-find (point) t)))
-         (element (progn (while (and element
-                                     (not (and (eq (point) 
(org-element-property :begin element))
-                                             (eq mode (org-element-property 
:mode element)))))
-                           (setq element (org-element-property :parent 
-                         element))
-         (old-element element)
-         (element (when
-                      (pcase (org-element-property :granularity element)
-                        (`nil t)
-                        (`object t)
-                        (`element (not (memq granularity '(nil object))))
-                        (`greater-element (not (memq granularity '(nil object 
-                        (`headline (eq granularity 'headline)))
-                    element)))
-    (if element
-        element
-      (save-excursion
-        (let ((case-fold-search t)
-             ;; Determine if parsing depth allows for secondary strings
-             ;; parsing.  It only applies to elements referenced in
-             ;; `org-element-secondary-value-alist'.
-             (raw-secondary-p (and granularity (not (eq granularity 'object))))
-              result)
-          (setq
-           result
-           (cond
-            ;; Item.
-            ((eq mode 'item)
-            (org-element-item-parser limit structure raw-secondary-p))
-            ;; Table Row.
-            ((eq mode 'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit))
-            ;; Node Property.
-            ((eq mode 'node-property) (org-element-node-property-parser limit))
-            ;; Headline.
-            ((org-with-limited-levels (org-at-heading-p))
-             (org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p))
-            ;; Sections (must be checked after headline).
-            ((eq mode 'section) (org-element-section-parser limit))
-            ((eq mode 'first-section)
-            (org-element-section-parser
-             (or (save-excursion (org-with-limited-levels 
-                 limit)))
-            ;; Comments.
-            ((looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)")
-            (org-element-comment-parser limit))
-            ;; Planning.
-            ((and (eq mode 'planning)
-                 (eq ?* (char-after (line-beginning-position 0)))
-                 (looking-at org-planning-line-re))
-            (org-element-planning-parser limit))
-            ;; Property drawer.
-            ((and (pcase mode
-                   (`planning (eq ?* (char-after (line-beginning-position 0))))
-                   ((or `property-drawer `top-comment)
-                    (save-excursion
-                      (beginning-of-line 0)
-                      (not (looking-at "[[:blank:]]*$"))))
-                   (_ nil))
-                 (looking-at org-property-drawer-re))
-            (org-element-property-drawer-parser limit))
-            ;; When not at bol, point is at the beginning of an item or
-            ;; a footnote definition: next item is always a paragraph.
-            ((not (bolp)) (org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point))))
-            ;; Clock.
-            ((looking-at org-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit))
-            ;; Inlinetask.
-            ((looking-at "^\\*+ ")
-            (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p))
-            ;; From there, elements can have affiliated keywords.
-            (t (let ((affiliated (org-element--collect-affiliated-keywords
-                                 limit (memq granularity '(nil object)))))
-                (cond
-                 ;; Jumping over affiliated keywords put point off-limits.
-                 ;; Parse them as regular keywords.
-                 ((and (cdr affiliated) (>= (point) limit))
-                  (goto-char (car affiliated))
-                  (org-element-keyword-parser limit nil))
-                 ;; LaTeX Environment.
-                 ((looking-at org-element--latex-begin-environment)
-                  (org-element-latex-environment-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Drawer.
-                 ((looking-at org-drawer-regexp)
-                  (org-element-drawer-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Fixed Width
-                 ((looking-at "[ \t]*:\\( \\|$\\)")
-                  (org-element-fixed-width-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Inline Comments, Blocks, Babel Calls, Dynamic Blocks and
-                 ;; Keywords.
-                 ((looking-at "[ \t]*#\\+")
-                  (goto-char (match-end 0))
-                  (cond
-                   ((looking-at "BEGIN_\\(\\S-+\\)")
-                    (beginning-of-line)
-                    (funcall (pcase (upcase (match-string 1))
-                               ("CENTER"  #'org-element-center-block-parser)
-                               ("COMMENT" #'org-element-comment-block-parser)
-                               ("EXAMPLE" #'org-element-example-block-parser)
-                               ("EXPORT"  #'org-element-export-block-parser)
-                               ("QUOTE"   #'org-element-quote-block-parser)
-                               ("SRC"     #'org-element-src-block-parser)
-                               ("VERSE"   #'org-element-verse-block-parser)
-                               (_         #'org-element-special-block-parser))
-                             limit
-                             affiliated))
-                   ((looking-at "CALL:")
-                    (beginning-of-line)
-                    (org-element-babel-call-parser limit affiliated))
-                   ((looking-at "BEGIN:? ")
-                    (beginning-of-line)
-                    (org-element-dynamic-block-parser limit affiliated))
-                   ((looking-at "\\S-+:")
-                    (beginning-of-line)
-                    (org-element-keyword-parser limit affiliated))
-                   (t
-                    (beginning-of-line)
-                    (org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated))))
-                 ;; Footnote Definition.
-                 ((looking-at org-footnote-definition-re)
-                  (org-element-footnote-definition-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Horizontal Rule.
-                 ((looking-at "[ \t]*-\\{5,\\}[ \t]*$")
-                  (org-element-horizontal-rule-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Diary Sexp.
-                 ((looking-at "%%(")
-                  (org-element-diary-sexp-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; Table.
-                 ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*|")
-                      ;; There is no strict definition of a table.el
-                      ;; table.  Try to prevent false positive while being
-                      ;; quick.
-                      (let ((rule-regexp
-                             (rx (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
-                                 "+"
-                                 (one-or-more (one-or-more "-") "+")
-                                 (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
-                                 eol))
-                            (non-table.el-line
-                             (rx bol
-                                 (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
-                                 (or eol (not (any "+| \t")))))
-                            (next (line-beginning-position 2)))
-                        ;; Start with a full rule.
-                        (and
-                         (looking-at rule-regexp)
-                         (< next limit)        ;no room for a table.el table
-                         (save-excursion
-                           (end-of-line)
-                           (cond
-                            ;; Must end with a full rule.
-                            ((not (re-search-forward non-table.el-line limit 
-                             (if (bolp) (forward-line -1) (beginning-of-line))
-                             (looking-at rule-regexp))
-                            ;; Ignore pseudo-tables with a single
-                            ;; rule.
-                            ((= next (line-beginning-position))
-                             nil)
-                            ;; Must end with a full rule.
-                            (t
-                             (forward-line -1)
-                             (looking-at rule-regexp)))))))
-                  (org-element-table-parser limit affiliated))
-                 ;; List.
-                 ((looking-at (org-item-re))
-                  (org-element-plain-list-parser
-                   limit affiliated
-                   (or structure (org-element--list-struct limit))))
-                 ;; Default element: Paragraph.
-                 (t (org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated)))))))
-          (when result
-            (org-element-put-property result :mode mode)
-            (org-element-put-property result :granularity granularity))
-          (when (and (not (buffer-narrowed-p))
-                     (org-element--cache-active-p)
-                     (not org-element--cache-sync-requests)
-                     add-to-cache)
-            (if (not old-element)
-                (setq result (org-element--cache-put result))
-              (org-element-set-element old-element result)
-              (setq result old-element)))
-          result)))))
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((case-fold-search t)
+         ;; Determine if parsing depth allows for secondary strings
+         ;; parsing.  It only applies to elements referenced in
+         ;; `org-element-secondary-value-alist'.
+         (raw-secondary-p (and granularity (not (eq granularity 'object))))
+          result)
+      (setq
+       result
+       (cond
+        ;; Item.
+        ((eq mode 'item)
+        (org-element-item-parser limit structure raw-secondary-p))
+        ;; Table Row.
+        ((eq mode 'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit))
+        ;; Node Property.
+        ((eq mode 'node-property) (org-element-node-property-parser limit))
+        ;; Headline.
+        ((org-with-limited-levels (org-at-heading-p))
+         (org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p))
+        ;; Sections (must be checked after headline).
+        ((eq mode 'section) (org-element-section-parser limit))
+        ((eq mode 'first-section)
+        (org-element-section-parser
+         (or (save-excursion (org-with-limited-levels (outline-next-heading)))
+             limit)))
+        ;; Comments.
+        ((looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)")
+        (org-element-comment-parser limit))
+        ;; Planning.
+        ((and (eq mode 'planning)
+             (eq ?* (char-after (line-beginning-position 0)))
+             (looking-at org-planning-line-re))
+        (org-element-planning-parser limit))
+        ;; Property drawer.
+        ((and (pcase mode
+               (`planning (eq ?* (char-after (line-beginning-position 0))))
+               ((or `property-drawer `top-comment)
+                (save-excursion
+                  (beginning-of-line 0)
+                  (not (looking-at "[[:blank:]]*$"))))
+               (_ nil))
+             (looking-at org-property-drawer-re))
+        (org-element-property-drawer-parser limit))
+        ;; When not at bol, point is at the beginning of an item or
+        ;; a footnote definition: next item is always a paragraph.
+        ((not (bolp)) (org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point))))
+        ;; Clock.
+        ((looking-at org-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit))
+        ;; Inlinetask.
+        ((looking-at "^\\*+ ")
+        (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p))
+        ;; From there, elements can have affiliated keywords.
+        (t (let ((affiliated (org-element--collect-affiliated-keywords
+                             limit (memq granularity '(nil object)))))
+            (cond
+             ;; Jumping over affiliated keywords put point off-limits.
+             ;; Parse them as regular keywords.
+             ((and (cdr affiliated) (>= (point) limit))
+              (goto-char (car affiliated))
+              (org-element-keyword-parser limit nil))
+             ;; LaTeX Environment.
+             ((looking-at org-element--latex-begin-environment)
+              (org-element-latex-environment-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Drawer.
+             ((looking-at org-drawer-regexp)
+              (org-element-drawer-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Fixed Width
+             ((looking-at "[ \t]*:\\( \\|$\\)")
+              (org-element-fixed-width-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Inline Comments, Blocks, Babel Calls, Dynamic Blocks and
+             ;; Keywords.
+             ((looking-at "[ \t]*#\\+")
+              (goto-char (match-end 0))
+              (cond
+               ((looking-at "BEGIN_\\(\\S-+\\)")
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (funcall (pcase (upcase (match-string 1))
+                           ("CENTER"  #'org-element-center-block-parser)
+                           ("COMMENT" #'org-element-comment-block-parser)
+                           ("EXAMPLE" #'org-element-example-block-parser)
+                           ("EXPORT"  #'org-element-export-block-parser)
+                           ("QUOTE"   #'org-element-quote-block-parser)
+                           ("SRC"     #'org-element-src-block-parser)
+                           ("VERSE"   #'org-element-verse-block-parser)
+                           (_         #'org-element-special-block-parser))
+                         limit
+                         affiliated))
+               ((looking-at "CALL:")
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (org-element-babel-call-parser limit affiliated))
+               ((looking-at "BEGIN:? ")
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (org-element-dynamic-block-parser limit affiliated))
+               ((looking-at "\\S-+:")
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (org-element-keyword-parser limit affiliated))
+               (t
+                (beginning-of-line)
+                (org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated))))
+             ;; Footnote Definition.
+             ((looking-at org-footnote-definition-re)
+              (org-element-footnote-definition-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Horizontal Rule.
+             ((looking-at "[ \t]*-\\{5,\\}[ \t]*$")
+              (org-element-horizontal-rule-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Diary Sexp.
+             ((looking-at "%%(")
+              (org-element-diary-sexp-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; Table.
+             ((or (looking-at "[ \t]*|")
+                  ;; There is no strict definition of a table.el
+                  ;; table.  Try to prevent false positive while being
+                  ;; quick.
+                  (let ((rule-regexp
+                         (rx (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
+                             "+"
+                             (one-or-more (one-or-more "-") "+")
+                             (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
+                             eol))
+                        (non-table.el-line
+                         (rx bol
+                             (zero-or-more (any " \t"))
+                             (or eol (not (any "+| \t")))))
+                        (next (line-beginning-position 2)))
+                    ;; Start with a full rule.
+                    (and
+                     (looking-at rule-regexp)
+                     (< next limit)    ;no room for a table.el table
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (end-of-line)
+                       (cond
+                        ;; Must end with a full rule.
+                        ((not (re-search-forward non-table.el-line limit 
+                         (if (bolp) (forward-line -1) (beginning-of-line))
+                         (looking-at rule-regexp))
+                        ;; Ignore pseudo-tables with a single
+                        ;; rule.
+                        ((= next (line-beginning-position))
+                         nil)
+                        ;; Must end with a full rule.
+                        (t
+                         (forward-line -1)
+                         (looking-at rule-regexp)))))))
+              (org-element-table-parser limit affiliated))
+             ;; List.
+             ((looking-at (org-item-re))
+              (org-element-plain-list-parser
+               limit affiliated
+               (or structure (org-element--list-struct limit))))
+             ;; Default element: Paragraph.
+             (t (org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated)))))))
+      (when result
+        (org-element-put-property result :mode mode)
+        (org-element-put-property result :granularity granularity))
+      result)))
 ;; Most elements can have affiliated keywords.  When looking for an

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