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Re: [BUG] Org requested me to send this after doing org-cycle [9.5.1 (re

From: Jay Dresser
Subject: Re: [BUG] Org requested me to send this after doing org-cycle [9.5.1 (release_9.5.1-205-g20ed79 @ /home/jay/Builds/org-mode/lisp/)]
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 23:57:34 -0800

Here is Warnings and Backtrace

> From: Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@gmail.com>
> To: Jay Dresser <jay@jaydresser.us>
> Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: [BUG] Org requested me to send this after doing org-cycle
>  [9.5.1 (release_9.5.1-205-g20ed79 @ /home/jay/Builds/org-mode/lisp/)]
> Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2021 21:56:25 +0800
> Jay Dresser <jay@jaydresser.us> writes:
> >
> > I did org-cycle, via S-TAB, and an error occurred. I don't know why.
> Thanks for reporting!
> Could you also post the warning text next time you encounter it? The
> text contains important clues that can help us to understand what went
> wrong.
> Best,
> Ihor

====================== Backtrace ==========================
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "rx ‘**’ range error")
  signal(error ("rx ‘**’ range error"))
  error("rx `%s' range error" **)
  rx--translate-bounded-repetition(** (1 0 "*"))
  rx--translate-**((1 0 "*"))
  rx--translate-form((** 1 0 "*"))
  rx--translate((** 1 0 "*"))
  mapcar(rx--translate (line-start (** 1 0 "*") " "))
  rx--translate-seq((line-start (** 1 0 "*") " "))
  rx--translate-form((seq line-start (** 1 0 "*") " "))
  rx--translate((seq line-start (** 1 0 "*") " "))
  rx-to-string((seq line-start (** 1 0 "*") " "))
  (let ((re (rx-to-string (cons 'seq (cons 'line-start (cons (cons ... ...) 
'...)))))) (if (re-search-forward re nil t) (line-beginning-position) 
  (save-excursion (let ((re (rx-to-string (cons 'seq (cons 'line-start (cons 
... ...)))))) (if (re-search-forward re nil t) (line-beginning-position) 
  (let* ((begin (point)) (true-level (prog1 (skip-chars-forward "*") 
(skip-chars-forward " \11"))) (level (org-reduced-level true-level)) (todo (and 
org-todo-regexp (let (case-fold-search) (looking-at (concat org-todo-regexp " 
"))) (progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) (skip-chars-forward " \11") (match-string 
1)))) (todo-type (and todo (if (member todo org-done-keywords) 'done 'todo))) 
(priority (and (looking-at "\\[#.\\][ \11]*") (progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) 
(aref (match-string 0) 2)))) (commentedp (and (let ((case-fold-search nil)) 
(looking-at org-element-comment-string)) (goto-char (match-end 0)))) 
(title-start (prog1 (point) (if (or todo priority commentedp) nil 
(skip-chars-backward " \11")))) (tags (if (re-search-forward "[ 
\11]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \11]*$" (line-end-position) 'move) (progn 
(goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (org-split-string (match-string 1) ":")))) 
(title-end (point)) (raw-value (org-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties 
title-start title-end))) (archivedp (member org-element-archive-tag tags)) 
(footnote-section-p (and org-footnote-section (string= org-footnote-section 
raw-value))) (standard-props (org-element--get-node-properties)) (time-props 
(org-element--get-time-properties)) (end (save-excursion (let ((re 
(rx-to-string ...))) (if (re-search-forward re nil t) (line-beginning-position) 
(point-max))))) (contents-begin (save-excursion (forward-line) 
(skip-chars-forward " \15\11\n" end) (and (/= (point) end) 
(line-beginning-position)))) (contents-end (and contents-begin (progn 
(goto-char end) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (line-beginning-position 
2)))) (robust-begin (and contents-begin (progn (goto-char contents-begin) (if 
(looking-at-p org-element-planning-line-re) (progn (forward-line))) (if 
(looking-at org-property-drawer-re) (progn (goto-char ...))) (max (if (< ... 
contents-end) (+ 2 contents-begin) 0) (point))))) (robust-end (and robust-begin 
(if (> (- contents-end 2) robust-begin) (progn (- contents-end 2)))))) (if 
robust-end nil (setq robust-begin nil)) (let ((headline (list 'headline (nconc 
(list :raw-value raw-value :begin begin :end end :pre-blank (if ... 0 ...) 
:contents-begin contents-begin :contents-end contents-end :robust-begin 
robust-begin :robust-end robust-end :level level :priority priority :tags tags 
:todo-keyword todo :todo-type todo-type :post-blank (if contents-end ... ...) 
:footnote-section-p footnote-section-p :archivedp archivedp :commentedp 
commentedp :post-affiliated begin) time-props standard-props)))) 
(org-element-put-property headline :title (if raw-secondary-p raw-value 
(org-element--parse-objects (progn (goto-char title-start) (skip-chars-forward 
" \11") (point)) (progn (goto-char title-end) (skip-chars-backward " \11") 
(point)) nil (org-element-restriction 'headline) headline)))))
  (save-excursion (let* ((begin (point)) (true-level (prog1 (skip-chars-forward 
"*") (skip-chars-forward " \11"))) (level (org-reduced-level true-level)) (todo 
(and org-todo-regexp (let (case-fold-search) (looking-at (concat 
org-todo-regexp " "))) (progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) (skip-chars-forward " 
\11") (match-string 1)))) (todo-type (and todo (if (member todo 
org-done-keywords) 'done 'todo))) (priority (and (looking-at "\\[#.\\][ \11]*") 
(progn (goto-char (match-end 0)) (aref (match-string 0) 2)))) (commentedp (and 
(let ((case-fold-search nil)) (looking-at org-element-comment-string)) 
(goto-char (match-end 0)))) (title-start (prog1 (point) (if (or todo priority 
commentedp) nil (skip-chars-backward " \11")))) (tags (if (re-search-forward "[ 
\11]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \11]*$" (line-end-position) 'move) (progn 
(goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (org-split-string (match-string 1) ":")))) 
(title-end (point)) (raw-value (org-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties 
title-start title-end))) (archivedp (member org-element-archive-tag tags)) 
(footnote-section-p (and org-footnote-section (string= org-footnote-section 
raw-value))) (standard-props (org-element--get-node-properties)) (time-props 
(org-element--get-time-properties)) (end (save-excursion (let ((re ...)) (if 
(re-search-forward re nil t) (line-beginning-position) (point-max))))) 
(contents-begin (save-excursion (forward-line) (skip-chars-forward " \15\11\n" 
end) (and (/= (point) end) (line-beginning-position)))) (contents-end (and 
contents-begin (progn (goto-char end) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") 
(line-beginning-position 2)))) (robust-begin (and contents-begin (progn 
(goto-char contents-begin) (if (looking-at-p org-element-planning-line-re) 
(progn ...)) (if (looking-at org-property-drawer-re) (progn ...)) (max (if ... 
... 0) (point))))) (robust-end (and robust-begin (if (> (- contents-end 2) 
robust-begin) (progn (- contents-end 2)))))) (if robust-end nil (setq 
robust-begin nil)) (let ((headline (list 'headline (nconc (list :raw-value 
raw-value :begin begin :end end :pre-blank ... :contents-begin contents-begin 
:contents-end contents-end :robust-begin robust-begin :robust-end robust-end 
:level level :priority priority :tags tags :todo-keyword todo :todo-type 
todo-type :post-blank ... :footnote-section-p footnote-section-p :archivedp 
archivedp :commentedp commentedp :post-affiliated begin) time-props 
standard-props)))) (org-element-put-property headline :title (if 
raw-secondary-p raw-value (org-element--parse-objects (progn (goto-char 
title-start) (skip-chars-forward " \11") (point)) (progn (goto-char title-end) 
(skip-chars-backward " \11") (point)) nil (org-element-restriction 'headline) 
  org-element-headline-parser(1216624 t)
  (cond ((eq mode 'item) (org-element-item-parser limit structure 
raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit)) 
((eq mode 'node-property) (org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn 
(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* 
((org-called-with-limited-levels t) (org-outline-regexp 
(org-get-limited-outline-regexp)) (outline-regexp org-outline-regexp) 
(org-outline-regexp-bol (concat "^" org-outline-regexp))) (org-at-heading-p))) 
(org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'section) 
(org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'first-section) 
(org-element-section-parser (or (save-excursion (progn (defvar 
org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* (... ... ... ...) 
(outline-next-heading)))) limit))) ((looking-at "^[ \11]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)") 
(org-element-comment-parser limit)) ((and (eq mode 'planning) (eq 42 
(char-after (line-beginning-position 0))) (looking-at 
org-element-planning-line-re)) (org-element-planning-parser limit)) ((and (cond 
((eq mode 'planning) (eq 42 (char-after (line-beginning-position 0)))) ((memq 
mode '(top-comment property-drawer)) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 0) (not 
(looking-at "[[:blank:]]*$")))) (t nil)) (looking-at org-property-drawer-re)) 
(org-element-property-drawer-parser limit)) ((not (bolp)) 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point)))) ((looking-at 
org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) ((looking-at 
"^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) (t (let 
((affiliated (org-element--collect-affiliated-keywords limit (memq granularity 
'...)))) (cond ((and (cdr affiliated) (>= (point) limit)) (goto-char (car 
affiliated)) (org-element-keyword-parser limit nil)) ((looking-at 
org-element--latex-begin-environment) (org-element-latex-environment-parser 
limit affiliated)) ((looking-at org-element-drawer-re) 
(org-element-drawer-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ \11]*:\\( 
\\|$\\)") (org-element-fixed-width-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ 
\11]*#\\+") (goto-char (match-end 0)) (cond ((looking-at "BEGIN_\\(\\S-+\\)") 
(beginning-of-line) (funcall ... limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "CALL:") 
(beginning-of-line) (org-element-babel-call-parser limit affiliated)) 
((looking-at "BEGIN:? ") (beginning-of-line) (org-element-dynamic-block-parser 
limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "\\S-+:") (beginning-of-line) 
(org-element-keyword-parser limit affiliated)) (t (beginning-of-line) 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated)))) ((looking-at 
org-footnote-definition-re) (org-element-footnote-definition-parser limit 
affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ \11]*-\\{5,\\}[ \11]*$") 
(org-element-horizontal-rule-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "%%(") 
(org-element-diary-sexp-parser limit affiliated)) ((or (looking-at "[ \11]*|") 
(let (... ... ...) (and ... ... ...))) (org-element-table-parser limit 
affiliated)) ((looking-at (org-item-re)) (org-element-plain-list-parser limit 
affiliated (or structure (org-element--list-struct limit)))) (t 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated))))))
  (setq result (cond ((eq mode 'item) (org-element-item-parser limit structure 
raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit)) 
((eq mode 'node-property) (org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn 
(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* 
((org-called-with-limited-levels t) (org-outline-regexp 
(org-get-limited-outline-regexp)) (outline-regexp org-outline-regexp) 
(org-outline-regexp-bol (concat "^" org-outline-regexp))) (org-at-heading-p))) 
(org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'section) 
(org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'first-section) 
(org-element-section-parser (or (save-excursion (progn (defvar 
org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* ... ...))) limit))) 
((looking-at "^[ \11]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)") (org-element-comment-parser limit)) 
((and (eq mode 'planning) (eq 42 (char-after (line-beginning-position 0))) 
(looking-at org-element-planning-line-re)) (org-element-planning-parser limit)) 
((and (cond ((eq mode 'planning) (eq 42 (char-after ...))) ((memq mode '...) 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line 0) (not ...))) (t nil)) (looking-at 
org-property-drawer-re)) (org-element-property-drawer-parser limit)) ((not 
(bolp)) (org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point)))) ((looking-at 
org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) ((looking-at 
"^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) (t (let 
((affiliated (org-element--collect-affiliated-keywords limit (memq granularity 
...)))) (cond ((and (cdr affiliated) (>= ... limit)) (goto-char (car 
affiliated)) (org-element-keyword-parser limit nil)) ((looking-at 
org-element--latex-begin-environment) (org-element-latex-environment-parser 
limit affiliated)) ((looking-at org-element-drawer-re) 
(org-element-drawer-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ \11]*:\\( 
\\|$\\)") (org-element-fixed-width-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ 
\11]*#\\+") (goto-char (match-end 0)) (cond (... ... ...) (... ... ...) (... 
... ...) (... ... ...) (t ... ...))) ((looking-at org-footnote-definition-re) 
(org-element-footnote-definition-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ 
\11]*-\\{5,\\}[ \11]*$") (org-element-horizontal-rule-parser limit affiliated)) 
((looking-at "%%(") (org-element-diary-sexp-parser limit affiliated)) ((or 
(looking-at "[ \11]*|") (let ... ...)) (org-element-table-parser limit 
affiliated)) ((looking-at (org-item-re)) (org-element-plain-list-parser limit 
affiliated (or structure ...))) (t (org-element-paragraph-parser limit 
  (let ((case-fold-search t) (raw-secondary-p (and granularity (not (eq 
granularity 'object)))) result) (setq result (cond ((eq mode 'item) 
(org-element-item-parser limit structure raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 
'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'node-property) 
(org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn (defvar 
org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* 
((org-called-with-limited-levels t) (org-outline-regexp ...) (outline-regexp 
org-outline-regexp) (org-outline-regexp-bol ...)) (org-at-heading-p))) 
(org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'section) 
(org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'first-section) 
(org-element-section-parser (or (save-excursion (progn ... ... ... ... ...)) 
limit))) ((looking-at "^[ \11]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)") (org-element-comment-parser 
limit)) ((and (eq mode 'planning) (eq 42 (char-after (line-beginning-position 
0))) (looking-at org-element-planning-line-re)) (org-element-planning-parser 
limit)) ((and (cond ((eq mode ...) (eq 42 ...)) ((memq mode ...) 
(save-excursion ... ...)) (t nil)) (looking-at org-property-drawer-re)) 
(org-element-property-drawer-parser limit)) ((not (bolp)) 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point)))) ((looking-at 
org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) ((looking-at 
"^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) (t (let 
((affiliated (org-element--collect-affiliated-keywords limit ...))) (cond ((and 
... ...) (goto-char ...) (org-element-keyword-parser limit nil)) ((looking-at 
org-element--latex-begin-environment) (org-element-latex-environment-parser 
limit affiliated)) ((looking-at org-element-drawer-re) 
(org-element-drawer-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ \11]*:\\( 
\\|$\\)") (org-element-fixed-width-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ 
\11]*#\\+") (goto-char ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...)) ((looking-at 
org-footnote-definition-re) (org-element-footnote-definition-parser limit 
affiliated)) ((looking-at "[ \11]*-\\{5,\\}[ \11]*$") 
(org-element-horizontal-rule-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at "%%(") 
(org-element-diary-sexp-parser limit affiliated)) ((or ... ...) 
(org-element-table-parser limit affiliated)) ((looking-at ...) 
(org-element-plain-list-parser limit affiliated ...)) (t 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit affiliated))))))) (if result (progn 
(org-element-put-property result :mode mode) (org-element-put-property result 
:granularity granularity))) (if (and (not (buffer-narrowed-p)) 
(org-element--cache-active-p) (not org-element--cache-sync-requests) 
add-to-cache) (progn (if (not old-element) (setq result (org-element--cache-put 
result)) (org-element-set-element old-element result) (setq result 
old-element)))) result)
  (save-excursion (let ((case-fold-search t) (raw-secondary-p (and granularity 
(not (eq granularity 'object)))) result) (setq result (cond ((eq mode 'item) 
(org-element-item-parser limit structure raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 
'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'node-property) 
(org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn (defvar 
org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* (... ... ... ...) 
(org-at-heading-p))) (org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq 
mode 'section) (org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'first-section) 
(org-element-section-parser (or (save-excursion ...) limit))) ((looking-at "^[ 
\11]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)") (org-element-comment-parser limit)) ((and (eq mode 
'planning) (eq 42 (char-after ...)) (looking-at org-element-planning-line-re)) 
(org-element-planning-parser limit)) ((and (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t nil)) 
(looking-at org-property-drawer-re)) (org-element-property-drawer-parser 
limit)) ((not (bolp)) (org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list (point)))) 
((looking-at org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) 
((looking-at "^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) 
(t (let ((affiliated ...)) (cond (... ... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) 
(... ... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))))) 
(if result (progn (org-element-put-property result :mode mode) 
(org-element-put-property result :granularity granularity))) (if (and (not 
(buffer-narrowed-p)) (org-element--cache-active-p) (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) add-to-cache) (progn (if (not old-element) 
(setq result (org-element--cache-put result)) (org-element-set-element 
old-element result) (setq result old-element)))) result))
  (if element element (save-excursion (let ((case-fold-search t) 
(raw-secondary-p (and granularity (not (eq granularity ...)))) result) (setq 
result (cond ((eq mode 'item) (org-element-item-parser limit structure 
raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'table-row) (org-element-table-row-parser limit)) 
((eq mode 'node-property) (org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn 
(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* ... ...)) 
(org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode 'section) 
(org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode 'first-section) 
(org-element-section-parser (or ... limit))) ((looking-at "^[ \11]*#\\(?: 
\\|$\\)") (org-element-comment-parser limit)) ((and (eq mode ...) (eq 42 ...) 
(looking-at org-element-planning-line-re)) (org-element-planning-parser limit)) 
((and (cond ... ... ...) (looking-at org-property-drawer-re)) 
(org-element-property-drawer-parser limit)) ((not (bolp)) 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit (list ...))) ((looking-at 
org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) ((looking-at 
"^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) (t (let (...) 
(cond ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...))))) (if result (progn 
(org-element-put-property result :mode mode) (org-element-put-property result 
:granularity granularity))) (if (and (not (buffer-narrowed-p)) 
(org-element--cache-active-p) (not org-element--cache-sync-requests) 
add-to-cache) (progn (if (not old-element) (setq result (org-element--cache-put 
result)) (org-element-set-element old-element result) (setq result 
old-element)))) result)))
  (let* ((element (and (not (buffer-narrowed-p)) (org-element--cache-active-p) 
(not org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-find (point) t))) 
(element (progn (while (and element (not (and ... ...))) (setq element 
(org-element-property :parent element))) element)) (old-element element) 
(element (if (let* ((val (org-element-property :granularity element))) (cond 
((null val) t) ((eq val ...) t) ((eq val ...) (not ...)) ((eq val ...) (not 
...)) ((eq val ...) (eq granularity ...)) (t nil))) (progn element)))) (if 
element element (save-excursion (let ((case-fold-search t) (raw-secondary-p 
(and granularity (not ...))) result) (setq result (cond ((eq mode ...) 
(org-element-item-parser limit structure raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode ...) 
(org-element-table-row-parser limit)) ((eq mode ...) 
(org-element-node-property-parser limit)) ((progn ... ... ... ... ...) 
(org-element-headline-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) ((eq mode ...) 
(org-element-section-parser limit)) ((eq mode ...) (org-element-section-parser 
...)) ((looking-at "^[ \11]*#\\(?: \\|$\\)") (org-element-comment-parser 
limit)) ((and ... ... ...) (org-element-planning-parser limit)) ((and ... ...) 
(org-element-property-drawer-parser limit)) ((not ...) 
(org-element-paragraph-parser limit ...)) ((looking-at 
org-element-clock-line-re) (org-element-clock-parser limit)) ((looking-at 
"^\\*+ ") (org-element-inlinetask-parser limit raw-secondary-p)) (t (let ... 
...)))) (if result (progn (org-element-put-property result :mode mode) 
(org-element-put-property result :granularity granularity))) (if (and (not 
(buffer-narrowed-p)) (org-element--cache-active-p) (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) add-to-cache) (progn (if (not old-element) 
(setq result ...) (org-element-set-element old-element result) (setq result 
old-element)))) result))))
  org-element--current-element(1216624 element nil nil)
  (setq element (org-element--current-element end 'element mode 
(org-element-property :structure parent)))
  (if (save-excursion (org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq element 
(org-element--current-element end 'element mode (org-element-property 
:structure parent))))
  (if element nil (if (save-excursion (org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq 
element (org-element--current-element end 'element mode (org-element-property 
:structure parent)))) (if element (setq element (or (org-element--cache-put 
element) element)) (throw 'exit parent)) (org-element-put-property element 
:parent parent))
  (while t (if (org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) (progn (throw 
'org-element--cache-interrupt nil))) (if (and inhibit-quit 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g quit-flag) (progn (if quit-flag (progn (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count (1+ 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)) (setq quit-flag nil))) (if (>= 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count) (progn (setq quit-flag t) (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count 0) (org-element-cache-reset) (error 
"org-element: Parsing aborted by user.  Cache has b..."))) (message 
(substitute-command-keys "`org-element--parse-buffer': Suppressed 
`\\[keyboar...") (- org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)))) (if element nil (if (save-excursion 
(org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq element (org-element--current-element 
end 'element mode (org-element-property :structure parent)))) (if element (setq 
element (or (org-element--cache-put element) element)) (throw 'exit parent)) 
(org-element-put-property element :parent parent)) (let ((elem-end 
(org-element-property :end element)) (type (org-element-type element))) (cond 
((and (<= elem-end pos) (/= (point-max) elem-end)) (goto-char elem-end) (if (eq 
type 'headline) (progn (let (...) (unwind-protect ... ...)))) (setq mode 
(org-element--next-mode mode type nil))) ((not (memq type 
org-element-greater-elements)) (throw 'exit (if syncp parent element))) ((let 
((cbeg (org-element-property :contents-begin element)) (cend 
(org-element-property :contents-end element))) (if (and cbeg cend (or ... ...) 
(or ... ...)) (progn (goto-char ...) (setq mode ... next nil parent element end 
...))))) (t (throw 'exit (if syncp parent element))))) (setq element nil))
  (let ((end (or (org-element-property :end element) (point-max))) (parent 
(org-element-property :parent element))) (while t (if 
(org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) (progn (throw 
'org-element--cache-interrupt nil))) (if (and inhibit-quit 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g quit-flag) (progn (if quit-flag (progn (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count (1+ 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)) (setq quit-flag nil))) (if (>= 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count) (progn (setq quit-flag t) (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count 0) (org-element-cache-reset) (error 
"org-element: Parsing aborted by user.  Cache has b..."))) (message 
(substitute-command-keys "`org-element--parse-buffer': Suppressed 
`\\[keyboar...") (- org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)))) (if element nil (if (save-excursion 
(org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq element (org-element--current-element 
end 'element mode (org-element-property :structure parent)))) (if element (setq 
element (or (org-element--cache-put element) element)) (throw 'exit parent)) 
(org-element-put-property element :parent parent)) (let ((elem-end 
(org-element-property :end element)) (type (org-element-type element))) (cond 
((and (<= elem-end pos) (/= (point-max) elem-end)) (goto-char elem-end) (if (eq 
type 'headline) (progn (let ... ...))) (setq mode (org-element--next-mode mode 
type nil))) ((not (memq type org-element-greater-elements)) (throw 'exit (if 
syncp parent element))) ((let ((cbeg ...) (cend ...)) (if (and cbeg cend ... 
...) (progn ... ...)))) (t (throw 'exit (if syncp parent element))))) (setq 
element nil)))
  (let* ((cached (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (org-element--cache-find 
pos nil))) (mode (org-element-property :mode cached)) element next) (cond ((and 
(not cached) (org-element--cache-active-p)) (setq element 
(org-element-org-data-parser)) (if (org-element-property :begin element) nil 
(let* ((format-string (format "Error parsing org-data. Got %S\nPlease report to 
Or..." element)) (format-string (if ... format-string ...))) (if (and (boundp 
...) org-batch-test) (error "%s" (concat "org-element--cache: " format-string)) 
(display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat "org-element--cache: " 
format-string))))) (if (or org-element--cache-diagnostics (eq 
org-element--cache-self-verify 'backtrace)) (progn (let* ((format-string ...) 
(format-string ...)) (if org-element--cache-diagnostics (display-warning ... 
format-string) (if org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring nil ...) (ring-insert 
org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring format-string))))) (org-element--cache-put 
element) (goto-char (org-element-property :contents-begin element)) (setq mode 
'org-data)) ((not cached) (if (progn (defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) 
(defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar outline-regexp) (defvar 
org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* ((org-called-with-limited-levels t) 
(org-outline-regexp ...) (outline-regexp org-outline-regexp) 
(org-outline-regexp-bol ...)) (outline-previous-heading))) (progn (setq element 
(org-element-headline-parser nil 'fast)) (setq mode 'planning) (forward-line)) 
(setq mode 'top-comment)) (org-skip-whitespace) (beginning-of-line)) (t (let 
((up cached) (pos (if (= ... pos) (1- pos) pos))) (while (and up (<= 
(org-element-property :end up) pos)) (goto-char (org-element-property :end up)) 
(setq element up mode (org-element--next-mode (org-element-property :mode 
element) (org-element-type element) nil) up (org-element-property :parent up) 
next (point))) (if up (progn (setq element up)))))) (let ((end (or 
(org-element-property :end element) (point-max))) (parent (org-element-property 
:parent element))) (while t (if (org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) 
(progn (throw 'org-element--cache-interrupt nil))) (if (and inhibit-quit 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g quit-flag) (progn (if quit-flag (progn (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count ...) (setq quit-flag nil))) (if (>= 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count) (progn (setq quit-flag t) (setq 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count 0) (org-element-cache-reset) (error 
"org-element: Parsing aborted by user.  Cache has b..."))) (message 
(substitute-command-keys "`org-element--parse-buffer': Suppressed 
`\\[keyboar...") (- org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)))) (if element nil (if (save-excursion 
(org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq element (org-element--current-element 
end 'element mode (org-element-property :structure parent)))) (if element (setq 
element (or (org-element--cache-put element) element)) (throw 'exit parent)) 
(org-element-put-property element :parent parent)) (let ((elem-end 
(org-element-property :end element)) (type (org-element-type element))) (cond 
((and (<= elem-end pos) (/= ... elem-end)) (goto-char elem-end) (if (eq type 
...) (progn ...)) (setq mode (org-element--next-mode mode type nil))) ((not 
(memq type org-element-greater-elements)) (throw 'exit (if syncp parent 
element))) ((let (... ...) (if ... ...))) (t (throw 'exit (if syncp parent 
element))))) (setq element nil))))
  (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char pos) (save-excursion (end-of-line) 
(skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if (bobp) (progn (throw 'exit nil)))) (let* 
((cached (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (org-element--cache-find pos nil))) 
(mode (org-element-property :mode cached)) element next) (cond ((and (not 
cached) (org-element--cache-active-p)) (setq element 
(org-element-org-data-parser)) (if (org-element-property :begin element) nil 
(let* ((format-string ...) (format-string ...)) (if (and ... org-batch-test) 
(error "%s" ...) (display-warning ... ...)))) (if (or 
org-element--cache-diagnostics (eq org-element--cache-self-verify 'backtrace)) 
(progn (let* (... ...) (if org-element--cache-diagnostics ... ... ...)))) 
(org-element--cache-put element) (goto-char (org-element-property 
:contents-begin element)) (setq mode 'org-data)) ((not cached) (if (progn 
(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar org-outline-regexp) (defvar 
outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) (let* (... ... ... ...) 
(outline-previous-heading))) (progn (setq element (org-element-headline-parser 
nil ...)) (setq mode 'planning) (forward-line)) (setq mode 'top-comment)) 
(org-skip-whitespace) (beginning-of-line)) (t (let ((up cached) (pos (if ... 
... pos))) (while (and up (<= ... pos)) (goto-char (org-element-property :end 
up)) (setq element up mode (org-element--next-mode ... ... nil) up 
(org-element-property :parent up) next (point))) (if up (progn (setq element 
up)))))) (let ((end (or (org-element-property :end element) (point-max))) 
(parent (org-element-property :parent element))) (while t (if 
(org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) (progn (throw 
'org-element--cache-interrupt nil))) (if (and inhibit-quit 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g quit-flag) (progn (if quit-flag (progn ... 
...)) (if (>= org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count) (progn ... ... ... ...)) (message 
(substitute-command-keys "`org-element--parse-buffer': Suppressed 
`\\[keyboar...") (- org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-max-count 
org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g-count)))) (if element nil (if (save-excursion 
(org-skip-whitespace) (eobp)) nil (setq element (org-element--current-element 
end ... mode ...))) (if element (setq element (or ... element)) (throw 'exit 
parent)) (org-element-put-property element :parent parent)) (let ((elem-end 
(org-element-property :end element)) (type (org-element-type element))) (cond 
((and ... ...) (goto-char elem-end) (if ... ...) (setq mode ...)) ((not ...) 
(throw ... ...)) ((let ... ...)) (t (throw ... ...)))) (setq element nil)))))
  (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char pos) (save-excursion 
(end-of-line) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if (bobp) (progn (throw 'exit 
nil)))) (let* ((cached (and (org-element--cache-active-p) 
(org-element--cache-find pos nil))) (mode (org-element-property :mode cached)) 
element next) (cond ((and (not cached) (org-element--cache-active-p)) (setq 
element (org-element-org-data-parser)) (if (org-element-property :begin 
element) nil (let* (... ...) (if ... ... ...))) (if (or 
org-element--cache-diagnostics (eq org-element--cache-self-verify ...)) (progn 
(let* ... ...))) (org-element--cache-put element) (goto-char 
(org-element-property :contents-begin element)) (setq mode 'org-data)) ((not 
cached) (if (progn (defvar org-called-with-limited-levels) (defvar 
org-outline-regexp) (defvar outline-regexp) (defvar org-outline-regexp-bol) 
(let* ... ...)) (progn (setq element ...) (setq mode ...) (forward-line)) (setq 
mode 'top-comment)) (org-skip-whitespace) (beginning-of-line)) (t (let ((up 
cached) (pos ...)) (while (and up ...) (goto-char ...) (setq element up mode 
... up ... next ...)) (if up (progn ...))))) (let ((end (or 
(org-element-property :end element) (point-max))) (parent (org-element-property 
:parent element))) (while t (if (org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) 
(progn (throw ... nil))) (if (and inhibit-quit org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g 
quit-flag) (progn (if quit-flag ...) (if ... ...) (message ... ...))) (if 
element nil (if (save-excursion ... ...) nil (setq element ...)) (if element 
(setq element ...) (throw ... parent)) (org-element-put-property element 
:parent parent)) (let ((elem-end ...) (type ...)) (cond (... ... ... ...) (... 
...) (...) (t ...))) (setq element nil))))))
  (progn (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char pos) 
(save-excursion (end-of-line) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if (bobp) 
(progn (throw 'exit nil)))) (let* ((cached (and (org-element--cache-active-p) 
(org-element--cache-find pos nil))) (mode (org-element-property :mode cached)) 
element next) (cond ((and (not cached) (org-element--cache-active-p)) (setq 
element (org-element-org-data-parser)) (if (org-element-property :begin 
element) nil (let* ... ...)) (if (or org-element--cache-diagnostics ...) (progn 
...)) (org-element--cache-put element) (goto-char (org-element-property 
:contents-begin element)) (setq mode 'org-data)) ((not cached) (if (progn ... 
... ... ... ...) (progn ... ... ...) (setq mode ...)) (org-skip-whitespace) 
(beginning-of-line)) (t (let (... ...) (while ... ... ...) (if up ...)))) (let 
((end (or ... ...)) (parent (org-element-property :parent element))) (while t 
(if (org-element--cache-interrupt-p time-limit) (progn ...)) (if (and 
inhibit-quit org-element--cache-interrupt-C-g quit-flag) (progn ... ... ...)) 
(if element nil (if ... nil ...) (if element ... ...) (org-element-put-property 
element :parent parent)) (let (... ...) (cond ... ... ... ...)) (setq element 
  (unwind-protect (progn (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char 
pos) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if (bobp) 
(progn (throw ... nil)))) (let* ((cached (and ... ...)) (mode 
(org-element-property :mode cached)) element next) (cond ((and ... ...) (setq 
element ...) (if ... nil ...) (if ... ...) (org-element--cache-put element) 
(goto-char ...) (setq mode ...)) ((not cached) (if ... ... ...) 
(org-skip-whitespace) (beginning-of-line)) (t (let ... ... ...))) (let ((end 
...) (parent ...)) (while t (if ... ...) (if ... ...) (if element nil ... ... 
...) (let ... ...) (setq element nil))))))) (set-match-data 
save-match-data-internal 'evaporate))
  (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char pos) (save-excursion 
(end-of-line) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if (bobp) (progn ...))) (let* 
((cached ...) (mode ...) element next) (cond (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... 
... ... ...) (t ...)) (let (... ...) (while t ... ... ... ... ...)))))) 
(set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate)))
  (catch 'exit (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect 
(progn (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (goto-char pos) 
(save-excursion (end-of-line) (skip-chars-backward " \15\11\n") (if ... ...)) 
(let* (... ... element next) (cond ... ... ...) (let ... ...))))) 
(set-match-data save-match-data-internal 'evaporate))))
  (condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format "Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\n The e..." (buffer-name 
(current-buffer)) err (if (and ... ...) (progn ...)))) (format-string (if (or 
(not org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring) (not ...)) format-string (prog1 
(concat ... format-string "\nBacktrace:\n  " ...) (setq 
org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring nil))))) (if (and (boundp 'org-batch-test) 
org-batch-test) (error "%s" (concat "org-element--cache: " format-string)) 
(display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat "org-element--cache: " 
format-string)))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to pom)))
  (if cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format "Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\n The e..." (buffer-name 
...) err (if ... ...))) (format-string (if (or ... ...) format-string (prog1 
... ...)))) (if (and (boundp 'org-batch-test) org-batch-test) (error "%s" 
(concat "org-element--cache: " format-string)) (display-warning 
'org-element-cache (concat "org-element--cache: " format-string)))) 
(org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to pom))))
  (setq element (if cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format "Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\n The e..." ... err ...)) 
(format-string (if ... format-string ...))) (if (and (boundp ...) 
org-batch-test) (error "%s" (concat "org-element--cache: " format-string)) 
(display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat "org-element--cache: " 
format-string)))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to pom)))))
  (let (element) (if (org-element--cache-active-p) (progn (if (not 
org-element--cache) (org-element-cache-reset) (if cached-only nil 
(org-element--cache-sync (current-buffer) pom))))) (setq element (if 
cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
...) (format-string ...)) (if (and ... org-batch-test) (error "%s" ...) 
(display-warning ... ...))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to 
pom))))) (if (and (org-element--cache-active-p) element 
(org-element--cache-verify-element element)) (progn (setq element 
(org-element--parse-to pom)))) (if (eq 'org-data (org-element-type element)) 
nil (if (and cached-only (not (and element (or (= pom ...) (and ... ... ...) 
(and ... ... ...) (and ... ... ...))))) nil (if (not (eq (org-element-type 
element) 'section)) element (org-element-at-point (1+ pom) cached-only)))))
  (let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line "[ \11]*[|+]") (org-element-lineage element 
'(table) t)) (if (and (eq 'table (org-element-type element)) (eq 'table\.el 
(org-element-property :type element))) (message (substitute-command-keys 
"\\<org-mode-map>Use `\\[org-edit-special]' to edit t...")) 
(org-table-justify-field-maybe) (call-interactively #'org-table-next-field))) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and 
(or (and org-cycle-include-plain-lists (let (...) (and item ...))) 
(org-match-line org-outline-regexp)) (or (bolp) (not (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only 
(org-back-to-heading)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol) (or (not (bolp)) (not (looking-at org-outline-regexp)))) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd "TAB")))) ((or (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and (memq org-cycle-emulate-tab '(white whitestart)) 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (looking-at "[ \11]*")) (or (and (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (= ... ...)) (and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (>= 
... pos))))) (call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd "TAB")))) (t 
(save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle)))))
  (cond ((equal arg '(16)) (setq last-command 'dummy) 
(org-set-startup-visibility) (org-unlogged-message "Startup visibility, plus 
VISIBILITY properties")) ((equal arg '(64)) (org-show-all) 
(org-unlogged-message "Entire buffer visible, including drawers")) ((equal arg 
'(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) ((integerp arg) (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if (< arg 0) (- arg) (- (funcall 
outline-level) arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) 
(not (looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let ((org-cycle-hook (remq 
'org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change org-cycle-hook))) 
(org-cycle-internal-global))) ((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and (featurep 
'org-inlinetask) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab 'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t 
(let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line "[ \11]*[|+]") (org-element-lineage element 
'... t)) (if (and (eq ... ...) (eq ... ...)) (message (substitute-command-keys 
"\\<org-mode-map>Use `\\[org-edit-special]' to edit t...")) 
(org-table-justify-field-maybe) (call-interactively #'org-table-next-field))) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and 
(or (and org-cycle-include-plain-lists ...) (org-match-line 
org-outline-regexp)) (or (bolp) (not ...))) (org-cycle-internal-local)) 
(buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol) (or (not ...) (not ...))) (call-interactively (global-key-binding 
(kbd "TAB")))) ((or (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and (memq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (save-excursion ... ...) (or ... ...))) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd "TAB")))) (t (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle)))))))
  (let* ((limit-level (or org-cycle-max-level (and (boundp 
'org-inlinetask-min-level) org-inlinetask-min-level (1- 
org-inlinetask-min-level)))) (nstars (and limit-level (if org-odd-levels-only 
(1- (* 2 limit-level)) limit-level))) (org-outline-regexp (format "\\*%s " (if 
nstars (format "\\{1,%d\\}" nstars) "+")))) (cond ((equal arg '(16)) (setq 
last-command 'dummy) (org-set-startup-visibility) (org-unlogged-message 
"Startup visibility, plus VISIBILITY properties")) ((equal arg '(64)) 
(org-show-all) (org-unlogged-message "Entire buffer visible, including 
drawers")) ((equal arg '(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) ((integerp arg) 
(save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if (< arg 0) (- arg) 
(- (funcall outline-level) arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and 
org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) (not (looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let 
((org-cycle-hook (remq 'org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change 
org-cycle-hook))) (org-cycle-internal-global))) ((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and 
(featurep 'org-inlinetask) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab 'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t 
(let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line "[ \11]*[|+]") (org-element-lineage element ... 
t)) (if (and ... ...) (message ...) (org-table-justify-field-maybe) 
(call-interactively ...))) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and (or ... ...) (or ... ...)) 
(org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and 
(eq org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (or ... ...)) (call-interactively 
(global-key-binding ...))) ((or (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and ... ... ...)) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding ...))) (t (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle))))))))
  (if (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-first-hook) (and 
org-cycle-level-after-item/entry-creation (or (org-cycle-level) 
(org-cycle-item-indentation)))) nil (let* ((limit-level (or org-cycle-max-level 
(and (boundp 'org-inlinetask-min-level) org-inlinetask-min-level (1- 
org-inlinetask-min-level)))) (nstars (and limit-level (if org-odd-levels-only 
(1- (* 2 limit-level)) limit-level))) (org-outline-regexp (format "\\*%s " (if 
nstars (format "\\{1,%d\\}" nstars) "+")))) (cond ((equal arg '(16)) (setq 
last-command 'dummy) (org-set-startup-visibility) (org-unlogged-message 
"Startup visibility, plus VISIBILITY properties")) ((equal arg '(64)) 
(org-show-all) (org-unlogged-message "Entire buffer visible, including 
drawers")) ((equal arg '(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) ((integerp arg) 
(save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if (< arg 0) (- arg) 
(- ... arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) (not 
(looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let ((org-cycle-hook (remq ... 
org-cycle-hook))) (org-cycle-internal-global))) ((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and 
(featurep 'org-inlinetask) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab ...)))) (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t (let ((pos 
(point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond ((org-hide-block-toggle nil t 
element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t element)) ((and ... ...) (if ... ... 
... ...)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((and ... ...) 
(org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
...)) ((and ... ...) (call-interactively ...)) ((or ... ...) 
(call-interactively ...)) (t (save-excursion ... ...))))))))
  funcall-interactively(org-cycle nil)
  call-interactively(org-cycle nil nil)

===================== Warnings =========================
Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Cache corruption detected in 
archive.org. Resetting.
 The error was: (error "rx ‘**’ range error")
"  backtrace-to-string(nil)
  (progn (backtrace-to-string (backtrace-get-frames 'backtrace)))
  (if (and (fboundp 'backtrace-get-frames) (fboundp 'backtrace-to-string)) 
(progn (backtrace-to-string (backtrace-get-frames 'backtrace))))
  (format \"Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\\n The e...\" 
(buffer-name (current-buffer)) err (if (and (fboundp 'backtrace-get-frames) 
(fboundp 'backtrace-to-string)) (progn (backtrace-to-string 
(backtrace-get-frames 'backtrace)))))
  (let* ((format-string (format \"Cache corruption detected in %s. 
Resetting.\\n The e...\" (buffer-name (current-buffer)) err (if (and (fboundp 
'backtrace-get-frames) (fboundp 'backtrace-to-string)) (progn 
(backtrace-to-string (backtrace-get-frames ...)))))) (format-string (if (or 
(not org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring) (not (eq 'backtrace 
org-element--cache-self-verify))) format-string (prog1 (concat (format 
\"Warning(%s): \" (buffer-name ...)) format-string \"\\nBacktrace:\\n  \" 
(mapconcat #'identity (ring-elements org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring) \"\\n 
 \")) (setq org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring nil))))) (if (and (boundp 
'org-batch-test) org-batch-test) (error \"%s\" (concat \"org-element--cache: \" 
format-string)) (display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat 
\"org-element--cache: \" format-string))))
  (condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format \"Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\\n The e...\" 
(buffer-name (current-buffer)) err (if (and ... ...) (progn ...)))) 
(format-string (if (or (not org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring) (not ...)) 
format-string (prog1 (concat ... format-string \"\\nBacktrace:\\n  \" ...) 
(setq org-element--cache-diagnostics-ring nil))))) (if (and (boundp 
'org-batch-test) org-batch-test) (error \"%s\" (concat \"org-element--cache: \" 
format-string)) (display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat 
\"org-element--cache: \" format-string)))) (org-element-cache-reset) 
(org-element--parse-to pom)))
  (if cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format \"Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\\n The e...\" 
(buffer-name ...) err (if ... ...))) (format-string (if (or ... ...) 
format-string (prog1 ... ...)))) (if (and (boundp 'org-batch-test) 
org-batch-test) (error \"%s\" (concat \"org-element--cache: \" format-string)) 
(display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat \"org-element--cache: \" 
format-string)))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to pom))))
  (setq element (if cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
(format \"Cache corruption detected in %s. Resetting.\\n The e...\" ... err 
...)) (format-string (if ... format-string ...))) (if (and (boundp ...) 
org-batch-test) (error \"%s\" (concat \"org-element--cache: \" format-string)) 
(display-warning 'org-element-cache (concat \"org-element--cache: \" 
format-string)))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to pom)))))
  (let (element) (if (org-element--cache-active-p) (progn (if (not 
org-element--cache) (org-element-cache-reset) (if cached-only nil 
(org-element--cache-sync (current-buffer) pom))))) (setq element (if 
cached-only (and (org-element--cache-active-p) (or (not 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) (org-element--cache-key-less-p pom (aref (car 
org-element--cache-sync-requests) 0))) (org-element--cache-find pom)) 
(condition-case err (org-element--parse-to pom) (error (let* ((format-string 
...) (format-string ...)) (if (and ... org-batch-test) (error \"%s\" ...) 
(display-warning ... ...))) (org-element-cache-reset) (org-element--parse-to 
pom))))) (if (and (org-element--cache-active-p) element 
(org-element--cache-verify-element element)) (progn (setq element 
(org-element--parse-to pom)))) (if (eq 'org-data (org-element-type element)) 
nil (if (and cached-only (not (and element (or (= pom ...) (and ... ... ...) 
(and ... ... ...) (and ... ... ...))))) nil (if (not (eq (org-element-type 
element) 'section)) element (org-element-at-point (1+ pom) cached-only)))))
  (let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line \"[ \\11]*[|+]\") (org-element-lineage element 
'(table) t)) (if (and (eq 'table (org-element-type element)) (eq 'table\\.el 
(org-element-property :type element))) (message (substitute-command-keys 
\"\\\\<org-mode-map>Use `\\\\[org-edit-special]' to edit t...\")) 
(org-table-justify-field-maybe) (call-interactively #'org-table-next-field))) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and 
(or (and org-cycle-include-plain-lists (let (...) (and item ...))) 
(org-match-line org-outline-regexp)) (or (bolp) (not (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only 
(org-back-to-heading)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol) (or (not (bolp)) (not (looking-at org-outline-regexp)))) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd \"TAB\")))) ((or (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and (memq org-cycle-emulate-tab '(white whitestart)) 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line 1) (looking-at \"[ \\11]*\")) (or (and (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (= ... ...)) (and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (>= 
... pos))))) (call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd \"TAB\")))) (t 
(save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle)))))
  (cond ((equal arg '(16)) (setq last-command 'dummy) 
(org-set-startup-visibility) (org-unlogged-message \"Startup visibility, plus 
VISIBILITY properties\")) ((equal arg '(64)) (org-show-all) 
(org-unlogged-message \"Entire buffer visible, including drawers\")) ((equal 
arg '(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) ((integerp arg) (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if (< arg 0) (- arg) (- (funcall 
outline-level) arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) 
(not (looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let ((org-cycle-hook (remq 
'org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change org-cycle-hook))) 
(org-cycle-internal-global))) ((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and (featurep 
'org-inlinetask) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab 'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t 
(let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line \"[ \\11]*[|+]\") (org-element-lineage element 
'... t)) (if (and (eq ... ...) (eq ... ...)) (message (substitute-command-keys 
\"\\\\<org-mode-map>Use `\\\\[org-edit-special]' to edit t...\")) 
(org-table-justify-field-maybe) (call-interactively #'org-table-next-field))) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and 
(or (and org-cycle-include-plain-lists ...) (org-match-line 
org-outline-regexp)) (or (bolp) (not ...))) (org-cycle-internal-local)) 
(buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab 
'exc-hl-bol) (or (not ...) (not ...))) (call-interactively (global-key-binding 
(kbd \"TAB\")))) ((or (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and (memq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (save-excursion ... ...) (or ... ...))) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding (kbd \"TAB\")))) (t (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle)))))))
  (let* ((limit-level (or org-cycle-max-level (and (boundp 
'org-inlinetask-min-level) org-inlinetask-min-level (1- 
org-inlinetask-min-level)))) (nstars (and limit-level (if org-odd-levels-only 
(1- (* 2 limit-level)) limit-level))) (org-outline-regexp (format \"\\\\*%s \" 
(if nstars (format \"\\\\{1,%d\\\\}\" nstars) \"+\")))) (cond ((equal arg 
'(16)) (setq last-command 'dummy) (org-set-startup-visibility) 
(org-unlogged-message \"Startup visibility, plus VISIBILITY properties\")) 
((equal arg '(64)) (org-show-all) (org-unlogged-message \"Entire buffer 
visible, including drawers\")) ((equal arg '(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) 
((integerp arg) (save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if 
(< arg 0) (- arg) (- (funcall outline-level) arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and 
org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) (not (looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let 
((org-cycle-hook (remq 'org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change 
org-cycle-hook))) (org-cycle-internal-global))) ((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and 
(featurep 'org-inlinetask) (org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq 
org-cycle-emulate-tab 'exc-hl-bol)))) (org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t 
(let ((pos (point)) (element (org-element-at-point))) (cond 
((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) ((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t 
element)) ((and (org-match-line \"[ \\11]*[|+]\") (org-element-lineage element 
... t)) (if (and ... ...) (message ...) (org-table-justify-field-maybe) 
(call-interactively ...))) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
'org-tab-after-check-for-table-hook)) ((and (or ... ...) (or ... ...)) 
(org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-after-check-for-cycling-hook)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-before-tab-emulation-hook)) ((and 
(eq org-cycle-emulate-tab ...) (or ... ...)) (call-interactively 
(global-key-binding ...))) ((or (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab t) (and ... ... ...)) 
(call-interactively (global-key-binding ...))) (t (save-excursion 
(org-back-to-heading) (org-cycle))))))))
  (if (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'org-tab-first-hook) (and 
org-cycle-level-after-item/entry-creation (or (org-cycle-level) 
(org-cycle-item-indentation)))) nil (let* ((limit-level (or org-cycle-max-level 
(and (boundp 'org-inlinetask-min-level) org-inlinetask-min-level (1- 
org-inlinetask-min-level)))) (nstars (and limit-level (if org-odd-levels-only 
(1- (* 2 limit-level)) limit-level))) (org-outline-regexp (format \"\\\\*%s \" 
(if nstars (format \"\\\\{1,%d\\\\}\" nstars) \"+\")))) (cond ((equal arg 
'(16)) (setq last-command 'dummy) (org-set-startup-visibility) 
(org-unlogged-message \"Startup visibility, plus VISIBILITY properties\")) 
((equal arg '(64)) (org-show-all) (org-unlogged-message \"Entire buffer 
visible, including drawers\")) ((equal arg '(4)) (org-cycle-internal-global)) 
((integerp arg) (save-excursion (org-back-to-heading) (outline-up-heading (if 
(< arg 0) (- arg) (- ... arg))) (org-show-subtree))) ((and 
org-cycle-global-at-bob (bobp) (not (looking-at org-outline-regexp))) (let 
((org-cycle-hook (remq ... org-cycle-hook))) (org-cycle-internal-global))) 
((org-try-cdlatex-tab)) ((and (featurep 'org-inlinetask) 
(org-inlinetask-at-task-p) (or (bolp) (not (eq org-cycle-emulate-tab ...)))) 
(org-inlinetask-toggle-visibility)) (t (let ((pos (point)) (element 
(org-element-at-point))) (cond ((org-hide-block-toggle nil t element)) 
((org-hide-drawer-toggle nil t element)) ((and ... ...) (if ... ... ... ...)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((and ... ...) 
(org-cycle-internal-local)) (buffer-read-only (org-back-to-heading)) 
((run-hook-with-args-until-success ...)) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
...)) ((and ... ...) (call-interactively ...)) ((or ... ...) 
(call-interactively ...)) (t (save-excursion ... ...))))))))
  funcall-interactively(org-cycle nil)
  call-interactively(org-cycle nil nil)
 Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).

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