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Re: looking for examples of `org-capture-templates` working with `org-pr

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: looking for examples of `org-capture-templates` working with `org-protocol://capture`
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 19:57:36 +0700
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Chris, could you, please, be more specific with your complains? Templates are described in the manual in the sections you cited.

Notice that manual may be accessed from emacs
   M-x info RET org RET
   M-: (info "(org) The capture protocol")
or using [[info:org#The capture protocol]] links in org files or as a single long HTML page https://orgmode.org/org.html

On 31/01/2022 11:23, chris wrote:

 > Provided I have opened at least one org buffer before hand, otherwise it
 > opens a buffer named
 > `"org-protocol://capture?template=l&url=URL&title=TITLE&body=BODY" ` at
> what point it can get messy. Probably I have to "start" somehow "org-mode"
 > first, and it doesn't get enough started from my `init.el`.

You need something like
  (require 'org-protocol)
in your emacs init file to setup handlers for specific "file names". Org-protocol URIs are just relative paths to files from standpoint of emcasclient. Certainly this line should be executed when directory with org package is already known. The pitfall of such line is that it makes impossible to temporary try another org version using just
    emacs -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp test.org
it must be combined with -q or -Q.

So, reverse-engineering the example I've eventually found the relevant points of the documentation:

What do you mean by "reverse-engineering"? %:link, %:description, %i are described in "The capture protocol" https://orgmode.org/manual/The-capture-protocol.html known to you. Upper "Protocols for External Access" section contains link to "Capture" section where a couple of examples (unrelated to org-protocol however) may be found. "Template elements" and (known to you) "Template expansion" sections have detailed reference of template constituents.


Notice that some information on this page is outdated.

(setq org-capture-templates

       `(("l" "org-protocol-capture" entry
          (file "~/path/inbox.org")
         "* TODO [[%:link][%:description]]\n\n %:initial"
         :immediate-finish t)))

:immediate-finish should be added when everything already works.

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