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Re: Lazy load of org-protocol

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: Lazy load of org-protocol
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 23:46:26 +0700
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On 08/02/2022 17:44, Tianshu Wang wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

Thank you, such approach, unlike mine example, does not have code duplication. On the other hand it loads org-protocol on any remote command, not only for "files" representing org-protocol URIs.
Maybe defadvice in org-protocol.el should be changed by newer
advice-add with a function containing body of the old advice.

Yes, I replaced the original code with advice-add (not fully tested).

Sorry, I was not clear enough. I meant a patch similar to the attached one. It is not tested for greedy subprotocols. It allows to check arguments to decide if it is necessary to load org-protocol:

(defun org-protocol-lazy-load (args)
  (if (or (featurep 'org-protocol)
          (not (delq nil
                     (mapcar (lambda (loc)
                               ;; loc: (file-name . (line . column))
"\\(?:^\\|[/\\\\]\\)org-protocol:" (car loc)))
                             (car args)))))
    (require 'org-protocol)
    (org-protocol-detect-protocol-server args)))


(advice-add 'server-visit-files :filter-args #'org-protocol-lazy-load)

On 08/02/2022 02:06, Jim Porter wrote:
On 2/7/2022 6:57 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
Maybe another option would be to add an --apply argument that really *does* consume the other command-line args and turns them into a properly-quoted function call. Roughly speaking, it would turn this:

   emacs --apply func foo bar baz

into this:

   (apply #'func '(foo bar baz))

You have almost managed to sell this idea to me. However even --apply is just sugar for

     emacsclient --eval "(apply #'func command-line-args-left)" --arg 1 2

So it is --apply option that may require to write a dedicated function if --arg is not implemented. Another limitation of --apply is that the function must accept string arguments only, no lists or even integers or boolean.

Yeah, `--arg' does have greater flexibility in that regard, but it comes at the cost of verbosity and some slight behavioral differences with the equivalent in the main emacs executable. For emacs itself, any elements of `command-line-args-left' that aren't consumed by a function will get opened as files, but I don't think that would be the case with emacsclient. Does this difference matter? Probably not. However, avoiding `command-line-args-left' just feels intuitively "cleaner" to me. Still, I think `--arg' should work and be backwards-compatible, so I don't mind it, even if I prefer the simplicity of `--apply'.

It is not a problem to implement --apply in addition to --arg. It may just mean
    --eval '(apply-from-command-line-args-left)'

    emacs --batch -l apply-from-command-line-args-left.el \
        --eval '(apply-from-command-line-args-left)' \
        message 'test %S, %S' Hello 'World!'

(defun apply-from-command-line-args-left ()
  (let* ((name (car command-line-args-left))
         (func (symbol-function (intern name))))
    (if func
      (apply func (cdr command-line-args-left))
     (error (format "Symbol's function definition is void: %s" name)))))

OK, I forgot to set the variable to nil.

On a related note, there is still an issue with `--eval' in some cases. It fails to work with emacsclient when invoking an alternate editor:

   emacsclient --alternate-editor emacs --eval '(message "hi")'

If Emacs isn't already running, that will open a new buffer named '(message "hi")'. I think that's just a bug in how emacsclient handles `--eval', though fixing it would make org-protocol links work more reliably (if they used `--eval' as proposed, that is).

    emacsclient --alternate-editor '' --eval '(message "hi")'

But it makes it harder to use it during debugging when -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp options are required.

Attachment: 0001-org-protocol.el-New-style-advice.patch
Description: Text Data

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