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org-capture-templates failing

From: Sharon Kimble
Subject: org-capture-templates failing
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 16:33:28 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hash: SHA512

Using this template culled from the org-mode manual

- --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "~/.emacs.d/org/scratch.org" "Tasks")
         "* TODO %?\n %i\n %a")
        ("o" "Journal" entry (file+datetree "~/.emacs.d/org/scratch.org")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n %i\n %a")))
[2022-07-12 Tue 16:24]
- --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

and selecting either of the 2 keys from my org-capture setup, this is displayed 
in a debugger *backtrace*

- --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Capture template ‘t’: Symbol’s value as 
variable i...")
  signal(error ("Capture template ‘t’: Symbol’s value as variable i..."))
  error("Capture template `%s': %s" "t" "Symbol’s value as variable is void: 
  #f(compiled-function (&optional goto keys) "Capture 
something.\n\\<org-capture-mode-map>\nThis will let you select a template from 
`org-capture-templates', and\nthen file the newly captured information.  The 
text is immediately\ninserted at the target location, and an indirect buffer is 
shown where\nyou can edit it.  Pressing `\\[org-capture-finalize]' brings you 
back to the previous\nstate of Emacs, so that you can continue your 
work.\n\nWhen called interactively with a `\\[universal-argument]' prefix 
argument GOTO, don't\ncapture anything, just go to the file/headline where the 
selected\ntemplate stores its notes.\n\nWith a `\\[universal-argument] 
\\[universal-argument]' prefix argument, go to the last note stored.\n\nWhen 
called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.\n\nWhen called 
with a `C-1' (one) prefix, force prompting for a date when\na datetree entry is 
made.\n\nELisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template\nin 
`org-capture-templates'.  In this case, interactive selection\nwill be 
bypassed.\n\nIf `org-capture-use-agenda-date' is non-nil, capturing from 
the\nagenda will use the date at point as the default date.  Then, a\n`C-1' 
prefix will tell the capture process to use the HH:MM time\nof the day at point 
(if any) or the current HH:MM time." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 
0x68d4988a5436cc>)(nil nil)
  ad-Advice-org-capture(#f(compiled-function (&optional goto keys) "Capture 
something.\n\\<org-capture-mode-map>\nThis will let you select a template from 
`org-capture-templates', and\nthen file the newly captured information.  The 
text is immediately\ninserted at the target location, and an indirect buffer is 
shown where\nyou can edit it.  Pressing `\\[org-capture-finalize]' brings you 
back to the previous\nstate of Emacs, so that you can continue your 
work.\n\nWhen called interactively with a `\\[universal-argument]' prefix 
argument GOTO, don't\ncapture anything, just go to the file/headline where the 
selected\ntemplate stores its notes.\n\nWith a `\\[universal-argument] 
\\[universal-argument]' prefix argument, go to the last note stored.\n\nWhen 
called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.\n\nWhen called 
with a `C-1' (one) prefix, force prompting for a date when\na datetree entry is 
made.\n\nELisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template\nin 
`org-capture-templates'.  In this case, interactive selection\nwill be 
bypassed.\n\nIf `org-capture-use-agenda-date' is non-nil, capturing from 
the\nagenda will use the date at point as the default date.  Then, a\n`C-1' 
prefix will tell the capture process to use the HH:MM time\nof the day at point 
(if any) or the current HH:MM time." (interactive "P") #<bytecode 
0x68d4988a5436cc>) nil)
  apply(ad-Advice-org-capture #f(compiled-function (&optional goto keys) 
"Capture something.\n\\<org-capture-mode-map>\nThis will let you select a 
template from `org-capture-templates', and\nthen file the newly captured 
information.  The text is immediately\ninserted at the target location, and an 
indirect buffer is shown where\nyou can edit it.  Pressing 
`\\[org-capture-finalize]' brings you back to the previous\nstate of Emacs, so 
that you can continue your work.\n\nWhen called interactively with a 
`\\[universal-argument]' prefix argument GOTO, don't\ncapture anything, just go 
to the file/headline where the selected\ntemplate stores its notes.\n\nWith a 
`\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' prefix argument, go to the last 
note stored.\n\nWhen called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at 
point.\n\nWhen called with a `C-1' (one) prefix, force prompting for a date 
when\na datetree entry is made.\n\nELisp programs can set KEYS to a string 
associated with a template\nin `org-capture-templates'.  In this case, 
interactive selection\nwill be bypassed.\n\nIf `org-capture-use-agenda-date' is 
non-nil, capturing from the\nagenda will use the date at point as the default 
date.  Then, a\n`C-1' prefix will tell the capture process to use the HH:MM 
time\nof the day at point (if any) or the current HH:MM time." (interactive 
"P") #<bytecode 0x68d4988a5436cc>) nil)
  funcall-interactively(org-capture nil)
  call-interactively(org-capture nil nil)
- --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Can someone enlighten me as to why it isn't working? And how can I get them all 
working properly please?

- -- 
Debian 11, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 29.0.50, org 9.5.4


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