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Re: Auto detect ob-clojure backend (was: [PATCH] Fix ob-clojure handling

From: Daniel Kraus
Subject: Re: Auto detect ob-clojure backend (was: [PATCH] Fix ob-clojure handling source block variable's value is a org-mode table or list)
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 21:26:09 +0100

Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> writes:

> I think bb is a much better solution from a babel perspective and would
> love to see it as the default, even when you have both bb and cider
> installed.

I just installed the patch. So if you have `bb` in your path, ob-clojure
should use babashka as default and only fall back to cider when it's not.

Currently it looks for bb, and then next `nbb` before cider.
Now I realise that nbb shouldn't even be in that list at all but instead
should be the default for `org-babel-execute:clojurescript`.

> I stopped using clojure in org because it was way too fragile -
> depending heavily on cider features which often changed. However, now we
> have babashka and nbb, I'm thinking about using org again with
> clojure.

Happy to hear feedback if you have any :)

> I recall looking at the babel code for clojure some time back to see if
> it could be made simpler and more reliable. However, there wasn't much
> that could be improved on given the design of cider and its focus on
> interactive clojure development.

I agree, cider is a pretty heavy library.
And I feel that if you have already "jacked in" in cider, you simply
eval straight from you clj(s) code instead of using org babel.
(Maybe in combination with clerk or something if you want it more literal)

> I then thought using something like the
> Clojure CLI tools might be the way to go.

I think I'll add a backend for the Clojure CLI tools.
Should be similar simple as bb and nbb with slower startup time,
but you would get a JVM Clojure for it.

> Now I feel that babashka for clojure and nbb for clojurescript
> might be the right answer.

Agree. bb default for Clojure and nbb for ClojureScript.


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