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org-habit and hourly repeats

From: Felipe Balbi
Subject: org-habit and hourly repeats
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 08:38:46 +0200


I'm trying to start using `org-habit' but I noticed that hourly repeats
are not properly parsed by `org-habit-duration-to-days', however that's
a valid use case --- e.g. drinking water, medicine schedule,
physiotherapy sessions during the day, periodically practicing a new
language. For example, here's an easy TODO item that reproduces the

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* TODO Foo
  SCHEDULED: <2023-01-18 Wed 11:00 .+8h>
  :STYLE:    habit

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It appears that a simple solution would be modify
`org-habit-duration-to-days' to accept the `h' suffix and set it to a
fraction of a day, something like:

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(defun org-habit-duration-to-days (ts)
  (if (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\([hdwmy]\\)" ts)
      ;; lead time is specified.
      (floor (* (string-to-number (match-string 1 ts))
                (cdr (assoc (match-string 2 ts)
                            '(("h" . 0.042) ("d" . 1)
                              ("w" . 7)     ("m" . 30.4)
                              ("y" . 365.25))))))
    (error "Invalid duration string: %s" ts)))

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Would something like this be an acceptable solution?


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