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Re: Recovering playback state of multiple playlists and over multiple se

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Re: Recovering playback state of multiple playlists and over multiple sessions
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 09:54:00 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.2

Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net> writes:

Yuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me> writes:

Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net> writes:

Yuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me> writes:

I don't really save or restore emacs sessions. This is because I
an emacsclient on all the time until an untimely death because something goes terribly wrong, and if I make it revive from that
I fear it could go into a death loop. This is why I would rather
an emms-specific feature for this.

We may be speaking past each other. If you don't restart emacs, why
you need a function to save the playlist position?

As I said, things can go wrong, and emacs crashes. Sometimes this
happens more often than other times.  But especially after long
sessions of emacs is it hard to recover the position from (my) memory.

This is a slightly different situation that what we've
discussed. Previously, I understood it to be merely saving playlist positions so that they can be restored later. But now this is described
as a case of hardening Emms against an Emacs crash.

Therefore, what you are describing sounds more similar to Emacs'
auto-save feature.

What that be a good way of describing it?

Thanks for clarifying. I suppose that covers most of my usecase, though I think there's not much difference between saving and auto-saving, as the latter could be simply implemented as a run-at-times with the former if one can tolerate a bit of loss. "Saving" is a more universal feature and probably needed by more people other than me, and I'll be content to have a "saving" which I can use run-at-times to risk losing the bit in the time interval.


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