New patches: [make-S-prefix-key-for-sorting-functions.dpatch Tassilo Horn **20070802200758] { hunk ./emms-playlist-sort.el 87 - ;; Steal this key from emms-playlist-mode.. - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s") nil) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s n") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-name) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s a") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-artist) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s t") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-title) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s b") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-album) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s y") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-year) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s o") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-note) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s N") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-natural-order) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s l") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-list) - (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "s s") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-score))) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S n") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-name) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S a") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-artist) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S t") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-title) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S b") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-album) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S y") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-year) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S o") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-info-note) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S N") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-natural-order) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S l") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-list) + (define-key emms-playlist-mode-map (kbd "S s") 'emms-playlist-sort-by-score))) } Context: [Fix compiler warning in emms-setup Michael Olson **20070723023532] [emms-playlist-limit: Use standard enable/disable/toggle interface Michael Olson **20070723023452] [emms-streams: New option emms-stream-repeat-p Michael Olson **20070723020304 Instead of assuming that everyone will want to automatically repeat a streamlist if it runs out of tracks, make this controlled by the `emms-stream-repeat-p' option, which defaults to nil. ] [emms-player-mpd: Fix bug with selecting an individual URL track to play from a streamlist Michael Olson **20070723015956] [emms-player-mpd: Make callback arg for emms-player-mpd-sync-from-emms optional Michael Olson **20070723015722] [emms-playlist-sort.el: Bind "s s" to emms-playlist-sort-by-score. William Xu **20070719065003] [emms-setup.el: Enable emms-score in emms-devel. William Xu **20070717131538] [emms-lyrics.el: Set default value for emms-lyrics-dir to ~/music/lyrics. William Xu **20070717100946] [emms-playlist-sort.el: Remove emms-playlist-sort-prefix to make the William Xu **20070717095454 codes more clean. And steal "s" prefix key from `emms-playlist-mode'. (An alternative for emms-playlist-mode could be "v", same as XMMS) ] [emms-playlist-limit.el: (define-emms-playlist-limit) Fix prompt string bug. William Xu **20070717082536] [Avoid even the most remote possibility of a conflict with color-theme.el and its very bad replace-in-string function Michael Olson **20070712211444] [make-number-of-secs-to-seek-configurable.dpatch Tassilo Horn **20070712062052 Patch sent by "Alfred M. Szmidt" in on the emms-users list (with slight modifications). ] [emms-playlist-limit.el: Add missing line: (define-emms-playlist-limit info-title). William Xu **20070711071022] [emms-playlist-limit.el: Minor updates. William Xu **20070709103714] [emms-playlist-limit.el: Update Copyright to GPLv3. William Xu **20070708140012] [emms-playlist-sort.el: Minor updates. William Xu **20070708120050] [emms-playlist-limit.el: Redefine functions emms-playlist-limit-to-* with William Xu **20070708115907 macro: define-emms-playlist-limit. ] [emms-playlist-limit.el: Add default value based on track at point for William Xu **20070708040809 emms-playlist-limit-to-*. ] [New file: emms-playlist-limit.el. And minor updates to emms-playlist-sort. William Xu **20070705160221] [emms-player-mplayer.el: Add "", "", "" to William Xu **20070630124728 emms-player-mplayer-subtitle-extensions. ] [Updated NEWS for post-3.0 address@hidden [TAG 3.0 address@hidden Patch bundle hash: 9d61f174c1cbabc9f0e88a49dbe3004d9729f333