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[Fab-user] [ANN] Fabric 1.3.4 bugfix release out; status update

From: Jeff Forcier
Subject: [Fab-user] [ANN] Fabric 1.3.4 bugfix release out; status update
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 16:52:43 -0800

Hi all,

First release of 2012! Hope you are having a decent new year. <insert
2012-world-is-ending joke here>

Fabric 1.3.4 just went up on PyPI; it includes a handful of
parallelism-related bugfixes and a few other small odds and ends.

Fabric 1.4 is the next feature release, mostly SSH/network related
(agent forwarding [!], ssh_config support, skipping bad hosts, etc)
with some other bugfix-like features that work better in a minor
release (such as an attempt at fixing some of the most common
escaping-related problems.)

It's the focus for the near term future; tentatively aiming for the
end of the month, maybe sooner.

Other news: PyCon is in March! I will hopefully be attending; if I'm
unable to, I live in the area and will instead set up some sort of
extracurricular get-together. Either way I hope to see some of you in


Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

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