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Re: [Fab-user] Dynamically Create Task?

From: Carlos García
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] Dynamically Create Task?
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 19:08:16 +0200

Hi Chris

I developed exactly that some time ago, but I need time to clean the code prior to release it.

If you want to try yourself, what I did was to create a template class (an abstract class) with some general methods, as configure(), deploy(), restart(), that are invoked as tasks. Your modules should be child classes of this template class, overwritting the methods. The fabfile should have the tasks deploy(), configure() and so on.

This is how it looks in fabfile:

def deploy(module_name = None, class_name = None):
""" Deploy a template """
role = task_helper(module_name, class_name)
if role:

Now, what you need is a function that returns an instance of your selected class (in the function above, task_helper()). You should use importlib to importing your modules dinamically. As an example, you can use this:

def task_helper(module_name, class_name):
m = importlib.import_module(module_name)

if hasattr(m, class_name):
cls = getattr(m, class_name)
if inspect.isclass(cls):
return cls()

To use it from the CLI:

fab deploy:module_name,class_name

The hard part comes when you have dozens of modules and you need to remember every module and class name. We resolved this using introspection and integrating that with the autocomplete bash feature. 

Hope it helps!

2015-10-22 17:19 GMT+02:00 Chris Spencer <address@hidden>:
Is it possible to dynamically define a Fabric task?

Currently, in order to make `fab` show the task mymodule.mytask, I need to define the function `mytask` inside `mymodule`. As I use Fabric more, I'm finding this gets very tedious, because different modules often define similar functions, so I end up writing duplicate code. I'm trying to refactor my code to be more object-oriented, and would like to register class methods as tasks, but I can't find a reliable way to do this.

How can I tell Fabric to expose an arbitrary callable with a specific name, regardless of which package or module it resides in?

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