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[fluid-dev] gcc-2.95, startup

From: nikodimka
Subject: [fluid-dev] gcc-2.95, startup
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 08:32:00 -0700 (PDT)


I have just downloaded FluidSynth-1.0.2

and got the following questions:

1) the compilation breaks in src/fluid_voice.c line 2012
   due to compiler parse error.
   The error caused by normalized_amplitude_during_loop definition
   mixed into executable code.
   I understand that C99 and gcc-3.0 are okay with such syntax,
   but it looks like the only problem compiling the program with gcc-2.95 

2) I tried to use the sf2 file of the tarball like this:

$fluidsynth -a oss -m alsa_seq ./sf2/VintageDreamsWaves-v2.sf2 
fluidsynth: warning: Failed to pin the sample data to RAM; swapping is possible.
fluidsynth: warning: Ignoring sample SineWave: can't use ROM samples
fluidsynth: warning: Ignoring sample SINEHI: too few sample data points
Segmentation fault

Is there something I do wrong or the "default" .sf2 file of the tarball causes 
(it doesnt matter if I compile fluidsynth with gcc 3.0 or 2.95)


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