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Re: [fluid-dev] Can I load a list of commands?

From: Dave Serls
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Can I load a list of commands?
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:41:04 -0700

On Mon, 09 Jan 2006 12:14:47 +0000
Dougie McGilvray <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi, I'm experimenting with Scala & Fluidsynth. I'm currently 
> copy/pasting the contents of the file produced by Scala into the 
> fluidsynth shell. Is there an easier way? I couldn't find one in the 
> documentation, but I thought there might be a way to load a list of 
> commands from a file.

  A script can be made to do this by 'enhancing' the command syntax
  of fluidsynth.  Unfortunately for most others I use Rexx as my script 
  being a former mainframe geek.  I'm sure it would be just as easily done (tm)
  in shell script.  The script rxfluid1 accepts the command 'incl' to include a
  file of fluidsyunth commands.

  Starter script:

#! /usr/local/bin/rexx
/* set up jack keyboard to fluidsynth */

call directory "/src/fluidsynth"
fonts = '8Rock11e.sf2 FluidR3GM.sf2  wst25fstein.sf2 Tremolo_Oud_V2_SEC.sf2'

say "Using jack as sound device" 
'/home/dave/bin/rxfluid1 | fluidsynth -g 1.0 -R 1 -a jack' fonts

   rxfluid1 which interprets standard input and generates fluidsynth commands:

#! /usr/local/bin/rexx
/* interpret console commands for fluidsynth */

ccnt = 0
fbase = "/audio/csound/"

say "router_clear"

do forever
   parse pull stmt
   cmd = word( stmt, 1 )
   ccnt = ccnt + 1

     when cmd = "q" then do
       say "quit"
       'aconnect -x'
       exit 0
     when cmd = "incl" then do
       parse var stmt . filen
       filen = fbase || filen || ".incl"
       do while lines( filen ) > 0
          icmd = linein( filen )
          say icmd
       say "channels"

     when cmd = "split" then do
       bass = word(stmt, 2)     /* bass output channel */
       melody = word(stmt, 3)   /* melody output channel */
       splitkey = word(stmt,4)  /* key to split on */

       say "router_begin note"
       say "router_chan 0 0 0" bass
       say "router_par1 1" splitkey "1 0"
       say "router_end"

       say "router_begin note"
       say "router_chan 0 0 0" melody
       say "router_par1" splitkey+1 "88 1 0"
       say "router_end"

     when cmd = "trans" then do
       offset = word( stmt, 2 )
       if datatype( offset, "NUM" ) then do
          if ( offset > 12 ) | ( offset < -12 ) then ,
             say "invalid trans"
          else do
              say "router_begin note"
              say "router_par1 1 88 1" offset
              say "router_end"

     otherwise do  /* send command as-is */
       say stmt
       if cmd = "select" | cmd = "prog" then do
          say "channels"
exit 0

   parse arg instr
   parse var instr prog '.' bank '.' font
   if bank = '' then bank = "0"
   if font = '' then font = "0"
   instdef = font bank prog
   return instdef

*   Dave Serls                                 Littleton, CO, USA      *
*   dashs.denver.co.us                         sorrybiscuit.com        *

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