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[fluid-dev] Re: Win32 midi loopback driver -- WAS Re: Build help on win3

From: josh
Subject: [fluid-dev] Re: Win32 midi loopback driver -- WAS Re: Build help on win32 with MinGW (resolved)
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:20:48 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Quoting jimmy <address@hidden>:
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 00:17:28 -0700

Now to 
figure out how to route some MIDI through the winmidi
driver and test 
some SYSEX data.  Clues into how to do this would be
most welcome!


Haven't use Windows for years, but have read about "Midi Yoke", or "Hubi's Loopback". I believe they provide some virtual midi ports or connection-points or something along that line.

Yeah, I ended up finding a virtual MIDI hub driver, which I used to test/debug things all in a VirtualBox Windows install ;)

In another message, you said something about XG soundfont. There are some soundfonts with some sort of XG mapping. Of course, those may not have much to do with SYSEX handling, but may provide some lite XG soundbanks/drumsets. Not sure if any of them can qualify to support "XG-Lite" definition from Yamaha.


   yamaha-xg-sound-set.sf2 yamaha-xg-sound-set.sf2
   yamaha_xg_sound_set_re-map.sf2 yamaha_xg_sound_set_re-map.sf2

   Bennet's AnotherXG.sf2


That sounds about right. So it seems there are some SoundFont files which provide instruments in an XG fashion. But the extended SYSEX stuff would need to be handled in FluidSynth, as you hinted to.


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