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Re: [fluid-dev] Compiling fluid synth for windows

From: Damien Henry
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Compiling fluid synth for windows
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 00:07:04 +0200

Hi Graham,

Thanks for your fast answer.

It solve the compilation issue.

Note that it look that the gtk all in one package contains the pkg-config, so it look like only this one is necessary.

I've put it in an "externals_win32" folder and then make a short bat file to do the work with this inside :

SET PATH=%PATH%;../../externals_win32/gtk/bin
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

I can both commit the external file and the "compile_win32.bat" if you are ok with that. (exernals-win32 is not in the fuildsynth dir but i)


+33 (0)6 98 80 04 28

2013/5/3 Graham Goode <address@hidden>
Hi Damien,

Yes, I have successfully built fluidsynth for both 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows using the cmake system. See
http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/fluidsynth/wiki/BuildingWithCMake :
Building on Windows section for what you need to download and

Here is what I wrote in a previous thread, it may have pointers that
will help you too

Yes, you will need to install packages and configure the path and
package-config for each of the additional driver levels.

I assume that you're following the directions from here:

and have pkg-config
and the gtk+ packages already installed and configured (for the GTK+ I
use the all-in-one package

On my system I have put all the required extra packages into c:/libs32
and added c:/libs32/bin to the PATH statement.

For PortAudio support you will either need to get hold of a PortAudio
build (for Win32) - I can offer you mine, or you can build it yourself
(they also use CMake, etc, so it is relatively easy once you have
configured all the sub-driver requirements - ASIOSDK, WASAPI/WDM-KS
dependencies, etc).

You will then need to copy the portaudio.h header into the
C:\libs32\include and the portaudio_x86 .lib and .dll into
C:\libs32\lib and create a package config .pc configuration file.

In C:\libs32\lib\pkgconfig create a file named portaudio-2.0.pc and
use the following example to create your own configuration


Name: portaudio-2.0
Description: Cross Platform AUDIO
Version: 19
Libs: -L${libdir} -lportaudio_x86
Cflags: -I${includedir}

The .lib file contains all the linkages required, regardless of what
drivers are included in the portaudio dll, so you can build portaudio
with just the dsound driver, include that .lib in your build system,
build Fluidsynth with PortAudio support, and then swap in a
portaudio_x86.dll that has other drivers included (ASIO, WASAPI,

You should now be able to tick the PortAudio driver box in CMake and
get a MSVC project that builds Fluidsynth with PortAudio support.

Kind regards,

On 5/3/13, Damien Henry <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi list.
> I'm trying to compile fluidsynth for windows both 32 and 64.
> The .sln are not working. That's not a surprise as they are in the "unused"
> folder ;-)
> The cmake seems to be very Linux oriented as it ask me some PkgConfig.
> CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake
> 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97
> (message):
> Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
> Does anyone succeed to compile it for windows recently and have clues for
> it ?
> Cheers,
> Damien
> @dh7net

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