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[Freeform-dev] Fwd: CHANGE

From: Dina Mckenna
Subject: [Freeform-dev] Fwd: CHANGE
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:59:34 -0400

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If we're left alone, I'll probably sleep right through until tomorrow morning. Hastings House had ordered an unprecedented first printing of a million copies. He thought he had heard the cow bellow like that once before, but it had been an evil sound dimly heard in an evil dream, because then he had been full of his own pain. The man who had done that had been free and healthy and feeling good, and had been without the wit to appreciate any of those fine things. The anger and humiliation surged again, awakening the first dull answering throb in his legs. She drew in breath in one great convulsive gulp, re-starting her own heart, it seemed. The car went over the cliff, and all the kids in the theater were cheering because Rocket Man got out, but I wasn't cheering, Paul.Help me! That seemed obvious. It was great, Annie. He thought he could still hear her laughing and laughing and laughing. ""Do you want the novel, or do you want me to fill out a questionnaire?

She was talking even before she reached him, the breath pluming out of her mouth in shapes like cartoon balloons with no words written inside them. Although her pet writer was now less than thirty-five feet away, Annie's voice remained composed. His father had made a career out of not noticing Paul any more than he absolutely had to, and had, so far as Paul could remember, offered him only a single piece of advice in his entire life. At first he had been able to work only in painfully short bursts — fifteen minutes, maybe half an hour if the story really demanded it of him. "She pointed and Paul thought: I'll bet she did know almost from the very first. But Annie was the head maternity nurse, after all, so she was always going in and out. "He muttered something that meant nothing — something that meant only get out of here, dream voice, get gone. For she was all in white — had not even paused long enough to gather up her robe. these things mattered not at all, these things were only shadows behind the pain. She looked back at him and brushed her hair away from her face — two hard little spots of red had now bloomed the white — with the backs of her hands. The realization had not helped, however, and this had caused him to wonder if perhaps Gary Ruddman hadn't been a lot more serious about Van der Valk than Paul had given him credit for at the time. As soon as she was gone, he slid the flat can out of his underwear and under the mattress. also had a pattern of observed entries arid exits to the nursery which roughly corresponded to the infant deaths. Now she was holding the cross like a spear, the dirt darkened point of its vertical post pointed squarely at the trooper's back. I also knew that there is rarely such a thing as a "minor accident»on those twisty upcountry roads. She straightened up with her hands hanging limply by her sides, looking at the wall where an old photograph of the Arc de Triomphe was hung. Sitting already hurt; the pain would be monstrous by the time she got back, even if she hurried. Let there be light (even of the hazy variety), and the light was good, and so on and so on? " She looked away, unplugged, as silent as one of the stones in the cellar wall, as empty as the first bottle of Pepsi she had drunk. "He released his hold cautiously and allowed himself to fall back on the mattress. In practical terms, what had happened following the thumbectomy and ensuing bout of fever was obvious. He heard a light shuffle-scuffle and looked quickly in the corner, expecting to see the trooper crawling toward him, one brown eye peering from the hash of his face.

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