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Patch to NewField/PrintField.h

From: Dave Nystrom
Subject: Patch to NewField/PrintField.h
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 16:13:40 -0600
User-agent: SEMI/1.13.7 (Awazu) CLIME/1.13.6 (中 ノ庄) MULE XEmacs/21.1 (patch 14) (Cuyahoga Valley) (i386-redhat-linux)

Below is a copy of a patched version of NewField/PrintField.h from the Blanca
branch.  Could someone add the changes to the Blanca branch of Pooma2.  It
adds a couple of update and blockAndEvaluate calls necessary for running in


Dave Nystrom                    email: address@hidden
LANL X-3                        phone: 505-667-7913     fax: 505-665-3046

// -*- C++ -*-
// ACL:license
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This software and ancillary information (herein called "SOFTWARE")
// called POOMA (Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications) is
// made available under the terms described here.  The SOFTWARE has been
// approved for release with associated LA-CC Number LA-CC-98-65.
// Unless otherwise indicated, this SOFTWARE has been authored by an
// employee or employees of the University of California, operator of the
// Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-36 with
// the U.S. Department of Energy.  The U.S. Government has rights to use,
// reproduce, and distribute this SOFTWARE. The public may copy, distribute,
// prepare derivative works and publicly display this SOFTWARE without 
// charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship are 
// reproduced on all copies.  Neither the Government nor the University 
// makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or 
// responsibility for the use of this SOFTWARE.
// If SOFTWARE is modified to produce derivative works, such modified
// SOFTWARE should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with the
// version available from LANL.
// For more information about POOMA, send e-mail to address@hidden,
// or visit the POOMA web page at
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ACL:license
// Classes: 
//   PrintField - information and routines used to print out a
//                Field to a stream.


// Overview:
// PrintField
//    - Extract the elements of a Field and print out the
//      contents to a stream with some nice formatting.  The user can select
//      how many elements to print per line, the precision, format, etc.
//      This is done by constructing an PrintField, and calling the
//      'print' method with the stream to print to and the field to print.

// Includes:

#include "Utilities/PAssert.h"
#include <iomanip>

// Forward References:

class PrintField;

// Full Description:
// PrintField is a utility program for ConstField and Field object, used
// to print (nicely) the contents of an field to a provided stream.  All
// the data in the field will be printed in ascii format; if you want to
// display just a portion of an field, take a view of the field and give
// that to the print() method.
// --------------------------
// When you construct a PrintField, you can give it several format parameters
// to control how to display the field.  These parameters are, in the
// order they are given in the constructor (all have default values):
// domain width: the number of spaces that will be used to print out domain
//               numbers.  If it is 3, say, then domains will be printed like
//               [003:008]
//    - query setting with "domainWidth()"
//    - change setting with "setDomainWidth(int newval)"
// data width: the number of spaces, total, used to print out data values.
//    - query setting with "dataWidth()"
//    - change setting with "setDataWidth(int newval)"
// data precision: the number of digits past the decimal point displayed
//                 when data values are printed
//    - query setting with "dataPrecision()"
//    - change setting with "setDataPrecision(int newval)"
// carriage return: if this value is < 0, then for each row of values from
//                  the field, no carriage return is printed until the end
//                  of the row.  If this number is > 0, it represents the
//                  maximum number of values that will be printed before a
//                  return.  Only the first set of numbers for a row of
//                  the field will have a domain prefix included.
//   - query setting with "carReturn()"
//   - change setting with "setCarReturn(int newval)"
// scientific notation: a boolean flag, if true numbers are printed using
//                      scientific notation, e.g. 10e-14
//   - query setting with "scientific()"
//   - change setting with "setScientific(bool newflag)"
// data spacing: the number of spaces to print between values
//   - query setting with "spacing()"
//   - change setting with "setSpacing(int newval)"
// -----------------------------------------
// PrintField is not templated, so that you can reuse the same formatter
// for different fields.  It has one templated member function 'print':
//   template<class S, class A>
//   void print(S &s, const A &a) const
// where 'S' must be an object with an ostream-like interface (such as
// cout, or an Inform object), and 'A' must be an object with a Field
// interface.  'print' will take data from A and print it to the stream
// using the current format settings.
// 1-D fields just have the one row printed, perhaps on multiple lines
// if carReturn is > 0.  2-D fields are printed as a table, with each
// line prefixed by the domain it includes.  For example:
//   [00:02][00] =          0          0          0
//   [00:02][01] =          0          0          0
// prints the values for [0:2][0:1] of a 2D field.  3-D and higher arrays
// have a sequence of 2-D slices printed for them, each slice separated
// by a line indicating which slice it is, and a separator.  Example:
//   [0:2:1][0:3:1][2]:
//   ----------------------------------------------------
//   [00:02][00][02] =          0          0          0
//   [00:02][01][02] =          0          0          0
//   [00:02][02][02] =          0          0          0
//   [00:02][03][02] =          0          0          0

// Open POOMA namespace:

// namespace POOMA {

// PerformPrintField struct: a simple wrapper around the templated 'print'
// method of PrintField.  This is here as a workaround to a Metrowerks
// problem that prevents having templated member functions defined as
// out-of-line.  This struct defines one static method 'print', which
// prints an field to a stream (the two template parameters).  The Dim
// parameter is used to specialize this to the case of a 1D domain.  This is
// called by the 'print' templated member function of PrintField.

template<class S, class A, int Dim>
struct PerformPrintField
  static void print(const PrintField &, S &, const A &);

template<class S, class A>
struct PerformPrintField<S, A, 1>
  static void print(const PrintField &, S &, const A &);

// PrintAarry class declaration

class PrintField
  // Constructors.

  // Construct an PrintField object with an field, and the settings for
  // how the field should be printed.

  PrintField(int domainWidth = 3, int dataWidth = 10,
             int dataPrecision = 4, int carReturn = -1,
             bool scientific = false, int spacing = 1)
    : domainwidth_m(domainWidth), datawidth_m(dataWidth), 
      dataprecision_m(dataPrecision), carreturn_m(carReturn),
      spacing_m(spacing), scientific_m(scientific)
      PAssert(domainwidth_m > 0);
      PAssert(datawidth_m > 0);
      PAssert(dataprecision_m > 0);
      PAssert(spacing_m >= 0);

  // Copy constructor.

  PrintField(const PrintField &a)
    : domainwidth_m(a.domainwidth_m), datawidth_m(a.datawidth_m),
      dataprecision_m(a.dataprecision_m), carreturn_m(a.carreturn_m),

  // Destructor.


  // PrintField print methods.

  // print this field to the given stream.  This just invokes a
  // static method in an external class in order to get around a
  // Metrowerks bug.

  template<class S, class A>
  void print(S &s, const A &a) const
      int n = a.numSubFields();
      if (n == 0)
          PerformPrintField<S,A,A::dimensions>::print(*this, s, a);
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
              s << "subfield #" << i << ":\n"<< "-------------\n";
              print(s, a[i]);

  // PrintField format settings accessors.

  // get/set the number of places used to print out domain numbers

  int domainWidth() const
      return domainwidth_m;

  void setDomainWidth(int val)
      domainwidth_m = val;
      PAssert(domainwidth_m > 0);

  // get/set the number of places used to print out field data values

  int dataWidth() const
      return datawidth_m;

  void setDataWidth(int val)
      datawidth_m = val;
      PAssert(datawidth_m > 0);

  // get/set the precision of the field data values

  int dataPrecision() const
      return dataprecision_m;

  void setDataPrecision(int val)
      dataprecision_m = val;
      PAssert(dataprecision_m > 0);

  // get/set the number of carriage returns used

  int carReturn() const
      return carreturn_m;

  void setCarReturn(int val)
      carreturn_m = val;

  // get/set the flag indicating whether to use scientific notation

  bool scientific() const
      return scientific_m;

  void setScientific(bool val)
      scientific_m = val;

  // get/set the number of spaces between numbers

  int spacing() const
      return spacing_m;

  void setSpacing(int val)
      spacing_m = val;
      PAssert(spacing_m >= 0);

  // The width for domain numbers.

  int domainwidth_m;

  // The width for field element values.

  int datawidth_m;

  // The precision of the field element values.

  int dataprecision_m;

  // How long before a carriage return is printed.

  int carreturn_m;

  // The number of spaces between values.

  int spacing_m;

  // Should scientific notation be used?

  bool scientific_m;

// PerformPrintField print method definition.
// print takes data from an field, and prints it nicely to a stream.
// S is a template parameter for an ostream-like object.
// A is a template parameter for a Field-like object.
// This is the 1-D specialized case.

template<class S, class A>
PerformPrintField<S,A,1>::print(const PrintField &p, S &s, const A &a)
  // make sure this is the right function

  CTAssert(A::dimensions == 1);

  // Output should update the field before printing. John Hall


  // determine the domain and domain-iterator type in the given field

  typedef typename A::Domain_t              Domain_t;
  typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;

  // create an iterator over the domain of the field

  Iterator_t griditer = a.domain().begin();
  Iterator_t  enditer = a.domain().end();

  // print out the prefix

  s << "[";
  if (a.domain()[0].first() < 0)
    s.fill(' ');
  s << a.domain()[0].first() << ":";
  if (a.domain()[0].last() < 0)
    s.fill(' ');
  s << a.domain()[0].last() << "] = ";
  s.fill(' ');

  // loop over the elements, printing out values as necessary

  int i, printed = 0;
  while (griditer != enditer)
      // determine the number of spaces to print first
      int spacing = 0;
      if (printed > 0)
              spacing = p.spacing();
              if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
              s << "\n";
                  spacing = 2*p.domainWidth() + 6;
                  printed = 0;

      // print out spaces
      for (i=0; i < spacing; ++i)
        s << " ";

      // print the number
      if (p.scientific())
      s <<*griditer);

      // increment iterator and counter

  // print final newline when done

  s << "\n";

// PerformPrintField print method definition.
// print takes data from an field, and prints it nicely to a stream.
// S is a template parameter for an ostream-like object.
// A is a template parameter for a Field-like object.
// This is the N-D general case, for N > 1.  It prints out 2D 'slices' for
// the first two dimensions, and loops over the other dimensions.

template<class S, class A, int Dim>
PerformPrintField<S,A,Dim>::print(const PrintField &p, S &s, const A &a)
  int i, j, k;

  // make sure this is the right function

  CTAssert(A::dimensions == Dim && Dim > 1);

  // Output should update the field before printing. John Hall


  // determine the domain and domain-iterator type in the given field

  typedef typename A::Domain_t              Domain_t;
  typedef typename Domain_t::Element_t      Element_t;
  typedef typename Domain_t::const_iterator Iterator_t;

  // create an iterator over the domain of the field

  Iterator_t griditer = a.domain().begin();
  Iterator_t  enditer = a.domain().end();

  // get 1-D domains info for the first two dimensions, and use these sizes
  // to determine how to do the inner dimensional loops

  Element_t x0 = a.domain()[0].first();
  Element_t x1 = a.domain()[0].last();
  Element_t xs = a.domain()[0].stride();
  Element_t y0 = a.domain()[1].first();
  Element_t y1 = a.domain()[1].last();
  Element_t ys = a.domain()[1].stride();

  // Start looping over all the elements.  We can stop printing when
  // we hit the end of the griditer.  We print out 2D slices, and for
  // higher dimensions, we print out a line saying which slice is coming
  // up next, for example:
  //   [1:5:1][2:8:1][2][4][0]:
  //   -------------------------------------------

  while (griditer != enditer)
      // print out the higher-dim size statement, if necessary
      if (Dim > 2)
              s << '\n' << a.domain()[0] << a.domain()[1];
              for (i=2; i < Dim; ++i)
                s << "[" << (*griditer)[i].first() << "]";
              s << ":" << '\n';
              s << "----------------------------------------------------\n";

      // loop over all the elements of the next 2D slice now
      for (j=y0; j <= y1; j += ys)
              // print out the prefix for the next 2D slice line
              s <<  "[";
          if (x0 < 0)
            s.fill(' ');
          s << x0 << ":";
          if (x1 < 0)
            s.fill(' ');
              s << x1 << "]";
              for (i=1; i < Dim; ++i)
                  s << "[";
              if ((*griditer)[i].first() < 0)
                s.fill(' ');
                  s << (*griditer)[i].first() << "]";
              s.fill(' ');
          s << " = ";

              // print all the values along this 1-D strip
              int printed = 0;
              for (i=x0; i <= x1; i += xs)
              // determine the number of spaces to print first
                  int spacing = 0;
                  if (printed > 0)
                          spacing = p.spacing();
                          if (p.carReturn() >= 0 && printed >= p.carReturn())
                              s << '\n';
                              spacing = (Dim + 1)*(p.domainWidth() + 2) + 4;
                              printed = 0;

                  // print out spaces
                  for (k=0; k < spacing; ++k)
                        s << ' ';

                  // print the number
                  if (p.scientific())
                  s <<*griditer);

                  // increment iterator and counter

              // print final newline when done with this line
              s << '\n';

// } // namespace Pooma


// ACL:rcsinfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $RCSfile: PrintField.h,v $   $Author: oldham $
// $Revision: 1.3 $   $Date: 2001/03/29 18:17:32 $
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ACL:rcsinfo

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