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[PATCH] Use StencilEngine in FieldStencil

From: Richard Guenther
Subject: [PATCH] Use StencilEngine in FieldStencil
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 17:59:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (X11/20040605)

This patch drops nearly all special-casing for FieldStencil in that it uses the StencilEngine implemented in Engine/Stencil.h. The StencilEngine needs to be able to default construct itself and assign to itself for Fields, though. Thus this capability is added until maybe the FieldEngine is fixed.

Tested with the two only FieldStencil tests and the two other Array Stencil tests.

A follow up patch could move the Array specific parts of Engine/Stencil.h to Array/ArrayStencil.h if desired.



2004Jul19  Richard Guenther <address@hidden>

        * src/Field/DiffOps/FieldStencil.h: rip out all
        ApplyFieldStencil engine stuff.
        src/Engine/Stencil.h: prepare StencilEngine being used
        by FieldStencilSimple.
Index: FieldStencil.h
RCS file: /home/pooma/Repository/r2/src/Field/DiffOps/FieldStencil.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 FieldStencil.h
--- FieldStencil.h      16 Jan 2004 22:00:59 -0000      1.5
+++ FieldStencil.h      19 Jul 2004 15:53:10 -0000
@@ -28,11 +28,7 @@
 // Classes: 
-//   ApplyFieldStencil     - Tag class for defining an engine capable of
-//                           applying a Field-based stencil.
-//   FieldStencil          - A wrapper class for a user-defined stencil.
-//   Engine                - Specialization for ApplyFieldStencil
-//   NewEngine             - Specializations for ApplyFieldStencil
+//   FieldStencilSimple    - A wrapper class for a user-defined stencil.
@@ -42,7 +38,7 @@
  * @ingroup DiffOps
  * @brief
  * This file contains the equipment required to write differential operators
- * that take the form of stencil objects.
+ * that take the form of stencil objects using Fields.
@@ -51,358 +47,12 @@
 #include "Domain/Interval.h"
 #include "Engine/Engine.h"
+#include "Engine/Stencil.h"
 #include "Layout/INode.h"
 #include "Layout/Node.h"
 #include "PETE/ErrorType.h"
 #include "Field/FieldOffset.h"
-// Forward declarations
-template <int Dim>
-class DomainLayout;
-template<class Functor> class FieldStencil;
- * ApplyFieldStencil is just a tag class for the field-stencil-application
- * engine.
- */
-template <class Functor, class Expression>
-struct ApplyFieldStencil;
- * Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> > is a specialization
- * of Engine for ApplyFieldStencil<Functor>. It uses the supplied stencil 
- * object to apply an arbitrary operation to the input field.
- */
-template<int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Expression>
-class Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> >
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Exported typedefs and constants
-  typedef ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression>   Tag_t;
-  typedef Functor                                  Functor_t;
-  typedef Expression                               Expression_t;
-  typedef Engine<Dim, T, Tag_t>                    This_t;
-  typedef This_t                                   Engine_t;
-  typedef Interval<Dim>                            Domain_t;
-  typedef T                                        Element_t;
-  typedef ErrorType                                ElementRef_t;
-  typedef typename Expression_t::Engine_t          ExprEngine_t;
-  typedef DomainLayout<Dim>                        Layout_t;
-  enum { dimensions = Dim };
-  enum { hasDataObject = ExprEngine_t::hasDataObject };
-  enum { dynamic = false };
-  enum { zeroBased = ExprEngine_t::zeroBased };
-  enum { multiPatch = ExprEngine_t::multiPatch };
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Construct uninitialized Field stencil objects.  It's an error to use an
-  // uninitialized engine, but we need to be able to create uninitialized
-  // engines as placeholders to enable deferred initialization of fields.
-  Engine()
-    : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()), field_m(), functor_m()
-  {
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Generic layout constructor lets you build an empty stencil object that
-  // has a given domain.
-  template<class Layout2>
-  explicit Engine(const Layout2 &layout)
-    : domain_m(layout.domain()), field_m(), functor_m()
-  {
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Construct from a stencil, an input field, and a new total domain.
-  // Note: the way domains work with FieldStencils is a little screwy.
-  // When originally constructing a FieldStencil, the domain of the engine
-  // must match the total domain of the stenciled field in order for the
-  // indexing to work. This is why the zeroBased trait above is false.
-  Engine(const Functor_t &functor, const Expression_t &f, 
-        const Interval<Dim> &domain)
-    : domain_m(domain), field_m(f), functor_m(functor)
-    {
-      for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-        {
-          firsts_m[d] = domain[d].first();
-          offset_m[d] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Construct from another ApplyFieldStencil and an Interval. This is 
-  // simpler than with other domains since we just need to bump the offset.
-  Engine(const This_t &e, const Interval<Dim> &domain)
-    : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()), field_m(e.field()), functor_m(e.functor())
-    {
-      for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-        {
-          domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(domain[d].length());
-          offset_m[d] = e.offset_m[d] + domain[d].first();
-          firsts_m[d] = 0;
-        }   
-    }    
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Construct from a new expression and another ApplyFieldStencil.
-  template<class OtherExp>
-  Engine(const Expression &f,
-        const Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, OtherExp> > &e)
-    : domain_m(e.domain()),
-      field_m(f),
-      functor_m(e.functor())
-  {
-    for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-    {
-      offset_m[d] = e.offset(d);
-      firsts_m[d] = e.first(d);
-    }   
-  }    
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Construct from an ApplyFieldStencilNew with a different expression
-  // and an INode.
-  template<class OtherExp>
-  Engine(const Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, OtherExp> > &e,
-        const INode<Dim> &inode)
-    : domain_m(Pooma::NoInit()),
-      field_m(e.field()(e.viewDomain(inode))),
-      functor_m(e.functor())
-  {
-    for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-    {
-      domain_m[d] = Interval<1>(inode.domain()[d].length());
-      offset_m[d] = e.functor().lowerExtent(d);
-      firsts_m[d] = 0;
-    }   
-  }    
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Copy constructor.
-  Engine(const This_t &model)
-    : domain_m(model.domain()), field_m(model.field()), 
-      functor_m(model.functor())
-    {
-      for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-        {
-          offset_m[d] = model.offset_m[d];
-          firsts_m[d] = model.firsts_m[d];
-        }   
-    }    
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Shallow assignment.
-  This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
-  {
-    domain_m = model.domain();
-    functor_m = model.functor();
-    field_m.fieldEngine() = model.field().fieldEngine();
-    for (int d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-    {
-      offset_m[d] = model.offset_m[d];
-      firsts_m[d] = model.firsts_m[d];
-    }   
-    return *this;
-  }    
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Element access via ints for speed.
-  inline Element_t read(int i) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      i + offset_m[0]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t read(int i, int j) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      i + offset_m[0],
-                      j + offset_m[1]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t read(int i, int j, int k) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      i + offset_m[0],
-                      j + offset_m[1],
-                      k + offset_m[2]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t read(const Loc<1> &loc) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      loc[0].first() + offset_m[0]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t read(const Loc<2> &loc) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      loc[0].first() + offset_m[0],
-                      loc[1].first() + offset_m[1]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t read(const Loc<3> &loc) const 
-    {
-      return functor_m(field(),
-                      loc[0].first() + offset_m[0],
-                      loc[1].first() + offset_m[1],
-                      loc[2].first() + offset_m[2]
-                      );
-    }
-  inline Element_t operator()(int i) const 
-    {
-      return read(i);
-    }
-  inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j) const 
-    {
-      return read(i, j);
-    }
-  inline Element_t operator()(int i, int j, int k) const 
-    {
-      return read(i, j, k);
-    }
-  inline Element_t operator()(const Loc<Dim> &loc) const 
-    {
-      return read(loc);
-    }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Return the domain.
-  inline const Domain_t &domain() const { return domain_m; }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Return the first value for the specified direction.
-  inline int first(int i) const
-  {
-    PAssert(i >= 0 && i < Dim);
-    return firsts_m[i];
-  }
-  inline int offset(int i) const
-  {
-    PAssert(i >= 0 && i < Dim);
-    return offset_m[i];
-  }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Accessors.
-  inline const Expression_t &field() const { return field_m; }
-  inline const Functor_t &functor() const { return functor_m; }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Need to pass lock requests to the contained engine.
-  template<class RequestType>
-  inline
-  typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t
-  dataObjectRequest(const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &req) const
-    {
-      return field().engine().dataObjectRequest(req);
-    }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // viewDomain() gives the region of the expression needed to compute a given
-  // region of the stencil.
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  inline
-  Interval<Dim> viewDomain(const Interval<Dim> &domain) const
-  {
-    Interval<Dim> ret;
-    int d;
-    for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-    {
-      ret[d] =
-       Interval<1>(
-                   domain[d].first() + offset_m[d] - functor().lowerExtent(d),
-                   domain[d].last() + offset_m[d] + functor().upperExtent(d)
-                   );
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  inline
-  INode<Dim> viewDomain(const INode<Dim> &inode) const
-  {
-    return INode<Dim>(inode, viewDomain(inode.domain()));
-  }
-  inline
-  Interval<Dim> intersectDomain() const
-  {
-    Interval<Dim> ret;
-    int d;
-    for (d = 0; d < Dim; ++d)
-    {
-      ret[d] =
-       Interval<1>(
-                   domain_m[d].first() + offset_m[d],
-                   domain_m[d].last() + offset_m[d]
-                   );
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  Interval<Dim> domain_m;
-  Expression_t field_m;
-  Functor_t functor_m;
-  int offset_m[Dim];
-  int firsts_m[Dim];
- * NewEngine<Engine,SubDomain>
- *
- * Specializations of NewEngine for subsetting a constant-function-engine with
- * an arbitrary domain. 
- */
-template <int Dim, class T, class F, class E>
-struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<F,E> >, Interval<Dim> >
-  typedef Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<F,E> > Type_t;
-template <int Dim, class T, class F, class E>
-struct NewEngine<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<F,E> >, INode<Dim> >
-  typedef typename View1<E, INode<Dim> >::Type_t NewExpr_t;
-  typedef ApplyFieldStencil<F, NewExpr_t> NewTag_t;
-  typedef Engine<Dim, T, NewTag_t > Type_t;
  * There are potentially many ways to construct field stencils.
@@ -494,7 +144,7 @@
   typedef typename Functor::OutputElement_t OutputElement_t;
-  typedef ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> OutputEngineTag_t;
+  typedef StencilEngine<Functor, Expression> OutputEngineTag_t;
   typedef Field<MeshTag_t, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> Type_t;
   typedef Engine<outputDim, OutputElement_t, OutputEngineTag_t> SEngine_t;
@@ -574,220 +224,6 @@
- * Specializations for selecting the appropriate evaluator for the Stencil
- * engine.  We just get the appropriate types from the Expression's engine.
- */
-template<class Functor, class Expression>
-struct EvaluatorEngineTraits<ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> >
-  typedef typename CreateLeaf<Expression>::Leaf_t Expr_t;
-  typedef typename
-    ForEach<Expr_t, EvaluatorTypeTag, EvaluatorCombineTag>::Type_t
-      Evaluator_t;
- * FieldStencilIntersector is a special intersector that gets used when we come
- * across a stencil object in an expression.
- */
-template<int Dim, class Intersect>
-class FieldStencilIntersector
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Exported typedefs and constants
-  typedef typename Intersect::IntersectorData_t         IntersectorData_t;
-  typedef FieldStencilIntersector<Dim, Intersect>       This_t;
-  typedef typename IntersectorData_t::const_iterator    const_iterator;
-  typedef RefCountedPtr<IntersectorData_t>              DataPtr_t;
-  typedef Interval<Dim>                                 Domain_t;
-  enum { dimensions = Intersect::dimensions };
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Constructors
-  FieldStencilIntersector(const This_t &model)
-    : domain_m(model.domain_m), stencilExtent_m(model.stencilExtent_m),
-      intersector_m(model.intersector_m)
-  { }
-  FieldStencilIntersector(const Domain_t &dom, const Intersect &intersect,
-                 const GuardLayers<Dim> &stencilExtent)
-    : domain_m(dom), stencilExtent_m(stencilExtent), intersector_m(intersect)
-  { }
-  This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
-  {
-    if (this != &model)
-    {
-      domain_m = model.domain_m;
-      stencilExtent_m = model.stencilExtent_m;
-      intersector_m = model.intersector_m;
-    }
-    return *this;
-  }
-  ~FieldStencilIntersector() { }
-  inline DataPtr_t &data() { return; }
-  inline const DataPtr_t &data() const { return; }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Accessors
-  // STL iterator support.
-  inline const_iterator begin() const { return data()->inodes_m.begin(); }
-  inline const_iterator end() const { return data()->inodes_m.end(); }
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Intersect routines
-  // All domains.
-  template<class Engine>
-  inline void intersect(const Engine &engine) 
-  {
-    typedef typename NewEngine<Engine, Interval<Dim> >::Type_t NewEngine_t;
-    NewEngine_t newEngine(engine, domain_m);
-    intersector_m.intersect(newEngine);
-    data()->shared(engine.layout().ID(), newEngine.layout().ID());
-  }
-  template<class Engine, int Dim2>
-  inline bool intersect(const Engine &engine, const GuardLayers<Dim2> &,
-                       GuardLayers<Dim> &usedGuards) 
-  {
-    intersect(engine);
-    // FIXME: accumulate used guards from intersect above and
-    // stencil extent? I.e. allow  Stencil<>(a(i-1)+a(i+1))?
-    usedGuards = stencilExtent_m;
-    return true;
-  }
-  Interval<Dim> domain_m;
-  GuardLayers<Dim> stencilExtent_m;
-  Intersect     intersector_m;
- * IntersectEngine specialization
- */
-template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Expression, class Intersect>
-struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor,Expression> >,
-  ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > >
-  typedef int Type_t;
-  static
-  int apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor,Expression> > 
-           &engine, const ExpressionApply<IntersectorTag<Intersect> > &tag)
-  {
-    // We offset the domain to get a domain in the viewed engine that
-    // the stencil looks at.  The intersection is performed with a view
-    // of the contained engine over this domain.  The resulting answer works
-    // even though the stencil looks beyond this domain, because the viewed
-    // field guarantees enough guard layers for the stencil to work.
-    // (Presently this assumption isn't checked anywhere, so a lack of guard
-    // cells results in an error in the multipatch inode view.)
-    typedef FieldStencilIntersector<Dim, Intersect> NewIntersector_t;
-    GuardLayers<Dim> stencilExtent;
-    for (int i=0; i<Dim; ++i) {
-      stencilExtent.lower(i) = engine.functor().lowerExtent(i);
-      stencilExtent.upper(i) = engine.functor().upperExtent(i);
-    }
-    NewIntersector_t newIntersector(engine.intersectDomain(),
-                                   tag.tag().intersector_m,
-                                   stencilExtent);
-    expressionApply(engine.field(),
-                   IntersectorTag<NewIntersector_t>(newIntersector));
-    return 0;
-  }
-template<class RequestType> class DataObjectRequest;
- * Specialization of DataObjectRequest engineFunctor to pass the request to
- * the contained engine.
- */
-template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Expression, class RequestType>
-struct EngineFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor,Expression> >,
-  DataObjectRequest<RequestType> >
-  typedef typename DataObjectRequest<RequestType>::Type_t Type_t;
-  static Type_t
-  apply(const Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> > &engine,
-       const DataObjectRequest<RequestType> &tag)
-  {
-    return engineFunctor(engine.field().engine(), tag);
-  }
- * The generic version of EngineView just accesses the contained engine and
- * applies EngineView to it.
- *
- * The default version doesn't fiddle with the domain, since it is assumed
- * that the typical view doesn't need to.  Specializations will be required
- * for INode views etc...  Probably we should come up with a generic approach.
- */
-template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Expression, class Tag>
-struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor,Expression> >,
-  EngineView<Tag> >
-  typedef LeafFunctor<Expression, EngineView<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
-  typedef typename LeafFunctor_t::Type_t NewViewed_t;
-  typedef Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, NewViewed_t> > Type_t;
-  static
-  Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T,
-              ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> > &engine,
-              const EngineView<Tag> &tag)
-  {
-    return Type_t(LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.field(), tag),
-                 engine
-                 );
-  }
-template <int Dim, class T, class Functor, class Expression, class Tag>
-struct LeafFunctor<Engine<Dim, T, ApplyFieldStencil<Functor,Expression> >,
-  ExpressionApply<Tag> >
-  typedef LeafFunctor<Expression, ExpressionApply<Tag> > LeafFunctor_t;
-  typedef int Type_t;
-  static
-  Type_t apply(const Engine<Dim, T,
-              ApplyFieldStencil<Functor, Expression> > &engine,
-              const ExpressionApply<Tag> &tag)
-  {
-    return LeafFunctor_t::apply(engine.field(), tag);
-  }
Index: Stencil.h
RCS file: /home/pooma/Repository/r2/src/Engine/Stencil.h,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -u -r1.50 Stencil.h
--- Stencil.h   16 Jan 2004 22:00:59 -0000      1.50
+++ Stencil.h   19 Jul 2004 15:54:04 -0000
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
 #include "Utilities/WrappedInt.h"
 template<int D, class T, class E> class Array;
+template<class M, class T, class E> class Field;
 template<class ST> class Stencil;
@@ -246,6 +247,22 @@
   enum { multiPatch = ExprEngine_t::multiPatch };
   enum { zeroBased = true };
+  // FIXME: using any of the two below disables using of
+  // expression engines as Expression type, because these
+  // are not default-constructible.
+  // Only FieldEngine ever default-constructs these, though.
+  Engine()
+    : function_m(), expression_m(), domain_m(Pooma::NoInit())
+  {
+  }
+  template <class Layout2>
+  explicit Engine(const Layout2 &layout)
+    : function_m(), expression_m(), domain_m(layout.domain())
+  {
+  }
   // Construct from a Function object (effectively a stencil)
   // and an expression (effectively the input array), and
@@ -307,6 +324,30 @@
+  template <int Dim, class Tx, class EngineTag>
+  void initExpressionFromModel(const Array<Dim, Tx, EngineTag>& model)
+  {
+    expression_m.engine() = model.engine();
+  }
+  template <class Mesh, class Tx, class EngineTag>
+  void initExpressionFromModel(const Field<Mesh, Tx, EngineTag>& model)
+  {
+    expression_m.fieldEngine() = model.fieldEngine();
+  }
+  This_t &operator=(const This_t &model)
+  {
+    domain_m = model.domain();
+    function_m = model.function();
+    initExpressionFromModel(model.expression());
+    for (int d = 0; d < D; ++d)
+    {
+      domain_m[d] = model.domain()[d];
+      offset_m[d] = model.offset(d);
+    }
+  }
   // Element access via ints for speed.  The arguments correspond to
   // output elements, not input elements.
@@ -452,6 +493,7 @@
   inline const Function   &function() const   { return function_m; }
   inline const Expression &expression() const { return expression_m; }
+  int offset(int d) const { return offset_m[d]; }
@@ -612,6 +654,9 @@
     : function_m(init)
   { }
+  /// @name Array apply
+  //@{
   template<int D, class T, class E>
   typename View1<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E> >::Type_t
   operator()(const Array<D,T,E>& expr) const
@@ -628,6 +673,8 @@
     typedef View2<Stencil<Function>,Array<D,T,E>,Dom> Ret_t;
     return Ret_t::make(*this,expr,domain);
+  //@}
   template<int D>

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