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POOMA and Cheetah Release Testing Information

From: Jeffrey D. Oldham
Subject: POOMA and Cheetah Release Testing Information
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 19:13:26 -0700
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I collected all the testing information into a table. Let's try to keep it up-to-date as we test.

I'll try to do some testing tomorrow.  Thanks.

Jeffrey D. Oldham

Serial POOMA 2.4.1 Testing
Serial POOMA testing consists of running all the regression tests.

compiler        arch    pass / fail
gcc 3.3.4       ia32    <untested>
gcc 3.4         ia32    dynamic_array_test5.cpp fails b/c STL iterator problem
gcc 3.4         amd64   dynamic_array_test5.cpp fails b/c STL iterator problem
Intel 7.1       ia32    dynamic_array_test5.cpp fails b/c STL iterator problem

Parallel POOMA 2.4.1 Testing
How do we test this?

compiler        arch    parallel        pass/ fail
gcc 3.3.4       ia32    Cheetah+MPI     <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.3.4       ia32    Cheetah+MM      <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.4         ia32    Cheetah+MPI     <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.4         ia32    Cheetah+MM      <untested; Oldham>
Intel 8.0       ia64    OpenMP          compiler problems for array_test5, 

Cheetah 1.1.4 Testing
Run all Cheetah regression tests.

compiler        arch    parallel        pass/ fail
gcc 3.3.4       ia32    MPI             <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.3.4       ia32    MM              <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.4         ia32    MPI             <untested; Oldham>
gcc 3.4         ia32    MM              <untested; Oldham>

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