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[FR-devel] Re: FXScintilla interface (was: First Post)

From: Richard Kilmer
Subject: [FR-devel] Re: FXScintilla interface (was: First Post)
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 20:36:58 -0400

Lyle, Gillis, et al-

Sorry for the delay in this...I was in fact working on the iface_gen.rb file (Ruby generator for Scintilla.iface). Anyway, this file is part of the FreeRIDE project and is available in the CVS repository located on Savannah.

I have reworked the generator quite a bit to get rid of CamelCase methods and replace them with underscore_methods and alias the set and get methods with Ruby accessors (foo, foo=, foo?, etc) which aligns more with the 'Ruby way'. I have posted the API here:

These are only the (two) generated mixin modules. The first mixin is the Scintilla module which gives you the Ruby API for sending messages based on calling methods. To use this you simply mix it into a class that implements 'send_message(id, wp, lp).

There is now an ScintillaEvents module that you can mixin to give you a better API for handling events. You just dispatch the fxscintilla 'scn' object to the handler method like this:

scintilla =, nil, 0, LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FILL_Y)
scintilla.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do |sender, sel, scn|, scn.nmhdr.code, scn)

class MyHandler
  include Scintilla::ScintillaEvents

This mixin gives you empty methods you can override with a nice syntax:

def on_style_needed(position)
def on_char_added(ch)
def on_save_point_reached
def on_save_point_left
def on_modify_attempt_ro
def on_key(ch, modifiers)
def on_double_click
def on_update_ui
def on_modified(position, modification_type, text, length, lines_added, line, fold_level_now, fold_level_prev)
def on_macro_record(message, w_param, l_param)
def on_margin_click(modifiers, position, margin)
def on_need_shown(position, length)
def on_painted
def on_user_list_selection(list_type, text)
def on_uri_dropped(text)
def on_dwell_start(position)
def on_dwell_end(position)
def on_zoom
def on_pos_changed(position)

I also wrote a 'port' of the setup done for SciTE on the component based on parameters. These are all found in the fxscintilla directory under:


There is a fxscintilla_test.rb file that creates a FXScintilla widget and sets it up to syntax highlite Ruby code.

If you look in the freeride/plugins/rubyide_fox_gui/fxscintilla/util directory you will find my emitter.

This is what we are using for FreeRIDE. If you want the API wrapped/emitted just use the iface_gen.rb file to generate the scintilla_wrapper.rb file. That may be enough for the FXRuby distro...that is up to you Lyle.



On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 03:59  PM, Gilles Filippini wrote:

"address@hidden" wrote:

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 08:13:54 -0400, Richard Kilmer <address@hidden> wrote :

Just a note for you (and others). I just refactored the Scintilla API
(it is generated) in a major way (got rid of CamelCase by emitting
underscore_methods). Also, I am going to modify the EditPane to support
an 'extended' API which will surface ALL of the Scintilla methods to
enable exactly what you are talking about without changing the core code. Will upload all that later today. Oh, and my updates to Scintilla bring it up to current (FXScintilla) scintilla.iface format (including a nicely
generated event handling mechanism.

Rich & Gilles,

I admittedly haven't paid much attention to the maintenance of the
'fox/scintilla.rb' file included with FXRuby, since I personally don't use the FXScintilla widget much. I do make a point of updating its contents from the latest 'Scintilla.iface' file whenever Gilles makes a new FXScintilla release, and I'm using a translator script (named 'iface.rb') that Gilles
updated for me recently.

The question is, should I instead be using Rich's translator script? Does it matter? I just want to do what makes sense here, so that we don't have two
completely different APIs floating around ;)

Thanks in advance for your guidance,

Lyle, use whatever translator script you want. I've had to maintain my
own script just because I didn't succeed obtaining the Rich's one. When
his script is made public, I'll have a good reason to drop mine.


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