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Re: [fsf-community-team] What's in a name............

From: Marc Coevoet
Subject: Re: [fsf-community-team] What's in a name............
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 20:43:18 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Diego Trujillo schreef:
Hello Everyone,

I have also had problems when explaining free software to people (even in spanish where free (as in freedom) is 'libre' and free (as in free beer) is 'gratis'). The most recent example is when I was invited to contribute to a free software project and one of my friends said to me "well you start producing free but one day you'll get paid for non-free software." Even after explaining the price-liberty diference he couldn't quite grasp it.

It is not always free/gratis ... It is the fact "OPEN" source code that is important.

Archimedes is open source, Euclides too, Newton and Einstein too.

Only rounded corners in windows can be patented.

A National Socialist would say "only artwork can be patented".

So, you, who want to invest in patents, be aware ;-)


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