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[fsf-community-team] Correcting Some Misinformation...

From: Lefty (石鏡 )
Subject: [fsf-community-team] Correcting Some Misinformation...
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 09:50:51 -0800
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

It¹s curious to see the contributions of Mr. Lozza on this list, in which I
seem to be figuring in a prominent way. I¹m hoping that the ³FSF Community
Response Team² is going to find better things to do with itself than talk
smack about those not present and compile lists of enemies, the better to
conduct witch-hunts with, my dear.

That aside, I¹d point out that _every_ company which has a representative on
the GNOME Foundation Advisory Board ³bought² that seat for its
representative. The funding provided by Advisory Board memberships
represents, by a substantial margin, the bulk of the income received by the
GNOME Foundation. The Advisory Board has no say in the actual operation of
the Foundation, but we do get to advise the Board of Directors, as the name
suggests. The Board of Directors is free to ignore that advice, if they
choose to do so.

Were it not for the Advisory Board‹and anyone who cares to confirm this is
welcome to inspect the Foundation¹s financial statements‹there would be no
ability to produce the numerous activities, from hackfests to GUADEC, which
the Foundation conducts and promotes. There would be no travel fund, no
Executive Director. There would, in fact, be not much of anything at all.

Before anyone starts making noise about ³corporate interests², or ³being
coöpted², or anything of the sort, you might want to take a gander at the
FSF¹s own ³Corporate Patrons² page.

You might want to focus on facts rather than malinformed rumors on this
list, stick to "advocacy" as opposed to gossip, and you might want to
attempt to gently steer Mr. Lozza in particular away from his habit of
making inane and off-topic personal attacks, since he¹s making every effort
to drag me, and now Stormy Peters, in for what he evidently hopes will be a
general raking-over-the-coals.

If Mr. Lozza proves unable to restrain the ³enthusiasm² displayed in his
contributions so far, he may not be an ideal candidate for membership in
this group, since he is obviously unclear on his facts and apparently unable
to keep his own personal animus in check.

Just sayin¹.

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